Ever have those weekends where you do so much stuff and all of the sudden it’s Sunday night? That was my weekend. I put a lot of miles on the car, too.
Funny story. Way back when I first saw our house, it was because I was driving to a store and missed the turn. So when I drove further up, I saw the house. Anyway, fast forward over a year and the woman had moved her shop. She had an open house on Saturday at her new location and I went to it. When I got there, one other person was in the store other than the owner. She asked me if I had been to her shop before and I told her the original story about how we ended up with Radiance Manor. Then the other customer spoke up and said “You bought X’s house?” Turns out it was a neighbor across the street that we hadn’t met yet! He proceeded to tell me what a jerk the former owner was and how glad the house is owned by someone taking care of it. I don’t think we have run across a single person that had anything nice to say about the former owner. I told him to stop by any time to see the work we have done. Funny how small the world is.
Anyway, I am thinking of taking one of her classes. She repurposes stuff, which you all know I love, and one of her classes is to make a windchime out of silverware and such:
I thought that would be nice for the garden and I am going to see if the nieces want to do this as well.
Painting progress on the middle bedroom. I went with a rose color. It’s called Romantic Rose – imagine that.
No more red closet door, either. Thank goodness. I was going to do some stripes in this room, but after loving this color on its own and then John not crazy about the stripes, I think I will hold off on them for a while. I can always add them later.
My sister and I went to see Selma on Saturday.
Have any of you seen this? It was a good movie. It was pretty intense in parts and sometimes I think it dragged a bit, but overall good. I just have to say that I don’t understand how people can hate so much. I like to try to see other people’s sides of issues to try to understand, but racism is one I just don’t get. At all.
Sunday morning we were at Panera since Coffee Planet is closed…wahhh!! Anyway, instead of a bagel, I tried the Power Up Oatmeal. It has steel cut oats, quinoa and almonds.
This was really good, I have to say. And they don’t sweeten it, which is nice. I put some milk on it. The oats are 290 calories. I would definitely get this again.
I scored another deal on a trunk. This one I will be fixing up and selling. This one is probably from the 1890s and is a real dome-topped one. Very fun.
Pixie says “This is my new bed!” I need to cool my jets for a while on accumulating the projects. However, when a deal crosses your lap, you have to take it, right? Not to mention meeting a very nice person who sold this to me.
Speaking of projects, I need sign off and straighten up for some company coming over tonight. I need one more weekend day… just one.
So crazy about the moving story and the people who knew the old owners. I haven’t seen Selma but wondered about it -wish everyone could just get along!!!
Selma was worth seeing.
I thought it was so funny to meet a new neighbor that way!
Serendipity is wonderful – so glad it brought you your home.
It is fun when stuff like that happens.
You are the trunk finder! How much will you try and sell it for, once you fix it up? Oh, and how fun are those windchimes?? Of course you need to take that class!
I am not totally sure how much I will sell it for. It depends on how much time I spend on it – and how nice it comes out looking. I wish I lived in an area where these sell for hundreds of dollars when fixed up.
Lori I love , love LOVE that rose color on the wall. Beautiful. And i’m with John on the stripes… lol … LOVE that trunk too! And the windchime idea sounds loads of fun! Will you get hit with the snow they keep talking about coming to the Northeast?? Hugs! deb
We will be getting the snow. Only up to a foot, though. Not the worst of it.
Another great deal on a trunk. You never know when you run into something and if the price is right, just buy it is my opinion.
Sounds like you had a great and fun weekend.
It was a really good deal, actually. Now I need to start finishing some projects!!
seeing selma tonight with friends and cannot wait.
I want to see Selma. Mr. Helen wants to see American Sniper. This means we have seen nothing at all lol! That seems to be the way with us and movies.
That rose color is so pretty. I think you’re right to hold off on the stripes.
I saw 2 theater movies in 2014. I am off to a roaring start with 1 and it is only January
Hope you are ready for the snow (as if… ) We are on the lower end, hopefully, but then you never know what can happen with the wind.
I have had weeks that have flown by & losing track of things & my head!
Such a nice surprise with the new store & neighbors…. guess they are happy about you!
OK, Pixie cracks me up!!!!
Yeah, Pixie just has to get into everything!
I don’t get racism and cultural bigots either. Sigh. Of course I don’t get jerko type people either. I guess I just don’t get it? LOL. Never had breakfast at Panera, but that looks good! Lovin’ Pixie’s rear view.
Panera is pretty good for breakfast. Their coffee isn’t very good, but there are free refills. John really likes their scones.
I saw those oats the last time I was at Panera – I’ll have to check it out because I was afraid it would be too sweet. Love how busy you are!
They are very good!
That “Romantic Rose” looks gorgeous. Can you believe I moved in to my apartment over 3 years ago and my walls are still as white as paste?! is embarrassing lol…you just gave me some inspiration.
….what happened to coffee planet?! ahhh Have a great day
I love the color so much the more it is on the walls.
Coffee Planet closed a few weeks ago… boo….
Pixie is too cute. My cat does the same thing, Empty box? Jumps right in!!
LOL at Pixie. Wow…sounds like the former owner is a piece of work. I LOVE the idea of taking a re-purposing course. That is so YOU!!! Have a great week Lori. Hope the blizzard hasn’t hit you too hard.