Those of you who have followed my blog for a while know about my elderly cat. She has had problems for the past year and a half or so.
Today, she finally gave in. She declined rapidly since yesterday and was very weak. We were going to take her to be euthanized, but she didn’t seem in pain and I did not want to put her through the trauma of a car ride and going to a strange place, so we wanted to wait a bit. After lunch (so thankful I work at home), I put her in my lap and she just went peacefully about 15 minutes later. I was so grateful that it was peaceful and that I was with her.
I was very lucky to have her in my life for over 18 years; she brought us a lot of joy, laughter, love and purring. There is a huge hole right now in our lives.
This is a photo of her enjoying a sunspot and looking so peaceful.