My favorite post of the week! I love to peek out in the garden every day and see what is new. That’s the great thing about gardening. There is always something new and many times something unexpected!
On the annual front, the cosmos are filling out nicely.
This week the cleome also started sending out side blooms and are getting fuller:
I just love that color of snapdragon. Whenever you get a mix, you never know what color will come out. Here is another nice color from the mix:
Whenever you buy perennials, unless you are buying the big mature pots, many times you often have to wait a year for blooms. It normally takes a year for them to get their feet. Then a small show of blooms the next year and then the third year is when they really take off. I am always happy to see blooms on a new perennial.
This is Agastache, also called hyssop or hummingbird mint. This is one I will get more of in hopes of attracting hummingbirds to the yard. It sends out little tubular flowers that the hummingbirds and hummingbird moths love. This one is called Rasberry daquiri:
Hopefully there will be some interest in this plant.
Around to the back – there is still a lot of work to do. I have this whole section that has become a dumping ground:
That fence was what had been pulled up from the side of the house and left in a pile. I need to put it on Craigs list for free and get it out of here since we aren’t going to put it back up. I started a compost pile here for now and I also stuck some daylilies here just for fun – and they are blooming. We aren’t totally sure what will be happening here. It is on the left of the patio.
My roses are blooming now. This is Enchanted Evening and I love the color:
Some enchanted evening, you may see a stranger; you may see a stranger across a crowded room..
Yes, I do sing that a lot.
The free rose I got from Jackson and Perkins is also blooming and getting big. I was worried it ended up in too much shade, but it is throwing out blooms.
I also have some daylilies here. Just a clump. I removed most of them from this bed because I want to save it for my full sun plants. I actually thought I had only a clump of daffodils, but the lilies were mixed in there.
I will move this clump in the fall.
I received some drumstick aliums last year from a fellow gardener and they will be blooming soon!
I also wonder if anyone can help me identify these? They are growing in the shade garden. It’s not Virginia creeper because it isn’t a vine. Each of these comes up as a separate plant.
I have seen them on the bike path as well, so they are some sort of woodland thing. They don’t flower as far as I know.
Looks like biking might be a bust this weekend, but we are going to try to get out early in the morning tomorrow and get to the lake if the forecast holds off until the afternoon.
Beautiful blooms!
If not Virginia creeper, could that 5-leaved plant be American ginseng?
That is an interesting possibility! I don’t think it grows berries, but we shall see. It stays the same shape and gets a little taller, but no more leaves other than the 5 you see. I guess it could be Virginia creeper of some kind, but it looks different than the other that I have.
I love the What’s Blooming post. And it cracks me up that you keep it real with the pic of the dumping ground. Bali Ha’i may call you…
Yeah, I love that the dumping ground is right by the house, too LOL!
La vie est belle
est-ce que, parce que, vous m’aimez? LOL, I grew up with that soundtrack! My favorite song was “I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair.” Perhaps that was a sign of my future life
Anyway, I LOVE that free rose from J/P. Did they tell you the name of it? Also, is that where you got your David Austin rose that is doing so well?
I really like the cleome. I have not found them in the nurseries out here. I might have to give up and order one.
Your garden is really coming along very nicely.
I forgot to put the name of that rose in there. It’s Belinda’s Dream. It is supposed to get 5 feet tall!!
I got the David Austin from a local nursery here. I hope to visit another nursery that specializes in the DA roses if I can tear myself off the bike to visit on a weekend.
Lori–Are the mystery plants buckeye seedlings (baby chestnut trees?)
I have such a brown thumb that I always love your blooming posts!!!!!!
I see cosmos around quite a bit and my husband and I have been wondering what they were! We have a plant where the leaves look the same as the cosmos but it’s a red flower– not quite sure it’s the exact same plant though.
There is nothing like a dame … Seems like you, Kim, Debby and I can have our own South Pacific revival. Love the pairing of the Agastache and the mushroom. :>
Garden looks beautiful Lori, especially the roses.
I believe the mystery plants are Mayapple which is a woodland shade plant that blooms with a white flower under the five leaves in the spring.