I had a serious itch for biking this weekend. When we hit almost 70 last week, the roads were really too sloppy and wet for riding. It was mid 40s and sunny Saturday morning, John was out of town, and I said “What the heck – I’m doing it!”.
It was warm enough at first, but after about 5 miles in, the sun went behind the clouds and the wind made it feel a bit raw. Right about this point:
The roads actually were still a bit sloppy from all the melting snow as well and were full of sand and grit. I’m actually a little surprised I didn’t get a flat tire. My legs were filthy after my hour long ride and so was my bike!
Eeek! Needs a washing before the next ride.
The ride felt okay. The gritty roads made it a bit of slog, not to mention I have indoor biking legs LOL. My hill legs are still on winter hiatus I think I’m just going to keep the bike out now and dress warm. No snowstorms expected, so if I can get out a couple times this week, I’ll be happy!
On the organization front (which was one of my goals for 2018), I finally got some file folders installed in my trunk to organize my guitar music. Long-time readers will recognize my beloved Jenny Lind restoration.
Yes, I know the floral file folders don’t match the trunk, but they are pretty and I asked for and received them as a Christmas present. Now my music is separated by composer or time period. All I need now is to build a base so this sits higher up to reach easier while I’m practicing.
Small steps!
Hooray for biking. I think I’ve mentioned there are a couple of bikers around here that seem to go all year ’round. I admire you guys that get out in cold and sloppy conditions. As long as it’s safe.
Great use of your trunk and who cares if the folders match – it’s all about what you like.
Yes, safety first for me always. I don’t mind cold so much. The wind is what I hate when riding. I also don’t like wet LOL.
So happy for you that you got a bike ride in! That was really sloppy conditions, yikes – I would have had to hose off the bike immediately, as I’m a freak like that, LOL. You should see me when my running shoes are muddy…I have to tromp through water to clean them off.
Great use of the trunk for files! Never would have though of that, but it makes sense.
Haha – our hose isn’t hooked up because it would freeze! I waited until the bike was dry, then I used a brush to clean it off. All the grit fell off pretty easily. Then I went out again today and have to do the same thing
Wow you’re brave! Do you swap out the tires on your bike for the snow/ice?
Michael has a carbon road bike with the normal tires and then he got a special bike for bad weather–it’s a disc brake bike? I don’t know much about it but it’s heavier, thicker tires and better for bad weather
I don’t usually ride in snow/ice, so I don’t swap tires. It’s too much of a PITA to bother with. My tires are not super narrow, 28 mm, so they are good for most bad conditions.
Wow, you’re out biking when I’m snowed in! Of course, being snowed in here is not the same as being snowed in in New York. So fun that you are getting to bike early this year.
It’s exciting. There won’t be a lot this early, but we will take any riding we can get!