Category Archives: bagels

Cold eats

Kind of a gray day today and a little chilly.  We headed out to Panera so I could get my Sunday bagel fix!

Sorry for the flash.  The lighting at Panera Bread is terrible!

John had one of the new strawberry scones.  It was pretty good, may have to try it myself instead of a bagel sometime (gasp!).

I will tell you that yesterday was a horrible eating day for me.  I had 1 fruit and no veggies all day.  So, that was one day of my veggie challenge that doesn’t pass LOL!  I really need to give myself a little tough love on weekends.  Or a lot of tough love.  Maybe that will be my challenge for this week.

So today, bring on the protein and the produce.

Lunch was pretty orange!

I mixed some cottage cheese with strawberry protein powder and filled the cantaloupe.  This was good, but cold.  I had a serious chill after lunch.  Sat there in a blanket while I worked with some tea!

The only hot thing I had today besides tea was this latte:

Dinner was more cold stuff.  I am so happy to have chicken back!  We stopped at the smokehouse yesterday and got a plethora of meat for the freezer.

This salad had 4 cups of spring mix!  Now that is a lot of veggies :mrgreen:

With strawberries.  Look at this berry – I wonder if it was grown near 3-mile island?

Tonight’s snack? I mixed up 1/2 cup of water with a 1/2 scoop of protein powder, 1 tsp of cocoa powder (for richness) and some konjac powder.  Let it sit for a while and I got a pudding out of it.

Check it out!  Topped with a little marshmallow fluff – oh yes.  This stuff is crazy!  I might try some of those noodles, but I am a little scared.

Work is done and it is laundry time!

Produce challenge:

F:  1/2 cantaloupe, strawberries

V:  baby carrots, 4 cups of spring mix.

Bagels and settling the mind.

I had a great night’s sleep – yay!  I wanted to stay up and watch the short track, but couldn’t make it past the semi-finals.  We headed on out to breakfast at Panera Bread.  I had a french toast bagel.  So good.

The coffee had grounds in it again, though.  What is up with that?? Only in my cup (twice), but not in John’s.  Still trying to figure that one out.

Slow work day this morning, so I got some much needed things done around the house.  I have a monster paper pile I am trying to tame, mostly junk mail, but other things as well.

We went grocery shopping today, and strawberries were on sale for $2 a pound!  You know who bought 3 boxes 😀  I had to incorporate into lunch today:

This is one of my very favorite combos – greek yogurt, strawberries, and hemp plus granola.  I have had cereal out of the house for quite a while, so I let a little back in.  I buy it from the bulk bin, so I can get as little as I want.  As you all know, I have a cereal snackage problem at times.
I need to see how well I do with this in the house.  If I am okay, we might buy a box of Kashi next week.   Baby steps.

Now that things have settled down, I have myself into a good routine again.  However, I am finding my mind still all over the place and racing around.  Meditation doesn’t seem to work as I can’t stop thinking about stuff.  Things that happened, things that are happening, things that could/are going to happen.  I guess I am just an inherent spazz, I don’t know.  Maybe it will just take longer to settle down my head and the longer I am in my physical routine, the better that will get?  I have decided it’s time to make some decisions on goal weight and all that and what I want to do.  After I finish work tonight, I am going to sit down and write out the pros and cons of what that will take and share them tomorrow.  I at least need to outline my goals for the week.

Went out for a chilly walk (not as warm out as yesterday!) then came back to a snack of this (x2):

And a latte.  I am so spoiled having my own barista in John, as he makes these pretty much every day for me since I started my job a year ago.

I also got some Cedar’s Lemon Hummus at the store today.  Gosh I love that stuff!  I used it for dinner in wrap with chicken.

Brussels and a very juicy bit of cantaloupe on the side.  I love fruit so much.  I swear that if fruit contained protein, that is all I would eat other than bagels :mrgreen:

After signing off, I am going to have a snack of crustless pumpkin pie.  John stole a can from my pumpkin stash 😯  and made this, so I am darn well going to eat some!  It’s yummy, though.  Who says pumpkin is just for Thanksgiving??

And because you all seem to like her pictures, Pixie posed for you doing what she does best:

Question:  Do you ever put a food ‘on hiatus’?

Running and movie-ing!-

A nice Saturday!  Woke up to a few inches of snow that we weren’t expecting!  Here I am in the blue snow glow of the morning (eating a balance bar):

Oh well – I waded through it to get to the car and hit the gym.  I got there right when it opened and I was the only one there for a while.  It was not any more crowded than Saturdays normally are, so don’t know if anyone new has joined with the new year.  The weather might have kept some people away.  I hopped on the treadmill and busted out 5 miles, pretty much straight forward.  I did 3 of the miles at 6mph.  For some reason, it went really fast.  John met me at the gym and then we picked up my mother to go out for brekkie.  My dad opted out today.  Hit up Panera Bread, where I got a cranberry nut bagel.

