C25K and Pixie update

Couch to 5K update. I’m in week 2 and it’s going pretty well so far. The running segments are short, so no issues with my leg yet or anything. Yay for that. This week is a brisk five-minute warmup walk. Then alternate 90 seconds of jogging and two minutes of walking for a total of 20 minutes (9 minutes of running). Then a 5 minute cool down. If we keep up with this warm weather, I might be able to move these sessions outside in the not too distant future!

Pixie update: Ms. Pixie is doing much better now. We were a little concerned because she just was taking so long to show any signs of feeling a lot better. I was carrying her to the litter pan a few times a day just to make sure she would go in her litter box and not just wherever she was since she was moving around very little. Today she finally has been walking around and seeming more like our normal Pixie. It was a big change overnight.


She is not happy with her new food and isn’t eating as much, but she has to get used to it. She has no choice.  I’ve been giving her more wet food to try to entice her to eat more of something, but that isn’t working too well. When she gets hungry enough, she will start eating it.

I’ve been working extra for all the medical bills this month. We were just talking about how if we hadn’t already booked our tickets to Ireland, we might rethink going. However, I’m lucky in that I can log in over the weekend (or any time, really) and pick up extra work if it’s available. I complain a lot about my job — the management of it mostly, but one of the good things is that if I need extra money, I can usually get extra work to help out. I don’t have to ask. I can just do it. The only thing is that it burns me out. I’ve have worked at least some every single day for the past 14 days.

We did get out and do some shopping to take a break. I had some gift certificates to spend, so no guilt! Went to TJ Maxx and I found a real purty gazing globe for my garden:


And I have a couple dollars to spare on the gift card, too! Of course, we had to partake in this as well:


Relaxation comes in many forms 😀

The good thing about me doing extra work is that I get out of removing wallpaper! Yippee!!! John has been doing a great job and it’s almost gone!


Blank canvas:


Now to choose a color.


21 thoughts on “C25K and Pixie update

  1. Lisa

    What kind of new food is Pixie on? My Fat Kitty got put on Science Diet Kidney dry food last year. His kidney levels came back high and the vet suggested changing his diet first and seeing if it helped. It helped a LOT and he’s basically back to normal and he loves the food. It’s expensive but he loves it and it works.

    1. Lori Post author

      We are getting some of the science diet stuff for the wet and we got the Purina 1 urinary tract dry food for now.

  2. Shelley B

    Oh darn, you are too busy working to help with the wallpaper removal. Darn, darn, darn. 😉

    So happy to hear Pixie is getting back to her old self! I agree with you, when she’s hungry enough, she’ll eat the new food…but cats sure can hold out for a lot longer than dogs when it comes to a food strike.

    That gazing globe is nice and will be a fun pop of color in your garden. We have some neighbors down the road who use bowling balls, and a lot of them, as their version of gazing globes. Oh Texas…

  3. Ruby

    Great news on Pixie, I so enjoy seeing her pictures! Working all the extra hrs though helpful to have, may take its toll on you, take care of yourself too.

    1. Lori Post author

      I will take care of myself. We have a hotel voucher for a free night that we need to use soon for a little get away.

  4. Jeannie/Qlts2Slo

    Oh geez, I hate it when they won’t eat their food! Hope for both your sakes she adjusts to it soon.

    Yea, the joy of gift certs!

  5. Fran

    Happy to hear Pixie is getting back to her old self. Anesthesia is pretty hard on an animal and they usually need a couple of days to recover from it. And yes, once she gets hungry enough she will eat 🙂

    Well done on the run! It helps me that we are in this together.

    You must have been so sad you couldn’t help with the wallpaper 🙂

  6. Helen

    Every time I think I’m moving all my cardio workouts back outside, Mother Nature says, “nope!” I’m ready to do that though.

    You are lucky that you have the ability to just work, even though no time off sucks. At least you can see that it’s a finite amount of time, fingers crossed!

    I would paint my workout room my favorite color, just so I felt like I wanted to be in there.

    1. Lori Post author

      I am lucky about being able to work, although the double-edged sword is that there sometimes is no work during my normal times. Feast or famine.

      I think I have all of my favorite colors covered at some point in the house LOL! I actually like this room because it’s bright. We were thinking of doing a cycling themed room, but not sure I want a king of the mountains polka dot wall!

  7. Roz@lens3.wordpress.com

    So, So, So glad for the good Pixie update. It is so hard when they’re not well, on everyone!!!
    Hang in there Lori!!! And have a good week. I’m sending a hug to everyone.
    BTW…LOVE the gazing ball!!! I see photo ops there! 🙂

  8. Biz

    When we had to change our dogs food, I stocked up on cheap beef broth from the dollar store – I could get 4 cans for $1. I’d add about half a can to his dry food to make like a gravy and he ate it up – not sure if that would work for cats though! Glad she’s feeling better 😀

  9. Lisa

    My cat is having urinary tract issues also. I took him to the vet and his blood work shows that he is in good health but might have had a bladder infection. I’ve always fed my cat dry food, so the Vet suggested switching him to wet food as it’s easier on their urinary tract. We did a week of antibiotics and he’s now eating wet food with a sprinkle of dry on top. He seems to be feeling better as well. I didn’t know they can do surgery to remove the kidney stones! How lucky that she could have surgery and is ok.

    Science Diet has some coupons out for the prescription diet food. I found them on the company website. And I’ve heard that most cats don’t like the K/D diet.

  10. Paula

    I am training for our 5k in May. Last year I followed a plan called “run like a mother” . It was a walk run training plan that really worked well. I was never a runner. I just started last year & still not comfortable calling myself a runner. At least not yet. Glad your Pixie is on the road to recovery.

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