These are certainly strange times. As of today, NY shot up to the most Covid cases in the country with over 900 statewide, and of course that number is going to grow with more testing coming on board. Governor Cuomo gave a stark warning today that he did not think we were going to flatten the curve enough to not overwhelm our medical system. Schools are closed. All restaurants and bars must either close or go to take out/pick up only and nonessential businesses are encouraged to close or let employees work from home.
John and I are very fortunate in that we already work from home, so there is no change for us in that respect. Our businesses will suffer some, I’m sure, but there isn’t much else we can do but wait it out. We are trying to support our favorite restaurants by getting take out, wishing that there was more that we can do. It’s hard feeling helpless.
I stopped giving blood a few years ago after a couple of dry sticks (owie) as my veins were scarred from years of donating, but I think I am going to give it a try again as I know blood banks are either in trouble or are going to be. There is a drive next week, but I’m not sure how they are handling it right now as far as distancing. We will figure it out and hopefully be able to do that.
People have freaked out with the stockpiling, which just needs to stop!

This was a strange sight with only cream of corn available in this aisle. People, grocery stores aren’t going to close and there is supply for normal shopping. Hoarding is really selfish.
First priority now is keeping my parents safe and isolated as they are in their 70s and have underlying conditions. I have been bringing them groceries. No hugs and kisses
On a more “normal” note, our bathroom is progressing along. This was the flooring going in:

We had a snafu with the floor. After laying the center line of tiles down and working outwards, we had finished about half the floor before realizing that some of our tiles got out of pattern alignment. Argh! We had to pull up that half and reset those. Just to show we make a lot of mistakes along the way.
We actually are pretty far along, pretty much done with phase 1, which was everything but the tub and shower. It’s nice to have a functional bathroom and I’m loving how it came out with just some detail work to do for phase 1 like caulking trim and paint touchups.
For phase 2, we have the tub and our surround is being delivered supposedly some time this week, but with all the closures going on, we are going to wait to put it in since we assume we will need to go to the hardware store during that install and who knows what will be open. I’ll show pictures of more of the process in another post, but it felt kind of weird to post about that with the seriousness of everything going on with Covid.
Stay safe, wash your hands, keep your distance and keep a level head.
oh man, we had the same issue with our kitchen tile in the old house. No idea how it got off!Half of it was perfect then we had to redo part of it!
Stay safe. Glad you already work from home!
Hey, distraction is good – I love seeing your renovation pics! Your floor is so beautiful. I know laying a pattern like that is very tricky and would never attempt it myself, so go you two for doing it!!
Love that tiling on the floors! Thanks for updating us, it makes it feel like everything is normal out there. Hopefully soon there will be some What’s Blooming Fridays, too – the virus can’t stop Spring, right? Stay safe & healthy!
Thanks for you post. We are all feeling pretty helpless at the moment, all over the world even here in faraway Australia. At the moment at least, we can control our own little piece of the world to some degree. Your renovation posts inspire me to spend the time we are confined to home and garden focusing on making it better. I have a long list of things to do around the house this weekend, focusing on this goes someway to taking my mind of the awful stuff, at least for a little bit. Keep us posted on you beautiful bathroom reno, every little distraction helps.
Thanks for sharing.
My best to all.