It feels so weird not to be at my job anymore. I keep thinking I have to log in and start typing, but I don’t. I have plenty to do with the business and the nice thing is that it keeps me moving around instead of sitting at my computer for hours on end.
After all was said and done with the holidays, I ended up 1 pound over the weight that I went to Ireland at in September. I looked at a graph of the last 3 months and my weight pretty much fluctuated a pound above or below that weight for that time period. I’m pretty happy about that! I ate quite a bit of food, particularly the last couple weeks (like everyone else), but I also got in a ton of exercise. I think that offset a lot of it.
Now no more egg nog and the cookies are in the freezer. Back to the routine again, which does mean bagel Wednesday
Anyway, time for those things I want to accomplish in 2017.
- Read 25 books. I read that many last year and hope to be able to do that again. It would be nice to read more, but I have a lot on my plate for the year coming up.
- Be more of an activist for the environment. I have some serious concerns about the environment and am going to take an active part in making sure that no legislation gets passed that is going to take us backwards. This also means being a good steward in my own corner of the planet and I will continue to grow my pollinator garden.
- Build something. I did this goal last year. This time it will be a piece of furniture of some type.
- Get back to a structured lifting program. I have been all over the place with consistency in lifting and I need to get back to a rhythm.
- Grow the businesses. I have specific plans to implement to make growth happen. Hopefully that will work LOL!
- Do more meal planning. John and I tend to fall into the same meals just out of convenience — and we like them. I want to do more planning so that we can do new recipes and change things up.
I think that sounds pretty good. I should get back to my mini monthly goals as well. I haven’t done those for a while.
Now January is here and it’s time to hunker down to get through the winter. It seems a long way until spring, but all these arrived for me in the mail today!
I know there are more coming, too, as I have a gift certificate to Bluestone Perennials. Browsing flower catalogs while bundling up in fleece and being in front of the fireplace sounds pretty appealing for this winter!
Anyone else with goals?
I am definitely going to fight this President on a lot this year & for 4 years if he manages to stay in there.. so scary! Environment is key too!
I like your goals a lot! I set my reading challenge at 12 but hope to read more this year.
I used to meal plan on Sunday afternoon but switched it to Monday evening. Over the weekend I search recipes and sit down Monday evening and plan it and make a shopping list. This is a plan from the next Thursday till Wednesday. My groceries are delivered at home on Wednesday evening and Saturday morning I go to the market for fruits, veggies, cheese, poultry and meat.
Here’s to a great year for you! I will be here to follow your adventures.
I always enjoy your goals and watching you work at them. I think this is going to be an interesting year for you as you work your way into growing the businesses so it will also be interesting to see how you fit your goals in.
My only goal is to continue to live as healthfully as I can and like most everyone else, I’ve been cleaning up my act this week!
I can imagine how weird it is to be at your same “workplace” yet not be working THAT JOB…autopilot is a hard thing to turn off. It will be interesting to see where you take your business this year!
My goal is to read the one book I recently purchased on my Kindle reader – solely for bedtime reading. So far, I’m not making much headway…a few sentences and ZZZzzzzzzzzz ::bonk:: as the iPad falls from my hands.
My main goal is really to figure out my job situation. I’m not happy here and it’s really impacting my health. Yet, I’m so change adverse that I have a hard time thinking something new won’t be worse. If I end up quitting and then looking, I worry that may take more time than I think. Lots to consider in 2017!
I like your goals a lot! I think you will do a good job with them.
I like the activist one, too. Years ago I used to volunteer for an organization here called SOLV. Not sure if it’s just a local organization…but I used to do beach clean ups and I planted trees with SOLV. It was a really fun way to volunteer.