We have shed! Once John got the base built (2 xs and plywood), it was time to assemble the shed. It really didn’t take that long, surprisingly. It’s a Rubbermaid shed made of vinyl and snaps together, and then several hundred screws. We put the walls up Friday evening:
Then finished it Saturday morning.
This went together surprisingly fast. It doesn’t look level in the picture, but the ground slopes, so it actually is level We had to dig out around the base to level it.
Now we are starting to fill it with stuff! We are going to put in some shelving and pegboard for hanging as well.
Happy, happy! Then comes the reward of riding for a cupcake! We left right after lunch. The plan was to go our old River road route to Saratoga.. John said he thought it would be just a little bit longer than where we leave from now (20 miles). Mistake 1 was not checking that for sure…
This is a beautiful road for scenery. The temps were in the mid to upper 70s, which was nice, but the winds were brutal on the way down. Head wind all the way. I felt a little tired right from the get go. Ever have those days where you start exercising and just know right away it isn’t going to be your best?
Farm country. We stopped at the very top after a climbing for a snack. This is where we realized it was going to be a longer ride than expected. Where we would normally be mile wise at this point was quite a bit farther.
No choice but to keep going!
We took another stretch break here, which was around mile 19.
We were planning the trip down to be around 21 miles or so, but when we were here, we knew it was another 7 miles to go! I was starting to get cranky with the wind and an unexpected extra 40 minutes to the ride down.
Finally! 28 miles later and we got to Saratoga. Good thing it wasn’t a super hot day. That was the saving grace on not bonking. We both ran out of water. I had coconut water as well, but I had frozen it the night before and it was still rock solid LOL!
I was sooooo ready for my cuppie. This is a vanilla sundae cupcake. With a chocolate fudge filling.
Plus the biggest iced coffee they had, which I sucked down
The good thing was that headwind on the way down meant a great tailwind on the way home! We went home our usual way. With the tailwind, it was like dropping an instant 10 pounds!
Not many pictures on the way home. It was later in the day and we just booked our way home. Stopping around mile 38 for some now thawed refreshment:
I was feeling a lot happier with cupcake energy and a tail wind
I was almost tempted to ride around for another half mile, but we were pretty tired by this point. Longest ride of the year to date! I am at about mile 830 on the year now.
Ride stats:
Total miles: 49.4
Saddle time: 3 hours 42 minutes
Average speed: 13.2 mph
Top speed: 25.4 mph
Calories burned: 1730
That was quite the ride! Note to self: Always double check the mileage for a new route It’s amazing how much easier the ride home was. Wind makes such a difference.
Cough. Choke. Hysterical giggle. My STRETCH goal of bike miles for the MONTH is 55. Yesterday was my longest single day ride and it was 10 miles. Ah well, must focus on you as inspiration and on me for improvement.
Re: “Ever have those days where you start exercising and just know right away it isn’t going to be your best?” YES. Sometimes I get a second wind, but sometimes I keep going and really regret it later.
10 miles is great! We have been riding for years, so it took time to build up to this. Every miles counts
Oh my gosh, I’ve done that with running – misread the route and added miles, and it’s not a fun realization. So happy for you that you had the tailwind going home, at least!
Shed looks great. Nice job, you handy people.
So, so happy to have that shed!
This is why you shouldn’t look at a route and think it *should* be a certain distance LOL.
That was quite a day, starting out with building a shed, and THEN going for the long ride afterwards! You guys are super-heros! And yes, I sure do know what you mean about knowing when you start out that its not going to be a good exercise day. I usually just cut it short on those days.
You sure did have beautiful scenery, in spite of the extra miles and the wind.
The shed was pretty easy to assemble, actually! It was surpringly easy. Let’s hope it doesn’t collapse as easily LOL
Your rides are so inspiring! I’m excited to get back out on my bike now that I’ve moved. I probably won’t get to 49 but a good 15 mile ride sounds awesome right now!
15 sounds great
I have LOST MY MIND HERE and long long long for a shedoffice.
A tiny home for me and my writing and my thoughts.
I had to laugh because our instructions say the shed is not for living in
I wonder how many people get one for this purpose.
Great ride Lori even though it was a little longer than expected. And the cupcake looks good.
While typing this, the news is on the radio and they say that Dutch people live an average 6 months longer than non-biking populations. You know we are a biking country and the average Dutch rides a bike approx 75 minutes per week (that wouldn’t include me because I hardly ever bike). They say it proves biking is good for your health. What a coincidence I hear this while typing this
The new shed looks great!
We bikers rule. End of story
I have many, many times when I start exercising and realize it’s not going to be my best – it even happens when conditions are perfect. The fact that you kept on when conditions were not perfect is a testament to your will to get to cupcakes LOL!! Good job.
Well, it’s a cupcake LOL. Not to mention that there is no alternative other than to keep going once you get to a certain point. Walking home not an option. We would have to call the sag wagon (aka friends/family)
Beautiful Scenery for sure & that cupcake was well deserved!!!!
Yes, I have those days when you know it is going to be a struggle BUT sometimes they surprise you!
Enjoy that shed!!!
Nice job on the shed! And that ride looks so picturesque!
That shed is perfect storage! And despite being longer than expected, and windier, it looked like a nice ride. OMG…that covered bridge looks so “Bridges of Madison County” to me. Oh no…now I’m playing the “Just one second and a million miles” song from the Broadway show…over and over and over in my mind. Oh dear!! Have a great week Lori.
I love our shed, although I need to sell the riding mower so I have room for my push mower – it’s stored in the basement because I don’t want anyone steeling it!
Great job on the ride!!
The style of the shed is so nice. I love assembling things like that… I know most people find them frustrating but I enjoy working it all out.
Your bike ride looks beautiful!