That was some warm weather that blew in today. We hit highs in the mid 70s, can you believe that? It felt like May, not March! We actually had our first breakfast ride of the year. We’ve been able to walk downtown for most of the winter because it has been more mild, but the biggest reason was the lack of snow so the sidewalks were walkable most of the days.
It’s almost more than I can stand with the warm temps and nothing in the garden yet LOL. I’m getting so impatient. My mom had gotten me a subscription to Birds and Blooms as a Christmas gift, and the first issue of that arrived, which just gets the spring feeling going even more:
That article headline at the top about helping pollinators — that’s my goal for the gardens, essentially. I don’t use pesticides and try to choose plants that bees, butterflies and hummingbirds like (and me). I will have to get some Sluggo for slugs and snails, though, as they had a field day in my shade bed I’ve been working on.
We walked downtown this evening and the sky was spring gorgeous!
Isn’t it amazing how weather can affect your mood?
Of course, it feels like summer, but it sure doesn’t look like it. This was from yesterday’s ride:
Of course, last year at this time the path still had snow on it. Not this year!
My biking bud <3
Temps are going to cool back down to the 50s, but that’s still great for this time of year. Lots of biking to be done! I’ve already got 45 miles on the bike so far this year.