The hot sweltering weather is gone for now and it has been really nice out. I took a nice long ride this morning. Work was slow, so that allowed me a longer ride.
This is me 16.5 miles later:
This ride took me about 80 minutes. The neighbors probably were wondering what I was doing trying to balance the bike on my hip and get the angle of the picture right
I wanted to share this fun little project. I am always on the look out for repurposed stuff for the garden and I saw a picture on Pinterest to recreate. I always scope out garage sales and thrift shops looking for cheap dishes and cups for this stuff. They don’t have to match, but this set did.
I just used this stuff to glue the cup to the saucer:
Then hung it on a hook.
I am concerned about squirrels putting their weight on this, so I filled it with niger seed, which the squirrels are not interested in. Hopefully the birdies will find it soon. It seems to take a couple weeks before they notice a new feeder. At least it is cute to look at anyway.
So you know I am trying to eat different veggies this month. We were at the farmer’s market this weekend and I picked up some yellow squash. They look good, don’t they?
I preheated the oven to 400 F. Then I sliced the squash into 1/2 inch slices and put them on a nonstick mat. Then I sprayed the tops with cooking spray, salt and pepper and distributed 1/2 ounce of parmesan cheese over the top:
Bake for about 20 minutes or so until the squash is tender and the cheese is melty and a little browned.
Dinner is served!
The squash was quite good this way.
The yellow squash seems to be a lot softer than a zuchinni. I think I might next want to try it in a quiche. What is your favorite way to eat squash?
What a cute idea for the saucer. I need to check out pinterest. I want to do stuff like this with my garden. I just don’t have the creativity to think it up myself.
I do zucchini/squash every other year in my garden. It’s prolific that I’m sick of it and have to take a year off. But your squash looks tasty!!
I get sucked into pinterest from time to time LOL!
Cute feeder! The birds can have high tea after they eat. I’ve seen it spelled as Niger thistle and Nyger thistle, and regardless of the spelling I always have trouble getting birds to go for it instead of the sunflower seed. I asked Siri how I should spell Niger Thistle and she just said, “that’s not nice” even though I pronounced it with a long i. It was kind of funny. I’ve been feeding birds so long I didn’t even think about the name. I bought some of that E6000 to use as backing in the holes of a hummingbird feeder. I saw a guy on YouTube use the mesh lining of an onion bag to keep the bees out. I’m having mixed results.
The Niger is really only eaten by the finches and sometimes the chickadees, but that’s okay. If I can get goldfinches to eat out of this, that would be fine with me! I can’t get hummingbirds to come to my feeders, although I finally saw one at my butterfly bush!
That is such a cute picture of you – love the mirror shot!
Well I was trying to figure out where you were in your yard for that picture, but Its by your neighbor’s? That’s a great way to fix the squash. Thanks for the reminder/idea!
I love zucchini squash just boiled. That’s how I grew up. But there’s a thin window between undercooked and mush
I agree, the yellow squash is softer. But also, fresh-grown squash seems to be softer than store-bought. I actually usually prefer store-bought. Oh, and I also love the combination of squash/onion/corn sautéed.
That picture was taken in our driveway right by the garage. There is a slope going down to the back yard and it starts with those stairs and then is just an asphalt ramp.
Oh, interesting. Well, I like the stairs. You know, my stone fixation
Curry Zucchini Soup is a staple for me so there’s usually some stashed in my freezer. I eat that plain or, especially in the winter, add chicken or corn to heft it up a bit. Other than that I like squash sautéed with mushrooms, onions and whatever other vegies are on hand over 5 minute couscous with some feta on top.
Great photo.
What a cute cup/saucer feeder! I also love the chair you’re working on (pictured on your FB page). I’m aspiring to be you (as I always am!) and bike 16 within the next few weeks. Baby steps!
I made the same kind of zucchini recipe last night. So delicious!
Summer squash/zucchini is amazing on the BBQ. Just cut it in quarters length wise (so it’s in sticks, instead of discs). The smokey flavor is awesome. The leftovers are also great cold in a salad.
LOVE the saucer!!!!
I love that tea cup thing – so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!! And how do you look that good after 16.5 miles!!!
What a great idea with the teacup, I love it.
And the photo of you is great, you look happy.
Yellow squash is rare here, I can’t remember seeing it often in the stores here and therefore I have never eaten it. The way you prepared it looks delicious.