I finally have my pictures downloaded from Longwood Gardens, but I have to edit them and organize. I took over 200 pictures, so I have some work to do LOL. I’ll do a couple of posts because it was just such an amazing place. Absolutely well worth the admission cost and the drive to get there. I wish we could have spent two days there.
Back home to my little garden patch, which seems piddly in comparison.
My favorite Allium – the Star of Persia (Allium cristophii)
They are light and airy, not to mention huge!
My inlaws gave me a gift certificate to John Scheepers for my birthday and I am getting more of these!
My “climbing” rose.
Need to mix up some more neem oil to keep the buggies from chewing on it. It smells great by the front door, but not really what I’m going for. I think I will move this one and the matching one on the other side of the door to the back and put clematis here.
Campanula alba:
It almost looks like it is floating. Just one flower stalk so far, but this will bloom a couple of times during the season.
My container plant is looking great now!
I have it in partial sun and it seems to like that a lot. That also helps keep it from drying out too much since it is a container and they need more frequent waterings than the rest of the garden.
The back corner garden:
Again, I wish this was closer to the house. It’s a nice full sun area for my roses, though. Speaking of – here is Enchanted Evening:
I know you are singing right now…
I spied a toad friend in this garden bed:
I kind of freaked him out when I leaned in to take a picture, but living is good for him in this garden, so he won’t be leaving any time soon.
Shade garden with spiderwort:
I didn’t plant that. It just came by on its own.
Astilbe that is not quite ready for prime time, but close:
Jacob’s Ladder (Polemonium):
I had planted one plant, which died, but it gave me 3 offspring. You can see one of my heuchera behind that, which I think is called Spellbound.
Long time readers know that I’m not a big fan of hostas and there were some here when we moved in. I gave away some and just pulled others out, but left this one:
It’s quite large and my shade bed was so empty that I left it. It’s future in this spot is uncertain, but moving it won’t happen this year if I decide it needs to be somewhere else.
Flanking the hosta on each side are the Ladies Mantles:
The are just putting up flower stalks. The flowers are kind of a yellow foamy-looking flower. It’s mostly for foliage, though.
And lastly is the final iris. This was a very late bloomer – yes, I went there.
Night ruler. This looks almost black in person, especially in the sun. I have 3 more iris rhizomes on order and one is supposed to be even blacker than this one. I will do my darndest to keep the bunnies away from those!
Have a great weekend!
I love that we have twin hostas, even if you aren’t the biggest fan of them.
Yours has a little ways to go to get this big LOL. It’s cool that it is doing well for you!
That iris is gorgeous. I have an astilbe question. I have one that is several years old and I thought it was going to put on a good show this year. It put up several flower stalks. They just stayed buds for quite a while, and then they just had a sort of half hearted bloom. Any thoughts?
Astilbes need a lot of food. Try giving them more fertilizer this year (or some if you haven’t given them any). They are heavy feeders and will stop blooming if they don’t get enough.
Thanks! I buy fertilizer, but then I forget to put it on the plants :/