We carved a little early this year since it was the only day we could all get together. This is always a good time and everyone seems to enjoy it – with the exception of the 12-year-old niece, who gets bored. Even my dad seems to really like it, which is a little surprising to me, but I’m glad.
I got my garden cleaned up for fall with all the annuals pulled out and lots of pumpkins:
It was kind of a rainy night, but fun nonetheless. Pumpkins ready to go!
I didn’t take any pictures of food, but we just did a finger food dinner and still managed to sit at the table with the pumpkins on it LOL!
My pattern:
Usually I do 2 pumpkins, but I am going to wait until Friday to do the second one so it is fresher.
Carving commenced:
One by one we lined them up on the stairs inside as they got finished.
You can see where we stopped removing wallpaper here LOL! Winter project…sigh...
I still wanted to see them outside, though. We put them outside under the awning over the garage so they would stay dry:
If you don’t know, an easy way to keep a pumpkin fresh if the weather is warm or you carve early is to either put vaseline around the cut parts or to keep the pumpkin in a bucket of water. I do the water thing and it works great.
Did you know today is National Cat Day? I mentioned that to John and he said every day was cat day Here is our little queen on her chaise:
She’s giving me the look here!
Today’s pink item – soap colorant! This is pink mica. Not as bad as getting glitter everywhere, but still makes a mess.
Very impressive pumpkins!
John is right about every day cat day, just like every day is dog day
they have such a beautiful life.
I love the pumpkin carving party every year.
Halloween is not something that is celebrated here but they are trying to get it over here too. There are some people that throw Halloween parties but most of all the retail tries to convince us that we should celebrate it so they can sell to us of course
I don’t think it will ever be a tradition here.
I hate being jealous of my own cat, but they do have the life.
Pixie knew it was cat day as she inserted herself into the center of the pumpkin table photo.
Great pumpkins!
Yes, but she was not nice with people. She is getting bratty in her old age
Love that you gather the family together to carve your pumpkins. In my mind, anything that will create community is a good, good thing! Nice results, too.
I love the garden! Very nice!!!
It is always fun to do!
Haha Fran’s comment about Halloween and retail is cracking me up. I think there are lots of retain holidays in the USA. I’ve never thought of Halloween as a “holiday” but it is the anniversary of my very first date with Mr. Helen
Love the pumpkins. I don’t know why I never carve one anymore because Little Helen and I had great fun doing that together as she grew up. Plus, roasted pumpkin seeds – bonus!
John and I have carved pumpkins forever, even though we don’t have kids. I just like to do it and the trick or treaters seem to really enjoy them as well.
Your pumpkins came out cute…er, SPOOKY!
Paco is jealous of Pixie’s chaise. That IS her chaise, right? Haha, they sure do take over certain pieces of furniture.
Pixie has that knack to lie exactly in the middle of things – like she is letting us know that she will not be sharing space, thank you very much.
I think I need to bring back pumpkin carving, haven’t done it since Hannah was little! Have a great weekend
Your pumpkins look awesome!!
FRig, with all my busy times, I almost missed the Pixie pic!!!!! She is giving you the look!!!!
I always love your pumpkins!!!
We had NOBODY come this year. It has been very few in the past but not a one this year.