Fishing and riding!

It was an outdoor weekend!  Even though Saturday’s weather wasn’t really all that great, I went fishing with my sister and one of the nieces. We were down in Albany on the Hudson river.

It was a little gloomy and a bit chilly, but it was fun.


All of the gear – my sister is prepared:

We were fishing for striped bass, which have just moved into the area for the season.

My pole set up and waiting (or my borrowed pole, I should say):

It’s been many years since I have fished and there are things that I’ve forgotten, like not unlocking the reel when the line is taut.

Oopsie! This is called a bird nest, by the way LOL. I did manage to unknot it without have to cut the line, though.

We had snacks to eat:

Some big barges went by, too. They were neat.

One thing I wish I could have gotten a picture of was a bald eagle catching a fish. That was very cool! It wouldn’t have shown up well on my phone, plus I just wanted to watch it.

We didn’t end up catching anything. None of the other anglers around is did either. Oh well. Now that I have my license for the year, we will go out again.

Sunday was a gorgeous day and it was back to the usual!

John and I took a roundabout way to the lake to get in more miles. Still building the endurance. Plus hills:

This is an easy one. I don’t stop to take pictures on the steep ones or I’ll never get going again 😀

There were a lot of people out today. Everyone was enjoying the great weather. The lake was very pretty as usual and we were happy campers!

Return of the dried pineapple snack!

It was chilly and windy at the lake, so we didn’t stay long. It was a good ride and we’re almost ready for a cupcake ride.  We ended up with 28 miles today, longest ride of the year.

Calories burned for me really are only about 900 for this ride. I don’t know how to change Map My Ride to burn less.

There was a well deserved treat afterwards:

Yes indeed, I reward myself with food!

We live in such a great area for being outdoors. It makes getting through winter worth it 😀

11 thoughts on “Fishing and riding!

  1. debby

    Wow, I admire you for untangling that fishing line mess! Sometimes that happens with yarn or thread, and sometimes I am patient and untangle it. And sometimes I am not 🙂

    It seems like you had a great day on the river. Seeing a bald eagle fishing would be amazing. And the barge was cool too.

    I’m so glad you’re getting out and riding. Your snack reward looks pretty yummy 🙂

  2. Helen

    I feel like it has been too cold to be out fishing around here, but I think maybe we get a bit more wind than you guys do, which means colder feeling. I want to like fishing because Mr. Helen LOVES it, but I think it’s boring lol.

    My Garmin, which is supposedly counting calories burned based on my weight/age/gender/heart rate seems to way overestimate calorie burn too. So I’ve just been ignoring it!

    1. Lori Post author

      It’s windy at the lake, but not really the Hudson, which is where we were fishing. 50 degrees is around when the fish appear, and we were in the low 50s. It’s still a bit early. You should just bring a book and sunbathe while Mr. Helen fishes!

  3. Lori

    What a fun weekend! I am starting fishing again this year! I know I will probably get some if those knots here and there too!

  4. Shelley B

    We call that bird’s nest “yarn barf” in knitting. Not fun when it happens, that’s for sure.

    I ignore the calorie burn – figure it all evens out for those times when I’m sitting and knitting. Plus I know my Garmin overestimates, no matter how much I try to adjust my weight in it…whatever, Garmin! 😉

  5. Biz

    I actually love fishing and try to go with my cousins every summer. I love that it just makes you slow down, and enjoy the scenery and conversation.

    Is that an apple fritter?! Oh lord, I’ve already deemed those insulin worthy 😛

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