Very tasty!  Plus about 3 cups of coffee 😳   After our relaxing and chatting, we didn’t get home until after 11!  I finally got in a shower by noon.

Had a quick lunch of tuna salad on a waffle and the last of the strawberries.

Then we went out to a matinee movie.  I have not been to the theater since Dark Knight.  That’s 1.5 years ago!  I’m very picky about my movies, not to mention the expense.  Plus, usually someone ruins the movie by talking too much.  Anyhoo – we saw this movie!

I really liked it.  Disney went back to hand animation for this film and it was beautiful.  Classic Disney!  Yay!  Definitely recommend this for anyone to see, although it might be a little scary in parts for smaller children.  And it makes me want to eat beignets 😀

We realized that we hadn’t had our lattes when we got home- so we pushed back dinner to enjoy these:

Plus a bit of dark chocolate.

Finally getting leftovers cleared out of the fridge.  Stir-fry for dinner with cooked chicken, broccoli, pineapple, and teriyaki sauce.

Who says leftovers can’t be good!

Doing well with the eating this weekend, which is a good start to the year.  Tomorrow will be a test, as it starts the work week for me and Sundays tend to be problematic.  Hopefully I can get some good sleep tonight.

I seem to struggle with sleeping late enough and it doesn’t matter if the room is dark or not (and caffeine or not seems to make no difference).  John suggested that I might need a more substantial evening snack or a later snack because I might just be waking up because I am very hungry (which I am).  So, I might try that this week and see what happens.

Question:  How often do you go to the movies? What was the last one you saw?

Biking and bagels and health watch news.

The rain finally ended overnight with the low at 47 when we woke up.  That is within the bike riding threshold, so we hit the road.  Decided on street route only, as the path probably would have eaten us alive like quicksand!  I don’t mind the road riding on an early weekend morning when the traffic is very light.  We actually go a little faster since the road is smoother.   Interesting how much the gravel path slows you down.

Panera bread for a chocolate chip bagel and 3 cups of coffee!  :O


The ride home was a little slower.  John just wasn’t feeling fast today, so I let him go ahead.  I tend to really push the pace, but didn’t want to leave him behind (aren’t I the good wife??).

Sigh… back to work today.  It is nice working at home and can have the football on in the background.  I just pay attention when the good stuff happens LOL!

Speaking of work in the medical field, I was contacted by the Healthcare Association Watch about preventing health-care associated infections.  Here is a link to more information on that where you can watch some videos and read more about what can be done.  While it is important for those of you that are health care workers to follow these guidelines, it is also extremely important for all of us to take our own protective measures.  When you see your physician – don’t be afraid to ask him/her to wash their hands before examining you!  There is no reason for you to leave the office with an illness you didn’t come in with.

Regarding my camera – it does not have a viewfinder hole, just the LCD screen.  I can actually buy the same camera refurbished for $85, which is less than it would be to actually get mine repaired.  What is up with that?  So, I am going to do that.

Here is what my camera looks like turned on:


Isn’t that lovely???  This will also be my pink item of the day!

Snackage today:


I really miss the macro function on my camera.  All of my pictures look so ordinary on the old camera (Okay, done whining!).

Candy corn has entered the house, but it is under lock and key.  I have allowed myself to have 1/2 a serving (which is 10 kernels) at a time, which John dutifully doles out to me.


I am making an internet confession here that I eat candy corn in a strange way.  I love to bite off the bottoms and save the white tips for last.


I don’t know why, but I think the tips taste the best.  Or maybe I am just weird.

On a great note – I won the football picks today!  I’m on a roll thanks to the Steelers and the Bills.  Now I just need to decide where to have my football dinner this week heehee!

Question:  Do you have any strange food mannerisms?

Sunday eats

Rest day today!  My legs really need it.  I was feeling a little bummed looking at last year’s stats for the duathlon.  It looks like I will likely come in last or close to it compared to last year’s times.  Of course, the reality is that I am not competing against anyone.  I keep telling myself it is okay, and I know it is, but it still bothers me a little.  Anyone know what I mean?  At least I have endurance even if I don’t have speed.  I know that athletes train for years to get good at their sports, and I have just started running about 1-1/2 years ago and serious biking for a couple years.

My body wanted carbs today! We drove to Panera instead of biking since I needed a rest day and we needed to grocery shop.  French toast bagel and coffee!


Got to work right away.  My new account is full of files to do.  It was a little depressing as the chunk I have been working on most of the day is the neonatal intensive care unit.  Very sad.

