Can you believe Halloween is just about here? It’s been quite cold and rainy. The last couple of Halloweens have been pretty warm, for October at least.
The garden is wrapping up for the year. Most of the tender annuals were killed by freezing temps, but a few are still going. A surprising number of snapdragons still hanging on:
This bed is closer to the house and gets more sun, so it is somewhat sheltered for them.
A coneflower sent up a new bloom:
Lots of mums. This one by the calabrocha.
It’s really in the heart of the busy season for us, which means lots of hours working and trying to remember to take personal time. We did get some in this weekend. Last night we attended a concert of organ and brass quintet, which was quite nice. The organ at the Presbyterian church in Glens Falls is in the top 100 largest pipe organs in the country!
That is half the organ. There is another pipe series in the front as well.
We also had our annual pumpkin carving party.
It’s always nice to get together with family.
We had a mixture of carved, painted and stickered this year.
My cyclops:
Always a good time. It is cold enough outside that our pumpkins won’t “wilt” for lack of a better term before Wednesday. Overnights in the 30s.
I keep saying I’m going to post more, but just keeping up with everything else has kept me from that. I need to get a bit more accountability with my food, so poke me if I’m not posting this week LOL!
Pink picture of the day:
This is a gerbera daisy that I decided to dig up and bring inside since there was a bloom ready to go and a freeze was coming. I was rewarded with this pretty flower Please click here to support breast cancer screenings!
What a gorgeous organ!
I have blooms still going on the patio and Bobby keeps asking me to throw them away and I keep saying no, they are staying out there until they freeze to death. My geraniums might outlast the mum I bought.
Rain, rain go away – today is day 4 where the day has at least started with pouring rain. So tired of it. I did hear the weatherman say Halloween would be warm (60-ish) and dry this year though. It’s nice for the kids to not have to wear a coat over their costumes.
Wow, your mums are gorgeous. My problem is keeping them going all year until they finally bloom in the fall. And that pipe organ is amazing. I don’t think I’ve ever seen one like that!
Well now you’re making me sorry that I didn’t buy any mums this year – yours are so pretty!