A little late with the blooming post this week! . Friday was our 22nd wedding anniversary> John didn’t get home until the evening since he was doing a show in Manchester, VT and we decided to have our dinner out on Saturday since I would be going with him to the show. John’s set up:
This was a higher end show, but really was not a good one, unfortunately. Live and learn. Online sales are just so much easier.
We stopped in Manchester for dinner afterwards and went to a place called Mystic Cafe. It was a cute place, kind of tapas style. We started with burrata cheese with roasted red peppers and walnut pesto:
The burrata is a soft cheese, almost mozzarella on the outside and very creamy on the inside with a mild flavor. Very interesting.
Then we shared a toscana flatbread. Pretty much a pizza, but fresh and tasty.
Topped with smoked mozzarella, roasted tomatoes, pesto and arugula. It comes with prosciutto, but we had them leave that off to make it vegetarian.
Here’s to at least another 22 years!
It was a long weekend. We were able to drive back and forth each day since it is an hour and 15 minutes to get there, but that does make for long days. The show finished Sunday. He probably won’t do that show again, at least not with his current set up.
Back at home, here are things in the garden. Okay, these aren’t from my garden, but were in the city park downtown:
They look really good considering the nights have been pretty cold.
The cold nights turned my hydrangeas all pink:
Even though the nights have been colder, it hasn’t frozen and so new growth is still happening on some plants. I saw a bloom on my 100-pound rose!
The Enchanted Evening will also be blooming again if we don’t get frost before that happens – see all the new growth?
Fully colored up sedum:
The bugbane plant from last week totally changed into a bottle brush flower! Last week:
This week:
I was not expecting to see that. There are two blooms on this plant.
That’s a fun one!
John is kind of demanding that I take a couple of days off this week for a staycation, so maybe I will get some work done in the garden if I actually listen to him