Lunch break of Bumblebee tuna sensation.


This was quite good.


Plus an absolutely delicious Macintosh apple.  Ironic that the apples came from an apple orchard that we biked by yesterday!  Maybe that is why it tasted so good.  Wonderfully fresh.  Makes you realize how eating local really can make a difference!  We are hoping to go out apple picking soon.

I have already lost the football picks this week…. boooo!  That means I have to take John out to dinner again.  😛

I had a coupon for a Larabar, which I like but normally don’t buy because I can make them and they are a little spendy.  I tried a new flavor:


Yummy!  Very clovey.  Wonderful paired with my latte.

My folks came over to watch the Broncos/Cowboys game.  Pixie says “Time to stop working, mommy!”


She loves to lay on this footstool, no matter what is already on there!

John made a delicious chili for us to eat while I worked.  I love my hubby!  He used ground beef, white beans (no kidney beans thankyouverymuch), onions, crushed tomatoes and spices simmered in the crockpot all day.  I had mine with some pan sauteed brussel sprouts and strawberries.


After dinner, I had a tiny sliver of a fresh pumpkin pie that John also made (is he amazing, or what??).  I love fresh pumpkin.  Celebrating a Broncos victory!  (Sorry Dad!).


Overall very pleased with how I ate today.  Sundays are very difficult for me, but maybe it was because I got my snacky day done on Friday 😛

New stage for NROLW tomorrow.  Eeeek!

Question:  Do you go apple picking?

NROLW, drive by post

Sounds like most of you love cheese like I do!  Yay!

Going to a Tupperware party later, so thought I would squeeze in a partial post in case I don’t get by later.

Preworkout snack today:


My chewy granola bar.  This was good for over an hour, so I am happy with that!  Biked to the gym under gray skies this morning to do NROLW:

  • 1 arm dumbbell snatch:  4 x 4  at 25 pounds
  • 1 legged dumbbell deadlift:  4 x 4  at 30 pounds
  • Bent over barbell row:  4 x 4 at 75 pounds
  • 1 arm overhead dumbbell squat: 4 x 4  at 15/30 pounds
  • Incline dumbbell bench press:  4 x 4  at 25 pounds
  • Planks:  3 x 2 minute holds
  • Reverse wood chop:  4 x 4 at 50 pounds
  • Leg matrix

John arrived just as I was finishing the matrix and I had to get on the bike for bagels!   This workout took me an hour to do, which I don’t like – too long!

That was a tiring ride after that.  Need to rethink bike rides after the matrix LOL  (maybe I won’t be doing the matrix much in the future.  It’s not my favorite).

Had some delicious coffee and a bagel which I could barely wait to nosh on as I was so hungry!


So good.  I love eating after a workout because it is so satisfying!

It started to rain on us as we left.  That was no fun.  I don’t mind running in the rain, but when biking the rain blows into my face and is irritating.  It wasn’t heavy rain, so we just continued on to home.  My legs were filthy from a dusty backsplash.

Gotta get a lot of work done early. Talk to you later!

Question:  Do you own Tupperware?

Lazy Sunday and too many snacks.

Well, today was one of those food days that happen from time to time.  The noshes got some control.  I woke up feeling pretty good after the long bike ride.  Legs a little tired, but not overly so.  Although, I think an early bedtime is on tap for tonight, as I am feeling more tired as the day goes on.

Our normal Sunday ritual of bagels (even though I had one last night – gotta knock that off!).  Panera Bread today.


Then it was grocery shopping for all those fresh things I so love on Sundays, like blueberries!

I got some tuna this time, I had really stopped eating it for a while.  Do you ever have a food you have in your routine and then all of a sudden just get tired of it?  That happened with me and tuna for quite a while.  But it is back and I had it on a wrap for lunch with some Tribe 40 Spice hummus –  you must try this stuff, it is wonderful!  So much better than mayo with tuna anyday.  Plus yummy blueberries (in fact, I got a 2nd bowl of them).


A couple hours after lunch the snack attack started.  Pria bar (too sweet), plus a latte.

pria Then some Total Blueberry pomegranate cereal snacking (I am kicking myself for buying cereal).

Then some dark chocolate chips and peanuts.  Hello???  Earth to Lori… snack

Work is slow right now, so while waiting for files I amble around and get snacky.

I am not exercising today as I really need a rest day.  I am learning that these are vital and actually help my workouts on those days.  Had the Tour de France on today and they were doing the mountain day.  I swear my thighs were singing along with them after yesterday’s ride – I know how I felt, I can only imagine how they felt!

I am going to sit down tonight and make a list of goals for the week and post it to have something concrete to look at ala Fitcetera!

