Wow. Waaaay back in January I set some goals for 2015. It’s always fun to see how far off you get from those after a longer period of time Sometimes it feels like nothing happened this year and then it seems like it was non-stop with stuff.
1. Create. I think I did this one to the max. Between creating new garden beds, restoring the trunks, doing a new bathroom, the headboard project and starting a soap business. Yes. I think that one is checked off.
2. Eat a lot more vegetables. I don’t know about this. I think I ate more, but I can’t quantify it as being a lot more LOL! The spiralizer helped with that – at least with getting me to try different ones. I know I ate more zuchinni and summer squash because of this.
3. New volunteering. Did not do this. I could not find something that really called to me. Not to mention the time commitment was tough. We have been so busy with working on this house and my jobs that trying to squeeze in another time committment just didn’t happen.
4. Hiking. Finally! We did it! We went on several hikes like the Sleeping Beauty Hike, Pilot’s Knob and the Firetower hike. Interestingly enough, John and I never really hiked by ourselves. We always went with others. The great part about the hiking is that we got to see views that are not accessible on the bike. We will be doing more.
5. 2000 miles on the bike. Done and done. I hit this before what would be considered the end of the season and then managed to get in a couple hundred more miles with this crazy warm weather! I ended up a shade over 2400 miles. The bike is officially retired inside as of yesterday, though. Boo.
6. Sell the old house. YES!!! Okay, I didn’t make that happen, but it did. Finally the closing was done in June and we are now like normal people – kind of – with only one house and one mortgage That whole buying and selling was almost a 2-year process, although it felt like forever.
Never leaving this house. Never ever never.
7. Change up my wardrobe. Hmmm… I’m still no fashion plate. I bought some new clothes this year – and not all of them thrift, either. With my job working at home and doing so much work inside and outside – seems like I changed my clothes a lot to get into grubbies. Or I just wore them to begin with.
So yeah, and interesting year. How about you?
That seems like a really productive year. I think you did a lot better on your goals than I did on mine. It is so hard to really know at the start of the year how things will shake out. Life intrudes…
I think you met your goals for the year congrats! At the ripe old age of 51 I don’t set resolutions or goals any more. This is probably the first year in my whole adult life I don’t have a weight goal I love right where I am at!
You may change your mind about staying a big house as you get older after while you feel like you don’t need that much space, and its a pain to keep up and the cleaning ugh. We moved (bought) the house we live in now 11 years back. We bought what we could qualify for and I didn’t love it. I love my house now but I don’t think we will live here for the rest of our lives but I am not ready to move just yet.
Anyway, Happy New Year Lori to you and yours!
I think one of the reasons I don’t make goals or resolutions anymore is that my perfectionism kicks in and if I don’t meet my expectation, the emotional toll is too great. That’s even when I know I had no control over something, like Kitty said when life intrudes. But I still end up taking it too hard.
Anyway, I really like how you are able to objectively look at goals, and when I look at yours and how you’ve framed them, I feel you met them admirably.
Happy New Year to you and John!
You kicked your bike mileage up a notch this year – so glad the weather cooperated.
2015 was of course an interesting year for me without Tony. I traveled more last year than I think I have in the previous 10 years, so I made up for lost time. Weight loss is still going on the list for 2016, but I have more traveling to do this year – hopefully will meet up with Shelley in March!
Happy New Year!
I think you did pretty good considering the huge life changing year you guys had! Lots of big things.
How happy are you with the extra bike mileage?! So glad you got to do what you love for so long this year.
Happy New Year!!!
YOU DID GREAT Lori!!! I applaud you especially with all going on with you this year! Now I want to see a guitar video!
Goals or no goals, you just plain had a great year!
You had a great year! And the hiking part was really enjoyable for me too. Look forward to more hikes and of course bike rides in 2016.
Happy new year Lori.
You did so good with your goals!! Great job!!