Not too much new going in the garden right now. Things are winding down and it has been so, so dry and hot here! All the rain in other places and we are hot and kind of humid with no rain. It doesn’t look like it will be changing any time soon, either.
Volunteer snapdragon:
Those yellow flowers are marigolds that just popped a bunch of blooms with this heat. The annuals are loving this extra sun and warmth. You can see fallen leaves all over, too. Already.
Fair Bianca:
I missed this bloom forming, so it’s a little old looking. I hadn’t been looking at the rose bush other than watering it from afar and didn’t notice the blooms forming.
Some of you may remember the long gourd vine I had last year that appeared out of nowhere. I harvested about 8 gourds from it and used them, along with some pumpkins, for fall decor in the garden bed. Squirrels ended up munching on everything. Well, a new vine appeared this summer where those gourds were
It is really short – only 3 feet long or so – and I decided to leave it. It is covering up my one aster plant, however.
The vine started really late, but I see a couple gourds forming. Tiny baby gourds:
I’m pretty sure these won’t get full size before frost, but it’s fun nonetheless.
More annuals out back – my potted morning glories:
These are a beautiful color. I wish I could bring this inside over the winter, but morning glories can be toxic to pets if they eat them, particularly the seeds, and Pixie would at least be eating the leaves.
My Enchanted Evening rose is having its September flush now:
I love this rose. It’s not very tall. Descriptions say it should get 3 to 4 feet tall, but it’s about 2 feet. It’s disease resistant, hardy and fragrant – all a girl can ask for in a rose!
We have another hot and dry weekend coming up. It will be early riding to beat the heat, that’s for sure. Have a great weekend!
That rose is beautiful!!!! Morning glory too!!!! I loved shaking dried gourds when I was young!