Happy Friday and FINALLY cooler weather! It was so icky and sticky this morning and it rained. Then the sun came out and as the day went on it got windier and the humidity dropped. In fact, we are going out tonight and I’m going to need to change into pants and wear a jacket! Lori is much happier now
The garden fared pretty well during the heat. I was watering it every other day, but some plants still got really wilty looking. They seem to have recovered today.
I had a new allium open up. I have to say that I cannot remember which one this is. I got so many different allium bulbs last fall and I seem to be suffering from CRS disease any more.
The stem is very thin and wispy. With the wind today, these have nodded over quite a bit. I need to search the catalog and see what one this is.
Flowering tobacco:
Clearance annuals for $1 and how could I refuse?
The balloon flowers are all popping open (hahahaha!).
There are even more flowers today, but it is hard to get pictures when it’s so windy.
The tippy pots:
My $2 chair is just about ready to bite the dust. It fell apart and I glued it back together, but this may be the last year for it. I don’t dare place anything on the seat or the whole thing will come tumbling down.
More shasta daisies:
They are so cheery!
I still struggle with the shade garden. It is getting better, but slow going. The heuchera in the front got chewed by either the rabbit or bugs and they are still small. At least they are regrowing and not dead!
Closeup of the astilbes with the solomon seal:
There is a pink one next to it:
John got me this cute bike planter for my birthday. All I did was add the pot. It sits by our water feature.
So cute!
The main bed in the back is cooking along. The butterfly weed:
No aphids so far, but I do spray these with neem oil about once a week, which is supposed to keep them away. Might actually be working!
My baby Joe pye weed is tall again this year.
It obviously loves the spot I put it in as it continues to grow gangbusters. Buds are forming on it now.
Old-fashioned daylilies:
I just stuck a few in this back corner after the fence came down and they really took to this spot. The ferns and other greenery to the left is my neighbor’s stuff.
I have some shasta daisies out back as well. These have a specific name, which I can’t remember either LOL. They are a quilled type:
Complete with little buggies! They don’t seem to be eating the plants, so I let them be.
There will be more new stuff next week. July seems to be when most of my things bloom:
With this gloriously much drier weather, I’m hoping for a nice long ride this weekend. Have a good one!
That quilled daisy is cool. And I like the color of the butterfly weed. Also,every time I see your balloon flowers it reminds me that mine are in the wrong place. They come up every year but there are only one or two blooms on each plant.
The balloon flowers do like full sun. I love going out every day and seeing which of the flowers “popped”.