Back to basics. I need to start doing more food logs on the blog again. They do give me that extra boost to be disciplined.
I have to cut back some to take off those couple of stress pounds before they turn into a couple dozen! That means 1500 calories of food.
Breakfast was Kodiak cakes with protein. I cooked my apple topping in a pan, poured the pancake batter over it and stuck it under the broiler for a couple minutes. Then flipped over onto my plate:
Topped with some maple syrup and butter. I have my morning coffee with cashew milk. I switched from almond to cashew so that I can be more eco friendly. Calories: 435
Most days I have a morning snack, but I didn’t need one today for some reason. Probably because I didn’t exercise in the morning. It was really cold today and I wanted something hot for lunch. We had a banana that really needed to be used up, so I mashed it, cooked it with some oat bran, whisked in egg whites and topped with almond butter:
It’s topped with this:
Have you tried it? It’s pretty tasty. Normally we don’t buy sweetened nut butter, but I wanted to try it. It’s very good, although it’s not really no-stir. It doesn’t separate as much as natural nut butter, but it still needed stirring. Lunch calories: 355
Afternoon snack:
Of course it’s a latte! Drizzled on top with some honey. Calories: 150
I had a solo dinner tonight, so it wasn’t vegetarian. I keep some of these in the freezer:
Super easy. Just toss in the toaster oven for 30 minutes and it’s done.
Steamed veggies with a bit of butter on top. Calories: 400
I have my evening snack planned out for later. Cafe au lait and Yorks:
I usually have my snack around 8 or 8:30. Calories: 150
That brings the total to 1490. Give or take rounding. Close enough. This was a good mix of food, although the breakfast for lunch was unusual. I did about 40 minutes of walking today.
It always feels good to get back to basics. I wasn’t going totally overboard or anything, but it could head that way pretty easily.
Have a great weekend!
You are motivating me to get back to my food journal. I lost track of that after the election and that is so not a good reason to reach for the donuts. Thanks!
I like your food logs because I usually get some good meal ideas from you. Eco friendly—cashew vs. almond milk?
Yes, because of the water usage for almond crops.
I was just about to ask (or Google it). I’ll have to check into the nutritional info between the two. I have been using unsweetened almond milk for years for my smoothies, but am willing to switch to be more eco-friendly! Thanks for the info!
You know I agree with you Lori on the logging & counting when we really need to get to it. Some hate it. Others do not believe in it bt I am one that has always believed that logging will tell you the truth!
I always enjoy these posts. It’s interesting seeing what 1500 calories looks like for other people. I’ve been doing 1700 calories while nursing. Now that I’m done it’s time to get serious and I will probably be reducing my calories. I don’t know that I’ll go down to 1500 just yet but definitely 1600 starting tomorrow!
Way back when I started reading you, I think you posted your food nearly every single day. You know what works for you, so do what works for you.
I will admit I’m sort of surprised at the calorie count of the latte though – who knew some milk and honey could add up to that?!
I use a cup of milk, so that is 110-120 calories right there depending on %. Honey calories and espresso does have a few.
Love seeing food ideas! I need to start posting food to help me too