Last weekend was such an unpredictable weather weekend that we didn’t do our usual long ride, so I was looking forward to Saturday!
It was a mostly cloudy day and temps in the upper 70s, so a good day for riding. There was a bit of breeze, but it was coming from the east, making it a crosswind which didn’t really affect the riding. There is no path on the way to Saratoga, just road riding, so not terribly exciting for pictures.
We stopped around mile 9 or so? for a little rest and snack:
Yummy, yummy dried pineapple!
Tick and poison ivy country, right here…
We hit up Saratoga at mile 20 and checked out the Bread Basket for the first time in at least a year.
They have good cupcakes – or gut bombs as we like to call them. These are big suckers.
Mine was peanut butter. It was filled with peanut butter mousse and topped with peanut butter frosting and ganache. John had a Boston Cream. So yummy! Especially after 20 miles of riding. Today was opening day for the Saratoga Race Track, so hardly anyone was downtown since they were all at the track. That was quite nice, I have to say.
After eating, we walked over to Congress Park and looked around. There is a section with a sundial surrounded by Pan and the Maenads:
Pan is a wee bit creepy:
We didn’t spend too long here and headed home, well-fueled by cupcakes! We booked home. This is around mile 32 or so on the day. It’s at the top of a small hill and overlooks a long way.
It was feeling a little humid and I was glad for the cloud cover. Our arrival home:
Ride stats:
Total miles: 41.5
Average speed: 13.4 mph
Top speed 26.6 mph
Saddle time: 3 hours 6 minutes
Calories burned: 1452.
It was a good ride. We are in good shape for the season and these rides feel pretty easy, even with the hills. I really pushed on the one big long hill on the way home to see if I could accelerate on the climb, which I actually was able to do! I think watching the Tour de France influences my riding LOL!
Speaking of le Tour, it was very good this year. I was rooting for Nairo Quintana and if there was one more day in the mountains, I think he would have won. He will win in the future, that is for sure.
Funniest quote of the tour came from Geraint Thomas. There was one stage where he just had a really bad day and went down in the standings because he just didn’t have enough energy to keep up. After the race he said “Sometimes you are the hammer and sometimes you are the nail. Today I was a cheapie little Ikea nail.” I think we have all been there.
Ha, some days you are walnut and some days you’re particle board:)
I love how green everything is where you bike! And those day lilies in front of the bakery are very pretty. I would like to get a few more specialty day lilies, but they do take up a lot of room.
Pan and the Maenads are creeping me out. Why don’t the Maenads have arms?
For some weird reason, right now the dried pineapple is more appealing to me than the cupcakes!
It is nice and green here. We have had enough rain to stay green.
The maenads are just busts, not full figures. This is the Italian style garden.
I like day lilies, too, but I don’t want to give up my sunny spots for them
oh my gosh PAN is totally creepy!
and yes three big cheers here for your 70 degree break in the weather.
riding perfection.
What a lovely ride, you had so much better weather than we. We had the worst July storm since 1901! last Saturday.
I have watched the Tour completely this year and loved it. It was never really boring. However about Quintana. Yes he’s a good rider but he said he would attack in the Alpes. He had 4 days to do it and I was really disappointed with him. He attacked on the last day which was too late. He didn’t deserve an extra day to win the tour. He should have taken action before.
I am very proud of our Dutch riders Gesink and Mollema who both ended in the top. That hasn’t happened since 1989 that 2 Dutch riders finish in the top 10.
And last thing I want to say about it: I was disgusted by those stupid French and I also saw Dutch supporters how they responded to Froome: throwing urine over him, spitting at him, making a fist at him etc. He was the best and deserved to win. And the way he thanked his team on Instagram (especially Port and Poels -> another Dutchie) and how they crossed the finish line as a team brought me to tears. He knew he couldn’t have done it without them.
Quintana is only 25, so I think he has a great future. He has done 2 tours and came in 2nd both times. It is so hard to attack in the mountains anyway and Sky was able to push the pace and keep those attacks from happening for the first couple of days, which shows how strong their team was.
I find the fans to be deplorable a lot of times the way they touch the riders and get in their faces. I hate to say this, but it seems like so many of the idiot fans out there are college age men. Maybe that is the “get off my lawn” old lady creeping out, but even John thought that.
Our weather is about to change this week and be hot, hot, hot and humid. Not my favorite. It will be early morning riding and indoor stuff, I think.
Pan is the stuff of nightmares, eek! And then your cupcakes are the stuff of dreams, so kudos for a good balance of pictures in this post.
It’s great to read how strong you feel with your biking – I know each spring you have to build up to these long rides, and it seems like BOOM – suddenly, you’re there!
It does seem like you just notice one day how the riding is easy. At least with the trainer my stamina doesn’t deteriorate as much as it used to during the winter, but it really is all about consistency.
I think I must be coming down with something, because the cupcakes aren’t speaking to me. Could be the heat here, or the fact that it’s 7:30 in the morning. I’ll come back later this afternoon, and if they don’t make me drool then, I’m calling the doctor.
So happy you were able to carpe the cooler diem and get in a nice ride!
I will eat any cupcake that you don’t want, Cammy
So happy you got out lori!!!! Those cupcakes look amazing but I want to know what the bread is like!!!
I really like the statues, despite Pan being a little creepy! Thanks you for taking us along on your ride!!! Have a great week Lori!
What a gorgeous garden. Love the statues!
Always envious of the quaint looking places you can simply jump on the bike and ride to. (well, I guess 30+ miles wouldn’t be called “simply” but you get the picture.) One of these days, I’m coming back and we are going to ride. I know I’m quiet with comments right now, but still read every post and just love what you’re doing with the house.
There definitely are great areas to ride, as you know. Anytime you want, you are welcome to stay at Radiance Manor
Love the analogy – either you’ve got it one day, or you don’t! Love all your biking scenery