I only have one day left at work! Yay! I trained 2 people on one of my accounts, which doesn’t give them a whole lot of time to learn it, but I told them to do as much work as possible today and tomorrow so I can answer any questions before I’m done. I can’t wait.
Time to review the plans that I made back in January for 2016:
Take better care of myself. Check! This year I got all of my health care done that was kind of lagging, not to mention unplanned 2 root canals. And losing 20 pounds was a bonus.
Better balance between work and play time. When I mentioned this one, John said “Fail!” Haha. True. I worked too hard this year and too often. At least that work part will be over, although I’m sure I’ll be doing just as much work next year…
Finish the wallpaper removal in the house: Hallelujah!!! Done! No more wallpaper in this house. That was a huge job that took many months to finish, but now we never have to remove any again from this house.
Read 30 books: Didn’t quite make this one. I read 25 books. I kind of got over booked with my time and wasn’t reading as much.
Build something: When I thought of this, it was more building something like a cabinet, but I suppose the water feature counts as building something, right?
Create and maintain a master cleaning list for the house: This worked really great until about this fall. Then when I started doing all those shows and we traveled and the list kind of fell by the wayside. However, it’s a good system and we are going to get back to it.
Keep building my soap business: Working on it. I had some great shows this fall and I will be doing a wholesale buyers show in the spring. Now this business goes sort of hand-in-hand with our supply end that I will be taking over next year.
Not a bad year! Plus, we did the trip of a lifetime going to Ireland.
I still can’t believe we went there. It’s like a dream.
On another note, I will not be sorry to see 2016 go. So much crap happened in the world. Whatever happens in 2017, it sure is going to be different.
How was your year?
So ironic that you mentioned that house cleaning thing – I’d forgotten that was a 2016 goal for you and believe it or not, I was thinking about it this morning while I was running, and wondering if you guys were still doing it. I was probably thinking about it because my house is a complete disaster from the holiday and I can’t wait to clean it up!
Last day at a job you don’t want anymore = a truly great day in 2016, a year that otherwise was awful and weird.
The cleaning list really is good, but you have to do it LOL! Hopefully it will be easier for us to keep up with in the new year.
So happy that you had such a good year – that trip to Ireland, especially!! – and I’m excited for you to see how 2017 goes with your business. Big yay for no longer having to deal with the frustrations of your transcription job anymore!!!
We are kind of nervous about the upcoming year not knowing what is going to happen!
You had a great year Lori – I am impressed!! I have nothing!
I am kinda scared of any year in the future with Trump in charge as bad as 2016 was…
I hear you, Jody.
Its almost like retiring–leaving a job that was frustrating for a whole new life. It will be fun to see how it works out in your day to day life.
I’m always impressed that you make goals, and then that you remember to review them
Sometimes I forget about those goals, too LOL!
Nice work on your goals! It looks like 2016 was a success for you.
Have you considered putting your soaps on Etsy?
I did open an Etsy store, but haven’t done much with it. I have been concentrating on the website. Maybe in 2017 ?
Great job on your 2016 goals!! Happy New Year!!
You did pretty awesome on your 2016 plans! Congrats.
I wanted to read 12 books but didn’t make it to that goal. So this year I’m setting another 12 books goal.
It’s weird that when I use my ereader I read more than when I have a real book. Very weird but I love my ereader.