It’s funny, the spring seemed like it took forever to get warm and now all that heat came all at once. I drink hot coffee even in warmer weather, but it just got to be too much. I was making cold brew in a pitcher, but it is kind of messy, so I bought a cold brewer:
The grounds stay in a filter and you just pour the coffee out instead of having to strain it. The downside with cold brew is that it has to brew overnight and preferably 24 hours. So if you forget, no cold brew LOL.
Cafe au lait on a warm morning:
Another cool spot is biking to the lake. On the path there is a lot of shade.
Newly surfaced as well. I was out earlier than usual since rain was in the forecast for later.
The lake is always cooler as well. Usually it is windier, too, but it was very calm this day:
Not many tourists out and about just yet, which makes it nice.
Of course, it’s hard to stay cool when biking 18 miles of hills LOL
Who’s idea was this? Oh right. Mine.
What do you do to stay cool?
At least with biking you can create your own breeze, which is nicer than running in the heat. Still, hot is hot.
To stay cool I stay inside with the central air. There’s no other options here, LOL.
Our Summer hasn’t been this dry since 1976. We haven’t had rain since the beginning of June and we have temperatures that are normal in some parts of the world but not here in Holland. We have a shortage of water, not drinking water but the farmers and industry do. Yesterday when I drove home it was 102 degrees. Since we aren’t used to these temperatures, it’s difficult to stay cool. I stay inside during the day and walk Bella early in the morning when it’s pretty cool.
Luckily it finally rained a bit last night and the high temperatures are gone for now and we are back to normal temperatures for this time of year. And I couldn’t be happier about that.