Okay, last time I posted was last Friday. Oopsie! Time just gets away from me. Welcome to my garden blog
I’ll start in the back today.
Heuchera. This is getting a bloom spike on it. I actually forgot they bloom since I planted them all as baby plants a couple of years ago.
Pretty foliage colors:
The wind and/or critters removed a lot of my plant markers so I don’t remember the name of this one. It’s either Marmalade or Southern Comfort.
This is a lilac bush that I got for my birthday last year.
It suffered a little in the harsh cold, I think, as the leaves are a little sparse. It’s supposed to rebloom, so we shall see.
And, our magnolia tree is officially dead. Nothing green on it at all and the end branches are dry and breaking off. I’m sad about that and we really don’t need the expense of a tree removal right now. It’s not really too big. I almost have half a mind to remove the branches and leave the trunk to decorate somehow.
The back garden still is somewhat sparse. This is taking me a long time to get it where I want it and filled in. I have moonflower seeds planted where that black metal stand is. The plan is for them to twine up that.
Alliums in this bed along with the Boysenberry Buttercup iris like I have out front. It bloomed about a week after the one in the front bed.
When we moved into this house in 2015, the back garden was atrocious. I didn’t keep anything really, except for some iris rhizomes. I have been nurturing them without any blooms since then. I told myself if they didn’t bloom this year – out they go. Well, they must have listened because they bloomed!
I didn’t even know what color they were going to be! I wonder if the fact that they were in the shade for probably years is why it took them a while to get going again once I got them in the full sun that they need. Patience is good for a gardener, but hard LOL.
Speaking of irises, the Brindled Beauty has opened up:
Out in front, I had another surprise. I planted a Tour de France (yay cycling!!) iris rhizome, which is supposed to yellow and white. It didn’t bloom last year as it was establishing and I was sooooo excited to see buds on it this year. Then it opened.
That doesn’t look yellow to me. I obviously was sent the wrong plant. I am going to contact the company. I don’t really expect them to do much since I got it 2 years ago, but what a disappointment. Not that it isn’t pretty, but it wasn’t what I ordered.
Star of Persia allium just starting to open.
I’ll get a better picture once they are full. This is my favorite allium.
And the rhododendron that I “rejuvenated”. It’s flowering now.
You can see all that nice new growth at the bottom. I will be taking off most of the top of this. You can’t see from this angle, but those flowers kind of stick out from thin bare branches.
Love the flowers:
It’s weeding time in the garden this weekend. Have a great one!
I was just out watering my New York hosta – it’s doing well here, even with our high 90s!
Your garden is looking good – sad about losing the magnolia tree, though.
Pretty stuff! That Brindled Beauty Iris is gorgeous!