What’s Blooming

Does anyone else just feel exhausted and overwhelmed by the world right now? It’s crazy. I feel so fortunate to have our house and my gardens to help. I’ve said in the past that being out working in the gardens is a good thinking time and meditation.

It’s been quite chilly here. Temps hit 40 degrees last night. It’s way too early for that! I think it might be even a little colder than that tonight. We shall see if some of the last annuals that haven’t done anything will be able to if the cold proceeds along this fast (I’m looking at you moonflowers).

My white lilies:

These nod downwards and are hard to get a good picture of unless I want to lay down in the garden bed, which isn’t going to happen. 🙂

More wayward cosmos:

The $1.99 mums from 2 years ago are still going fantastic for whatever reason.

That’s two plants. Just goes to show you never know what will survive and thrive until you try.

Polar bear zinnia:

I have these in the front and back gardens.

Miniature butterfly bush:

I’m thinking of getting one of these in the back if the big Black Knight one doesn’t do better next year.

Here is a little marigold:

These came from my BIL’s nursery. They were done with all the planting and there were annuals left over that were just going to be composted, so I brought some home with me. Some sun ones and some shade ones:


The coleus are by Radiance Falls. I’m making notes to put more of these here next year.  I have a notebook for gardening where I keep receipts, plans, schematics and various notes about ideas. It sounds organized, but you should see the notebook LOL! It’s crammed.

More of my zinnias out back:

I have to remember that zinnias are really late flowers around here – at least when direct sown into the ground.

The hydrangea tree:

I was standing by this yesterday and there were so many bumblebees around it that it sounded like a hive! It was very cool and wonderful to see all the bees.  The flowers are just starting to age pink and look so pretty:

Here is the back edge of our property:

It’s a study in white.

It’s going to be a cool weekend, but Saturday should be dry for riding. Sunday I think we are getting some leftover Harvey rain. It’s amazing how far and long that extends.

7 thoughts on “What’s Blooming

  1. Lisa

    Yes. It’s very overwhelming and it’s everywhere. It’s been hard, especially with the stuff I’ve been dealing with. I really wish our world would get some good news soon. 🙁

    I love your flowers! I am so impressed you have a green thumb. 🙂

  2. Debby

    Man, you’re getting cool weather and we’re having a heat wave! So I am not spending a lot of time in the garden right now. I love that your hydrangea gets that pink tinge. Mine looks exactly the same, but it gets a green tinge as it ages.

  3. Jody - Fit at 59

    Well as much as 40 sounds way too cold to me, the heat here has been stifling & with no AC in house – well, not fun & quite the smelly sweaty mess & sleep is hard!

    As for the world – exhausting!!!!! 45 in Texas again trying to do what he was told to do be he just can’t pull off empathy!

    Keep hiding out in the garden!

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