Playoff weekend! And wallpaper removal weekend
Getting started right at the beginning of the year. I actually wasn’t intending to do the downstairs foyer first, but I was taking ‘before’ pictures of the upstairs bath, bedroom and the hallway and then I saw a little loose strip of wallpaper and it pulled off a big sheet, so that was it.
Here was the old wallpaper:
It was dirty and had a lot of rips in it. And kind of ugly. I really don’t have a problem with wallpaper, per se, but it has to be well done. That is absolutely key to pull off wallpaper. It has to work with the house and when you combine papers, they should work together. In this house on just the first floor, there were 12 different patterns of wallpaper used. TWELVE!! That doesn’t count the layers there were underneath the top layers, either. It’s almost like the people just found all the patterns they liked, couldn’t decide and put them all up. There are only about 8 different kinds upstairs, so there is that.
Here is an example. This is the entry going to the downstairs basement. It had plaid wallpaper on the top. That in no way goes with the paper in the foyer or what was in the nook/kitchen or dining room. This was John’s work area for the weekend:
He was lucky enough to have a double layer to work with. Lovely:
I was in the foyer:
I am an expert in wallpaper removal now and this area was a breeze to remove. It came off really easily, which after some of the tough rooms I did felt like a treat. However, I decided after a while I would rather do a little shopping and on a whim asked my sister to go out to an upscale consignment shop with me that was kind of near her house. It’s called La Moda Lisa and it is a huge shop that sells everything from furniture to clothes to jewelry. New, used and vintage.
I think Elton was here, maybe.
I *almost* bought these shoes. They were $8, but I can’t imagine where I would wear them. It was just fun to find spike heels that actually were comfortable to wear on my wide feet.
I walk too fast to have wobbly shoes, though. I would be on my butt sooner rather than later.
You can get a red velvet barber/dentist chair if you want:
Pretty tops:
It’s a fun place. I ended up buying a faux fur coat. I wasn’t anticipating buying a coat, but the price was great and it was really warm and comfy (and fun). So in keeping with my 2015 goals to upgrade my wardrobe:
Now I see why people take these selfies high overhead. Thinner and taller.
Anyway, it was great to have sister time. We stopped for coffee afterwards:
I wish we could do that more often.
Sunday was back to the wallpaper and I got it all down from the foyer. It was lickety split! I just patched the walls and it is now ready for paint. I will be using Golden Mushroom for the walls.
I am going to paint the doors and windowsills as well. Just a few shades lighter.
It’s brighter without that paper. I stopped where the next papering end to get a clean edge in the stairwell. That is going to be a huge job and I don’t want to do that until the upstairs bedroom and bathroom are done.
Do you like how I am drying my boots on the radiator? Those things are great for drying laundry and putting jammies on there before bed to get them toasty warm
Your new coat looks like a snow leopard – and quite warm, too! Nice find.
I’d also have bought that wire wall thingie in the picture with the toboggan. Glad you got a break with your sister in-between the wallpaper removal – the room does look loads lighter without it. I also like your front door – I’ve wanted something with higher windows in it (ours is half window – lets in a lot of light but I don’t particularly like that anyone can walk up and see inside)(luckily when they do, Cujo…er, I mean Paco, is snarling at them).
I love the front door and it is original to the house, which is great. I took the curtains off the door because it looks into the foyer and the coat closet so it isn’t like anyone can see anything anyway.
You have to look everywhere in that shop, including up! It’s easy to miss stuff and the inventory is always changing.
Happy New Year, Lori!
That looks like a cool shop–right up my browsing alley! Even that tall dresser looks good to me–might paint it, though.
Wallpaper removal has got to be one of the most satisfying tasks. Then when you paint the wall, it looks like completely different space!
I miss all the place I lived in that had radiators. There’s something so comforting about them, like a warm stove.
It is a very cool shop. I wish it was closer to me. Maybe I should open up my own like it here in town
You and your sister look a lot alike!!
I’m digging those heels and would have bought them for sure (if they were my size!!!). Love the coat that you found!!!
Glad you had an area where the wallpaper came off easily – always a treat!!!
Yeah, It was nice to have it come off easy for a change.
Hey maybe I could use a blowtorch on the wallpaper. The walls are cement so it is completely safe.
You could make brulee, too. Double the fun!
Fabulous progress Lori! And what a fun shopping trip with sis…although did you visit or spend time on your phones?? Too funny that two pics have someone on the….. Me? I’m still taking down Christmas….almost done though… Happy New Year!! Hugs! deb
I wondered if someone would point out the phones LOL
Do you know, I’ve never lived in a house with wallpaper! I don’t really want any,either, after reading about all your wallpaper adventures!
When I first lost weight, I LOVED going to the thrifts and getting cute heels. Sadly, that is a thing of the past. That sure looks like a fun shop.
Wallpaper can be really pretty, but I think it is much higher maintenance that paint because repairs and cleaning are more difficult.
Im so so hot on yer heels.
that removal will happen here soon too.
If you need any advice, just let me know
So, you know I would have totally bought those shoes, right? You should have – you could have worn them out for coffee! Fun shoes are needed in every wardrobe
I’m beginning to suspect that every single wall in your new house has wallpaper? Maybe you mentioned that but I don’t remember. Honestly, that might have been a deal breaker for me!
Yes, there is wallpaper in every single room except one, which is the master bedroom. Although, for whatever reason they wallpapered the outlet covers in that room. Home improvement stuff is rarely a dealbreaker for me. That stuff can be changed. But then again, I love doing that stuff (most times).
Ha – I noticed the phones too but assumed she was checking football scores. Nowadays, you see phones EVERYWHERE! I still remember when my college roomie had a huge car phone for emergencies and no one else had anything!
I’ve never met a wallpaper pattern that I liked – probably because they usually are old, dirty, and ripped. The room looks so bright with the white walls now! It’s a lot of work but it must feel great to tackle a project that makes such a huge improvement!!!
Haha – my sister and fooball scores?? Not. She hates football LOL! I have seen some wallpaper that is gorgeous, but it is rare.
That is a lot of frigging wallpaper!!!! WOW! You deserved the break & how fun!!! LOVE that coat! I have yet to find super cute shoes or heels that fit my crazy feet!
At my old house I used to have radiated heat, and I would put my clothes on there that I was wearing for the day so when I was freezing getting out of the shower, I would be nice and warm with my work clothes on.
p.s. I noticed the phone pics too!
What a FANTASTIC shop!!!! Love the coat, and kinda love the silver boots, though don’t think I’d wear them myself! Crazy wallpaper!!!!!
Have a great 1st week of January Lori!!
Totally would have bought the shoes for that price, they are cool. Love the coat you bought too.
Boy those previous owners sure loved wallpaper
We have wallpaper in the bedrooms but not in the living room/kitchen, downstairs everything is painted which we both prefer more.
The shop looks great, we have these kind of shops too but I never go there, I should though, you will never know what I will find.
Oh that wallpaper brings back nightmares! My wallpapered rooms all had double layers. In the master, the bottom layer was flocked velvet. They just put a satiny stripe over it, lumps and all. *shudder*
I think I might put in a radiator. If I want my jammies warmed up, I have to put them in the dryer.