I hope you all had a great weekend! I’m pretty beat, but still here
Thanksgiving was really nice. My sister hosted, as usual.
The weather was quite nice as well. It was about 50 degrees out. Some of us went for a walk outside to work off some dinner. I brought along the rebel to take some pictures. We were on the tree nursery property.
The pond had a slight skim of ice on it, which was surprising since it was 50, but the overnights have been cold.
We saw lots of deer and turkey tracks.
There were a lot of turkey feathers on the ground as well.
We actually saw a deer, too. We rounded a corner by a giant mulch pile and startled all of us, deer included.
This turkey was spared from Thanksgiving, at any rate. My BIL raises turkeys:
He’s quite the show off, don’t you think?
Then it was dessert and game time. This is Phoenix (or Fifi)
He didn’t get dessert or play games, but he was cute. We had to choose a game:
We did scrutineyes:
We had to call an early night since I had the open house to do starting on Friday.
The show was okay. It wasn’t great, but I learned a lot. The Shirt Factory is 2 large connected buildings and it is like a maze. I won’t want to be in the same spot next time because it was a hallway that got overlooked by some of the foot traffic. Plus there were other soapers there. However, I got some good feedback. People really like my packaging:
I solve the opening of boxes by putting out a labeled bar for people to pick up and look at.
You never know what the popular scents will be. Surprising to me was that they were lemongrass, Thai Silk and Pine. The pine not too surprising, but usually lavender and oatmeal are top sellers.
I do have to say I was cold all weekend. We were in the hallways of the building and it was kind of drafty, so we were chilly. I was lucky enough not to be in a spot by one of the entrance doors. Those were cold!
I do the next open house in 2 weeks and I will be on the first floor rather than the second, so that will be an interesting comparison. That show is only 2 days rather than 3. This weekend was exhausting, really. The show was 10-5 Fri, Sat and Sunday. I’m kind of tired of people now as well LOL!
I’m glad I did it. I have done better shows and worse ones, but after all these years, it was good to get my feet wet again. Now it’s back to regular work Monday morning! Eeek! For tonight, though, it’s jammies, fleece blanket, some hot tea and the Broncos game! I don’t hold out a lot of hope the Broncos will win, but you never know.
Oh, I am tired reading about your show. I had thought it was actually in your house. They do something like that once a year around here, called artist’s studio tour, I think . Anyway, probably more foot traffic the way you did it, but not nearly as nice as being in your own home. I feel cold just reading about how cold you were. I have been there, done that…
Love your walk pictures from Thanksgiving! Ooh, and that turkey is gorgeous too! Glad you are in your jammies and enjoying a nice evening before heading back to work tomorrow!
I couldn’t imagine a bunch of strangers traipsing through Radiance Manor LOL! Although, it would be interesting. Not sure the neighbors would go for that. I love the shirt factory. It’s just a cool place for creativity.
Glad you survived your first show – and how interesting about the popular scents (which I like, btw!). You never know with these things. Sounds like you did really well considering you’re the new soaper on the scene. Here’s hoping the next open house will be even busier for you (and warmer, too!).
I bet if I bring extra of those scents next time, it will be something different that sells :p
Congratulations on the show Lori!!! Sounds really positive overall. Hope the next open house will have brisk sales, and no brisk drafts. Have a good week!!
Oh those kinds of shows are SO SO SO EXHAUSTING and yet thankfully get easier with time.
I love the lemon grass too and am not a pineGURL.
But my fave would definitely be lavender.
Looks like you had a great Thanksgiving with your family. The food looks delicious.
For the first show I would call it a success, you have to start somewhere, right?
for what it’s worth: I love your soap.
Yes, you do have to start somewhere. I kind of remember now what I liked and disliked about doing shows LOL!
Lori, do you sell sugar scrubs? I’m looking for something with a citrus or lemongrass scent.
I don’t do any of those (yet). I am always afraid of someone slipping in the shower with them because of the oils.
If you start offering them, reach out to me on FB, please. Thanks!
Happy thanksgiving! Those mashed potatoes look PERFECT.
Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving and a wonderful time at your show!! Your packaging is so pretty!!
With the exception of Yahtzee, I’ve never even seen any of those games. Thought of you yesterday when I was sniffing soaps in a newly discovered store. I bet lemongrass would be my fav. Sounds like the show was a good learning (re-learning?) experience.
A beautiful Thanksgiving for you!! I so get the people being one that does demos…… I am kind of tiring of it!