The blooms are back! The weather here has been pretty warm this past week, warmer than usual. That means the garden will start popping. It went from the red tulip phase to the blue/purple phase:

It’s Picasso phase, I suppose. I divided a lot of irises last year, gifting them to my neighbors, and mind really took off like a shot after that. They have just started to open.

This one I planted two years ago, but it didn’t bloom last year and I kind of forgot what color it was until it opened.

It’s so pretty! It’s called Immortal and is a reblooming iris. Hopefully I will be posting pictures of it again this fall!
My Tour de France iris has no buds on it yet. I am not sure why. I had one stalk last year. The rhizome is still on the small side, so it may not really come into it’s own for a bit yet. Or maybe it’s just late.
Alliums, one of my favorites:

I have these sprinkled all over the front and back.

Tippy pots back in action. I moved them over to get them a little more shade. It’s kind of hard having smaller pots in the sun. They dry out too much.
Petunias and million bells:

Those look way more blue in the photo than in real life. Not sure why my phone does whonky colors sometimes. They are more purple in color.
Another weekend project done. This took all of about 1.5 hours using cedar fence pickets and some 1 x 2 boards.

I put seeds in there. Some marigolds and some shorter cosmos. My neighbor gave me the cosmos seeds, so this should be fun.
On the wildlife front, birdies are having a great time in our yard. The cat birds have returned:

And this possum went through the yard:

A little weird seeing them out in the day, but it’s not completely unusual. This one looks quite healthy, too.
I hope you all have a safe Memorial Day!
Your irises look lovely covered in droplets! And the color on those allium is so rich. I always enjoy your garden pics. Happy holiday.
I don’t care how many years you do it, I ALWAYS look forward to your garden reports. Those irises were beautiful, I’m enjoying the ones in our yard, too.