Thank you for all the nice comments on the Locks of Love post!
Sunday is the start of my work week – and the official countdown to vacation can begin! WooHoo!! (Can you tell I am excited??) I realized that since we stopped biking on Sundays with the cold weather that I have a very relaxing start to the work week. It’s my rest day, so no gym and I can sleep in. Then we go out for bagels and chit chat. Then I start my work day. That is a *great* way to start the week, I have to say. Easing into it.
So speaking of bagels, I decided on a blueberry one today. Haven’t had that one in a while. Nom, nom!
Plus about 3 cups of coffee. Okay, not about 3 cups, definitely 3 cups
We picked up a few groceries. Judicious shopping to get us through the week. Although, I supposed my parents can eat whatever they want out of our fridge (they are house watching and Pixie watching while we are away).
I made a vow that there was to be no intermittent snacking today. I have been noticing lately that there has just been too much of it, which I correlate a little bit to the increase in mileage from running. I really found the snacking habit hard to break! Planned snacks are one thing, but the constant reaching into the peanuts or chip bag without thinking really needs to stop. I think I will shoot to make this a goal in the week leading up to the cruise as well. My pre-vacation challenge!
Lunchtime was a superfood fest! Vanilla greek yogurt, protein powder, canned pumpkin, cinnamon, and ground flax seed.
Note – no cereal!
This week’s run plan will be to decrease mileage. It’s a good idea when you up your mileage to take a week and back down again. Helps prevent injury and over training.
Snack break during the football game (and work break). Latte plus my beloved Attune bars!
I had a coupon for these, so I got some. So good. Portion controlled (unlike chocolate chips!).
Dinner was ring around the hot sauce!
Plus 1/2 a granny smith. I like apples, but I don’t eat them as often because there are other fruits I love more, but it’s getting down to eating up stuff in the house. I had asked John to get me a couple tart apples last week (he likes sweeter ones) and I am just getting around to them. Oops.
Come on on Saints – I’m rooting for you tonight!!
Question: Do you start your week easy, or jump right in with workouts, work and eating right?