It’s been a little busy around here and rather than just a ride post, I would talk about other stuff going on as well.
I finally finished my 2nd upholstered chair. This one has been in my basement work room for months now and I missed it.
The white is more of a creamy color. It looks brighter in the picture than IRL. This was the idea I had for a sitting area way back last year in our living room and now it is finished.
The bench will probably work its way upstairs now.
Our driveway is now finished! Here was the old driveway with all the old overgrown shrubbery. This was the day we closed last year:
We took down the shrubs and that way we could widen the driveway. The best part is that the cool stone retaining wall now shows.
We just have to be careful not to drive off of it now
I went to check out my instagram picture at Mean Max. They had a lot of the pictures on the wall – guess they put all of them up – and here it mine:
Hopefully it will raise some money for the charity.
I also had some hard cider:
Saturday we did our usual bike ride. We went down to Saratoga.
John had *another* flat, which didn’t happen until we got to Saratoga. He is having trouble with his wheel lately.
The next morning, this tire was flat again. He then found a staple that had worked it’s way into the tire and was likely puncturing the tubes.
Of course, the Travers was going on and the city was named Pharoahtoga for a day. Too bad he didn’t win. The story is that the Travers is the graveyard of champions and that held true for American Pharoah. No triple crown winner wins at Travers. We stopped at Parkside Eatery for our cuppies! They had this special pie made:
My red velvet cupcake.
All in all, we had a nice 42 mile ride, although it was a little tiring because we had a head wind the whole way down.
I was out Sunday for a solo morning ride since John’s bike was out of commission. Out by the airport, I found a bird with a broken wing on the side of the road. Sucker that I am, I just couldn’t leave it. So, I put him in my bike bag inside my jacket and brought him home. We think it is a phoebe.
He didn’t die of fright on the way home, so that was a good thing. I assume he was hit by a car, but no way to tell. He could have internal injuries. I made a call to the North Country Wild Care hot line and took him down to a rehabber in the afternoon. They will take him to a vet and see if the wing can be set or not. If not, he will be euthanized (better than left to suffer outside). If it can be set, it should heal in about 2 weeks and the bird will be merrily on his way again. Let’s hope for the latter.
And tomorrow is Monday again already!
that’s so so so cool about mean max and your picture.
now I wonder if and how you could sell some to STOCK PHOTO sites!!
(I shall investigate for you :-))
I should look into that.
Oh man, I am jealous of that new driveway! We need one but no $$ for it right now.
I just have to ask, where was Pixie in reference to where the bird was when you had it at home?!!
I am glad to get the driveway done. It wasn’t horribly expensive since it is a small driveway, but it would be nice to put the money towards other things.
Pixie had no clue about the bird. It was in a covered box while inside and up on the counter (which she rarely gets on). The bird was quiet, so she was just busy napping all day like usual and didn’t know.
Between the shrubbery being gone, and widening the driveway, well, your front area looks so much more open, not to mention bigger! What a non-fun thing to spend money on, but I bet you’ll be glad you did.
Did you like the hard cider? My brother recently started a hard cider business in Oregon. I’ve never tried it, so have no clue what it tastes like…I keep thinking Martinelli’s, but that probably isn’t even close, lol.
Hope the bird makes it! You are very kindhearted to take care of it.
I do like the hard cider a lot. It’s sweet. Actually, it is a lot like Martinelli’s LOL! Not quite as sweet as that, but super drinkable.
The sitting area, the driveway – it all looks amazing Lori!!!!
So sweet of you to try to save the bird. I hope they can help it!
I hope JOhn is not on a flat tire streak like you had that one year!
Beautiful job on your chairs, and your driveway looks to pretty to drive on ?
We can’t drive on the driveway for 3 days anyway LOL!
Whew! That is a LOT of activity in one weekend! The thing that actually interested me the most is that American Pharaoh is still racing after he won the triple crown? I thought they always retired horses after they won that. Like with dogs, if they win Westminster, they are usually retired.
Anyway, you had an amazing weekend, and I’m so glad that you got your cupcake, in spite of the tire troubles
Well, the chairs were finished Thursday, so not over the weekend.
I am glad they raced AP. He was going to do another race in Pennsylvania, but then the owner decided on the Travers. He is contracted to stud, so there is always a huge monetary risk to keep racing, but why not do a little more.
That chair is gorgeous! Good work. And I’m glad you were able to help the bird. I hope he heals ok!
The chair is great, you did a great job on both of the chairs.
And the new driveway is such an improvement, I agree with Shelley, it looks so much bigger.
And poor little birdie, have you heard afterwards what happened to him/her: could they help her?
I haven’t heard about the bird. I doubt that I will hear anything since they are so busy with wildlife. I called a central hotline to meet with a rehabber, so I couldn’t contact her directly anyway. At least I know that the birdie isn’t suffering now, either way. Although, I probably took away some hawk’s dinner.
You are wonderful to help the little bird. AWWW!