The warm sticky weather continues around here. Rain was predicted to start Saturday afternoon, so we decided to head out early for our ride. That meant no cupcake, but oh well
We headed towards the lake after a swing by the post office. It’s nice to be able to take small packages there by bike. We really live in a great location.
Then it was path time:
Just about to the nice shady part. We stopped by a little memorial:
There is a bench here as well. Unfortunately, this young woman committed suicide and this memorial is to raise awareness for suicide and that you are not alone.
The path was pretty busy. Lots of tourists. That means you can’t really zoom down like you might otherwise because some people don’t understand path and trail rules.
On to the lake. It would be a good day to take a dip. Even though it was still morning, it was pretty warm.
We sat in the shade and relaxed a bit.
Our bikes took a rest, too.
We scrapped our original planned route because of the heat and sun and went out on one of our old routes towards our previous house. This path is mostly gravel and there was a patch were it was really loose and thick:
That’s fishtail land, so we walked over that bit.
It’s really a beautiful path, though.
Hot and sweaty, but happy riding.
You can see John in my glasses! Hi John!
We ended up with 30 miles, which was a decent ride.
John had been out of town at the end of the week and brought home some treats, so that was what I had in place of a cuppie. These are macarons and delicious!
A little small, though. About the size of a peppermint patty. I had these with an icy latte.
We had huge storms come through later in the day, which brought much needed rain. It cleared up later and we were able to walk downtown for a Saturday night out.
Very good weekend overall.
That bike path is so gorgeous. I was wondering, when I saw the picture, if you actually rode on that thick gravel. I’m glad you walked through that!
Luckily it’s only that spot where the gravel is thick like that. It’s too hard to ride on it, although some people obviously do by the looks of it. I want to stay upright LOL.
That lake is so pretty with the hills and trees all around – what a gorgeous destination for a bike ride!
There is a bakery in Santa Cruz that sold macarons last time I was in California…I’m hoping they still sell them because next month? I’m getting some (and Debby will too, most likely)!
Yep, the humidity is what gets me – over the weekend it was 89% humidity with temps in the 90s – not the best combo! And I’d take a macaroon over a cupcake any day
Lovely ride Lori!
I have never had a macaron, can you believe that? They are pretty easy to get here though but you can get the best macarons of the world in Paris as I have been told.
Did you watch the tour this year? I saw most of it. So sad Bauke Mollema lost his second place and Tom Dumolin fell (not sure if he will be able to go to the Olympics) but Wout Poels, the master helper for Froomie. I enjoyed the tour this year very much because the Dutch did pretty good this year.
We watched the whole Tour. It was good this year, although I was disappointed in Quintana’s performance. The fans, though, they are just interfering with the race too much! Something has to be done for the riders’ safety more.
You got in a decent ride for the conditions. Just remember when it’s snow and ice you’ll be wishing for Saturday’s weather just to be able to ride hahahaha!
I know LOL! That’s why we ride so much because the season is all too short
Beautiful riding Lori!!!! I know you don’t do much Instagram but all my push-ups are dedicated to Vets & this cause. One of my IG friends had a son that committed suicide.
I hear you on the small macarron!
I zeroed in on John’s and your feet. Are those “biking shoes” or shoes you wear for biking? I have achey feet when I ride and bought some stiff soled bike shoes many years ago which help some. But they are getting really old plus I think my size has changed.
Love the shady trails. Admire your mileage. Stunned by the color of the green macaron.
I have official bike shoes that have cleats that clip into my pedals. John just has shoes he wears for biking. These are a shoe that hugs the feet so nothing really brushes against the pedal arm while pedaling.
Thanks for the feedback!