Dinner tonight I got lazy and didn’t want to cook veggies.  How lame is that?  I just wanted the baked clam strips and cut up some berries.  Good though.  I think I am more tired than I thought.


Tomorrow is back to the Y on a more scheduled basis – and certainly in the early morning do avoid the meatheads from Friday.   My membership there ends on August 15th, then I will be joining the gym down the street.

Good news is that we finally got health insurance in place (after 2.5 years without), so this week I am getting all those appointments set up.  First one is the dentist – although I do normally go every 6 months, but this time it’s covered.  Yay!  Then get set up for a complete physical and blood work.  Fun, fun!

NROLW and bagels!

What a dreary rainy day.  The morning actually was a little sunny, but it’s been rain ever since!   It sure doesn’t feel like July.  Today was the last official workout for stage 2 of NROLW:

* Barbell deadlifts: 1 x 10 80 pounds, 1 x 10 85 pounds
* Bulgarian split squat: 2 x 10 with 25 pound plate
* Underhand lat pulldown: 2 x 10 60 pounds
* Reverse lunge with forward reach: 2 x 10 with 12# dumbbells
* Prone cuban snatch: 2 x 10 with 10# dumbbells
* Swiss ball crunch: 2 x 10
* Reverse crunch: 2 x 10
* Lateral flexion: 2 x 10
* Prone cobra: 2 x 60 second holds

I tried the cuban snatch with 12# weights, but couldn’t quite do it.  That is one tough exercise!  I am actually going to do one more strength workout on Friday just to finish off the complete week (I am AR that way).

Wednesday is a bagel day for us, so I called John and he biked to meet me.  Multigrain with plain cream cheese today!


Yum.  I could eat bagels and cream cheese all day long and be perfectly happy.  😀

Did have something strange happen with my phone. While we were eating, John’s phone rang with the ringtone that is assigned to me.  He thought I was playing around, but my phone was in the car!  It rang him 2 more times, so I went out to see if something weird was happening to either the car or my phone.  Nope – my phone was just dialing him.  Isn’t that bizzare?  We called Verizon and they installed something on the phone which seemed to help until about 20 minutes ago when it did it again.  Spooky.  It only seems to be happening to John, though and not everyone else in my contact list (thank goodness).

Green smoothie for lunch, guess you don’t need to see another picture of that.  I think that will be the last one of those for a few days – the weather is turning cooler (it is July, right??), so not in the mood for those.

Snack with my latte:

chipsCinnamon chips!  I got these to put on oatmeal, but I haven’t done that yet,  just nibbled out of the bag.

Dinner was an old standby of omelet with broccoli and strawberries.


We were supposed to go to an outdoor concert tonight, but it has been raining and pouring, so we didn’t go.  Went to Panera Bread instead and I only had coffee there:

coffeeSaw this as we got out of the car:

rainbowNot sure how well the rainbow comes out in the picture, but it was pretty. Didn’t last long!

Managed to stay away from all the luscious baked goods at Panera, which was a little hard, although I had a bite of John’s chocolate pastry 🙂   That’s me trying to be moderate.  Since I had a bagel and cream cheese for breakfast, there was no room in the bank account balance (so to speak) for a carby treat at night.

Think tomorrow is brick day depending on the weather.  No rain = bike/run brick!


I was going to go to the Y this morning, but since I wasn’t swimming, and I am lifting weights tomorrow (only 2 lifting workouts this week), I decided not to waste the gas driving to the Y to run.  It certainly was nice enough this morning to head outside.  I fueled up with half a Balance bar (approx 100 calories) and then proceeded to run 6 miles  (I like the sound of 10K better, though)!!   Took me about an hour and 15 minutes. We used Map My Walk to plan out several different 5K loops from our house,  so I did one of them, and then did a second one.  I definitely can go further than that, which is kind of exciting!  I would for sure need to refuel after 6 miles along with a big water stop to keep going.  You know, I commented on my chubby thighs yesterday, but  they are quite muscular and can certainly do a lot for me, so thank you thighs!

I need to just take a day and see how far I can go.  My knees were complaining a little bit towards the end.  I was diagnosed with chondromalacia patella back in college (dare I say 20 years ago??), and my knees sound like rice krispies when I flex them (which I do to bug John sometimes, stinker that I am) – but they really are never very painful.  I might think about some braces or wraps for longer runs just to be on the safe side and prevent injury.

Not to mention the bonus of burning over 700 calories with that run, after which I had this!


Anyone who has read my blog a lot knows I loves me some bagels!  I actually had someone comment once that I wouldn’t lose weight eating bagels.  Guess they should have told me that 100+ pounds ago…..

I am just enjoying those post run endorphins now!