Last quarter of the year. It’s starting out *hot*, too! Phew. Because of where we live, it actually gets cooler overnight, but heats up a lot during the day this time of year. With the humidity, it gets foggy. Here was a shot from my ride after breakfast yesterday. This was probably around 9 am (I start work late on Wednesdays )
When I rode to breakfast, the mist was collecting on my helmet and dripping off. It was almost like rain.
Seems like September starts hot around here – or at least it has for the last few years.
It’s a super busy month around here. There are multiple birthdays, anniversaries and we have 2 sets of company coming to stay with us this month.
Here is my niece who just turned 16 (eek!)
How time flies! She is going to be driving…
We finally have everything with the house settled up. We just refinanced to a regular mortgage. We purchased Radiance Manor with a private mortgage and with the sale of the old house done, we were then able to go the conventional route to refinance. Now all Ts are crossed and we are like normal people. Or whatever passes for normal around here.
So, I have a gift to myself arriving tomorrow. I finally – after talking about it for a couple years – ordered a DSLR camera. It’s been on my wish list for so long and it was time. No vacation this year, so gotta treat myself somehow, right? It’s a Rebel T5.
I ended up ordering a kit that included the zoom lens I wanted and a wide angle/macro lens. I will try not to overwhelm you with pictures on the blog, but then again, I just might anyway
I realize that I have been remiss in the Pixie love on the blog. Here is a photo I meant to post before, but forgot. This was taken while the driveway was being done.
Pixie was able to lay on the piano far away and still give a side eye to the workers through the window in the kitchen door.
I am close to my 2000 mile biking goal. I am at 1769. That means only about 230 to go. I would normally say I would have it before the end of the month, but with 2 sets of company and none of them riders, I won’t be on the bike as much, but barring injury I won’t have a problem meeting that goal.
Here’s to a busy month!
You are going to love shooting macro, it’s perfect for flowers.
My old digital camera had a macro setting on it that I loved for close ups, so I imagine this will be even better!
YAY! Congrats on the new camera. You are going to LOVE it. I love my Canon Rebel and take some amazing photos with it. My suggestion is to really learn how to use it, not just rely on auto mode. It’s fun to practice and experiment and I second the comment about macro. You’re going to love it!
I am planning on going all out with shooting RAW and manual. My only problem is I have to work tomorrow when the camera comes!
The new camera is going to be great fun – glad you treated yourself, as you obviously love photography. And how nice to be a regular old mortgage-holder! Normal life…it’s pretty nice, actually.
It seems like this whole house process took forever and a day to get to the normal LOL! Well, I guess it was forever. Over a year and half. That’s plenty long to feel normal again.
Wow, your pictures are already pretty amazing. Can’t wait to see the new camera pictures. I like that foggy first picture. There is not an ounce of moisture left in our air to make fog with. We talk frequently and fondly about El Nino.
My phone takes surprisingly good pictures, but it doesn’t zoom well. There have been too many times that I wanted to get a shot of something and I said “If only I had my uber camera”. I am going to take a lot of wildlife photos.
I can’t believe it’s September already, time flies these days.
Great camera you bought for yourself. We have a good camera at home and I have a pocket camera but I only use the camera on my phone these days because it makes much better photo’s than the other 2 cameras.
The first fog picture is beautiful.
I am very excited about the camera. I need to find a photography group around here.
Normal is a wonderful place!
One of these days I’m going to break down and buy a DSLR too. I have wanted one for years but some other expense always seems to take priority… I mean who needs a new garage roof when you can have a great camera!
I probably could have bought the camera sooner, but those $2 chairs just kept getting in the way
I look forward to seeing your shots with the new camera. Cute picture of Pixie!