Man was it hot and humid this weekend. So, no really long ride, which also meant no cupcake this weekend. Oh well. We did ride early on Saturday since it was supposed to be rainy later (which never happened), but it was really hot and muggy. We decided to tackle that little wall in the garden bed. That was tough to get out. We tried using the sledgehammer, crowbar and digging it up. It was hammered in with spikes, so we couldn’t pry the boards apart, and the long bottom board went into the patio. Annoying. So we ended up cuttting around all the spikes and taking the wall apart in chunks.
BTW – those windows look into our basement. We have a walkout basement, which is awesome. Now I have all these freestanding pieces. I will see if any of my vintage people want these for a project
We were soaked in sweat after doing that. Thank goodness we never have to do that project again. I am glad we didn’t decide to bike in the afternoon because I would have been miserable in the heat and humidity.
No cupcake, but we did go out for a cheap dinner Welcome to…
Moe’s! This is a burrito bowl. I just get meat, rice, chicken, lettuce, cheese, pickled jalapenos and sour cream. Then I top with salsa from the salsa bar. I would have loved to have chips, but those can be problematic for me, so I stuck with this, which was totally yummy.
Sunday was even hotter and we got our 22 mile ride in early. Have I mentioned that early Sunday mornings are my very favorite time to ride? People are either sleeping or at church so the roads are empty. This is around 7:45
We met my mother for some breakfast and then rode some more.
We then went out by the municipal airport and it was sunny for so much of the ride. I was thankful that I had put on sunscreen, even though it was morning. I was also so glad to get back inside after that. Too hot to ride, that is for sure!
I decided instead of working outside to go visit a barn shop that people in my vintage group have been talking up like crazy. It’s about a 40 minute drive from our house, so I just haven’t gotten over there. I was waiting for a rainy day, but figured a day in the 90s was good as well since I didn’t want to work outside. It’s called Second Chance Barn. This place is cool and this was the first picture I texted to John:
His response: “No”
The price on the trunks was great, but all of them smelled like mothballs inside, and that is a smell hard to get out.
This is cute. I almost got it.
I am not sure what one does with a floor oiler. Seems slippery.
Vintage suitcases galore:
Ball jars.
I have been kind of wanting a milk can and I almost got one of these, but decided on something else.
I ended up with another $2 chair:
This is going to be painted and done with another flower pot like my other chair. This time in the shade bed
And I picked up this nifty thing.
It’s an old kersosene lamp heater. It hinges open and you would put your kerosene and wick in it. I don’t want it for that purpose, obviously. I am going to put string lights on the inside and use it for a plant stand. I fell in love with the blue color. Not to mention the great price. All of the things were priced pretty inexpensive or fair – so I will be keeping an eye on their facebook page for future stuff.
We are definitely developing an interesting decorating style in our house.
Okay, I’m not even hugely into antiques although I admire other people’s work/décor. However, that heater is GREAT. It will be a wonderful & unique plant stand.
I would definitely choose browsing over riding in 90 degree temps too. I hope to get out of bed and on my bike early tomorrow.
I like certain periods of antiques, like what I just bought LOL!
Yeah, summer has definitely hit and doing outdoor activities is not super enjoyable right now. The antique trip was a good choice – ooh, I’m loving those doors! And those suitcases would be so cute stacked up as a nightstand…hmmm. It’s funny how your repurpose everything to work with your plants.
And too bad about the mothball smell in the trunks – John dodged a bullet with that issue.
I love, love those doors, too. They had one in the style I wanted to use as a headboard on their FB page, but it had sold by the time I got there.
I love going to antique stores! It’s one of my favorite things to do when I travel somewhere new. I love that little shop – it looks like cute stuff and so organized too!
It was organized. Sometimes shops are so junky that I just turn around, but this one was neat and clean
and I LOVE the decorating style in yer house.
Ive still not decorated.
At all.
It’s eclectic, but I guess that is what makes a person’s style unique
Love your finds while out and about on the weekend. I’ve learned my style is eclectic. We have many items that were hand-me-downs from family, and I love them. Every time I look at them they remind me of people I love(d).
I do love family things that remind you of people. Those are nice items to own.
I am so useless with anything home do including decorating… oh well. I wish it was better but we have always leased & I have never been too found of the places so… whatever.
The humidity is outrageous back there & even we got it here & for us – we are not used to it this bad plus the storms & rain here – so weird!
I LOVE your final choice! The color, the shape, everything. Cute idea to put the lights inside! And yes, I am the same way-love to look at stores like this, as long as they are organized. That way I get more ideas. I also loved the row of doors, and I do love that old stove in one of the pictures. But I suppose it would cost a fortune to get something like that working again.
Good weekend for you! Thanks for sharing. Oh, and I am in awe that you can go to a Mexican restaurant and skip the chips!
The blue enamel is what drew me to this piece.
John and I would have loved a retro stove in our kitchen, but the cost of updating an old one to make it functional was insane. If that was the only thing we were going to do to the kitchen, we could have done it LOL!
I wish I had your eye to re-purpose stuff like that. I love the blue as well. And I love Moe’s! I don’t go very often, but I love their salsa bar
Come to central Florida in the summer!!! The heat and humidity is unbelievable here this summer. So HOT, you literally cannot go outside between noon and 6pm!
Haha – no thank you. I do not like heat and humidity!
I could SO go nuts in that antique market!!!!! Can’t wait to see the finished flower chair!!!! (btw, your house, and the walk out windows, are truly beautiful!!!!) Have a great week Lori. Hope things cool down!
Oh wow what a great place with all the old stuff. I love the old stove in the background of the chairs.
The hot weather is finally gone here and we have normal temperatures that makes it more easy to do things.
I agree on Sunday mornings, it’s also my favorite time of the week for a walk or a run because it’s so quiet.