Category Archives: 4 mile run

Da weekend and what’s blooming!

Yay!  It’s the weekend for me!  Still got up way too early.  I just cannot sleep in, no matter what time I go to bed.  Decided against the Y, since it was really nice out this morning.  Upper 50s, a little breezy and dry.  Perfect running weather.  I decided to go on a jog this morning and do 4 miles.  Finished in 42:35  – not too bad.  I must have been going a lot faster after the first mile.  First mile clocked in at 11:15, so somewhere in there I really picked up the pace.

Came home to some oat bran with the maple banana sauce and walnuts.  So good. We got a bunch of overripe nanners at the store earlier in the week, so we have been eating them up like crazy.


Finally got to pick blueberries with my mom!  It was such a gorgeous day.  We kept commenting on how nice it was today.  Big bucket of blueberries:


About 3 pounds worth.  Yummy.  Plus the pint I probably ate while picking 😀

Then we hit the smokehouse to stock up on meat.  We were hungry by this time, so we visited the MilkHouse Cafe in Argyle.  Tiny little place, very dinerish:


Typical greasy spoon menu, although breakfast looked pretty good (too bad they weren’t serving it at that time.

cafeI decided on a grilled cheese sandwich and some clam chowder.  The chowder was excellent!


More garden blooms.


This is really funny  – we carve pumpkins and then sort of compost them over the side of the porch into the garden bed.  Well – lo and behold, we now have some pumpkin vines coming up on the side of the house!  Not sure if the squirrels will eat these or if we will have pumpkins in a month or so.




This is what happens after the clematis blooms die.  Don’t these remind you of truffula trees (Lorax anyone?)


Walkway – all of those black-eye Susans are self-sown. I didn’t plant a single one of them near the path!  I just left them because they looked pretty.  That is the great thing about gardening, there is always a surprise every year.


John is going away tomorrow morning (after we bike to breakfast!), so I might actually get some stuff done tomorrow around the house that really needs it.

Hope you all have a great weekend planned!

4 Mile run!!

Today I wanted to try running longer, so I went for 4 miles!! I really think I could do more, but that was enough to try for now.
I didn’t do intervals like I normally do on Saturday track runs because I wanted to make sure I had enough gas to do the last mile LOL! I did do a 5 minute sprint section after the 3rd mile – not really sure how smart that was…..

Anyway, I finished the 4 miles in 43:49 – less than 11 minutes per mile, which I am quite pleased with! Last May I could run 3 miles in 50 minutes. Maybe a half marathon next year isn’t so crazy after all.

Weighed myself before and after the run. I lost 1.8 pounds of water in those 4 miles! Guzzle…guzzle…