Made more soup. Actually, it was more of a broth. Super easy – I took one bag of frozen butternut squash cubes, 1/4 cup of chopped onion (which I pureed, of course) sauteed in 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 4 cups of vegetable broth and simmered for 20 minutes. Then put the stick blender in and whizzed it all up. It came out thinner than I had wanted, but I had a bowl for dinner last night along with some kale chips. I think that is the last time for kale for me The soup is pretty mild, almost sweet and only came out to about 70 calories per cup.
Today I wanted something hot for lunch, and soup sounded good, but I wanted a heartier soup. So, I thought I would heat up a cup of my butternut squash soup and add 3 tablespoons of couscous. Then for protein I chopped up the end of the smoked ham from christmas and added it. It was so good! The soup thickened up nicely, and the ham added a great salty contrast to the sweet base.
And the best thing – it took less than 10 minutes from start to finish!
On the workout front, today seemed hard. I got up this morning to do a DVD, and I just wasn’t into it, although I finished it and was quite sweaty. Same with the strength training. Not sure why, but it was a real chore. In fact – I have a few weight exercises left to do later, I was just too tired to continue.
Still tweaking the Loribar experiments. Tasty, but a little dry – so more playing around to do. The protein powder is making them dry, and I need some other binder since water doesn’t work.