We finally got in our cupcake ride! We have had such a great start to the riding season that we were able to make the 40-mile ride during April. Just squeaked it in on the 30th
We spent the sunny morning working outside on the new garden bed and path before heading down and made great progress. John is working on the path and I am digging up the bed. It’s been a ton of work, but now we are starting to see some results.
I love how its starting to look. If only our lawn looked better, but we’ll deal with that at some point.
After lunch we headed down. There was a very slight tailwind which was swirling around a bit, so that was fine. It was sunny and around 60 degrees. Just cool enough for me to wear a jacket since I’m cold a lot, but I ditched that after about 10 miles when we stopped for a snack.
A couple dates for me, dried pineapple for John
John giving the thumb’s up!
It’s not as pretty a ride as other ways we go, but still nice.
Taking a selfie and I have a creeper!
He’s kind of scary LOL!
My legs were feeling fine. Not really tired at all for the 20 mile ride down to Saratoga, but I was getting a little hungry. I’m in that trying to lose weight phase along with trying to fuel for long rides. It’s a tricky balance, which I still haven’t gotten down after alll these years.
Arrival in Saratoga and cupcake time! We stopped at Parkside Eatery. They always have a great selection of all kinds of food, but we were there for cuppies. John had a sundae cupcake:
Mine was vanilla raspberry:
These are quite large cupcakes. I think the picture makes them look smaller. Or maybe it doesn’t…Yum! I love cupcakes and I know it’s a good thing that they are normally saved for ride days. I think it makes them taste better, too. We actually got a donut as well, but I only had a couple bites and decided I was too full with the coffee and cupcake.
We didn’t stay too long since we left the house after lunch. It takes 3-1/2 hours of ride time, plus the time spent eating, which pretty much uses up the afternoon!
Powered by cupcakes, we headed home, stopping one time for a quick rest around mile 30:
This route is all road riding. No paths.
The last 2 miles and we hit a lot of traffic. One of the local churches was just getting out of Saturday afternoon mass, so the cops were directing traffic and everybody was going on the road we were on. I was so tired of biking in traffic! Anyway, we made it home in one piece and in good shape, too. The hills were fine and there wasn’t a whole lot of wind on the way home. 40 miles in April felt pretty darn good! The only thing that was tired were my wrists, oddly enough. I tend to get a tight grip on my handlebars and my wrists hurt after a while.
This is John’s phone for stats. My bike computer needs adjusting. How I wished I burned 2300 calories for 40 miles! I only burn about 1200. (Only being relative – still a lot).
Here is a collage of the foods eaten during the ride day.
Plus lots of liquids. With dinner, I even had a whole cup of cooked rice LOL! On normal days I can’t really eat that much rice, but on ride days you need it. Unpicture was part of that donut
Good biking season so far. Already over 400 miles on the year!
Congrats on the first cupcake ride! Maybe you were gripping extra tightly due to all the traffic.
The selfie made me laugh, and the food pics made me hungry. Which is bad, because I have already eaten. But then again I’m pretty much always ready to eat.
You and me both! I can always eat…
Me creepy?! Hahaheheheohohoohoo!
Congrats on the first cupcake ride of the year!
I REALLY like the way the path is looking–it will be so beautiful filled with flowers!
The path actually follows the line of the garden bed that was there, which has a nice shape to it. We just bumped it out a tiny bit on the end near the sidewalk so it matched the other side.
Yay for long rides and cupcakes! What a fun day. And the path is looking good – nicely defining the garden beds. Lots of work but the end result will be wonderful.
I’ve actually decided to dust off my bike and ride it around town for errands – well, once it gets a bit nicer – I don’t like biking in the rain!
Great job on getting in 400 miles so far!
What a great ride!!!! I’m so happy that you guys are out and about on your long rides again. And must admit, I LOL at “the creeper”. Have a wonderful week Lori. And Creeper? You too! LOL
Nice job on the 40 miles! Glad the weather is nice for you to do that. And that cupcake looks amaze……
So happy you got that long ride for the cupcakes!!! I wish our traffic looked like that!
Is it bad that I lingered on the cupcake & food pics!!!
Screw those men always burning more & losing weight faster!!!
I have some beds to dig up and I haven’t even started yet. Your pictures give me hope. I can get it done.
40 is the magic number. Excellent work on that ride!
Yay for bike riding!! My husband wants to get started. We have a park with a nice long loop that he could start on. It’s like 7-10 miles around.
Woohoo for the first cupcake ride of the season! I read the title and thought: that’s really early in the season and started reading and saw you said just the same LOL.
Wonderful ride!
PS: I got back from vacation yesterday and am behind on reading. I started with the oldest post in my feedreader and it might take me a couple of day before I’m completely catched up with your blog.
Nothing too exciting going on, you didn’t miss much LOL. Glad you are back!