AIM – The Organized (Or Not) Approach




Organization.  This is one of those traits that I really wish I had.  I think I can best be summed up as semi organized.  My sock drawer?  Totally unorganized.  My lifting program? Totally organized. Employment? Totally organized. Keeping track of my keys? So not organized.

There are definitely times when organization is a must to help keep you sane.  With weight loss and maintenance, organization can be the difference between it being a real struggle and much easier.

I try to stay organized by tracking my food and also by rotating in usual meals. I do like variety, but just have go-to meals and the ingredients on hand to make life easier.  When I am really on point, I actually will take about 5 or 10 minutes the day before and put the next day’s food in my tracker.  Then I just have to look at it and eat what it says.  I am more likely to stay on track that way, although there are some days if it has been a particular bear at work (which was pretty much all of May, blergh) – I will ignore the tracker and go for pizza.   I think if the majority of time you stay at least partly organized, the better chance of success you will have.

With workouts, particularly strength workouts, being organized is really a must. Otherwise you end up at the gym, do a few biceps curls, look around, do a couple squats and then get on the elliptical because you can’t think of anything to do.  Now, I like following lifting programs (NROL, FBB, ect), but if I am not doing that – I will write out a lifting schedule so that I make sure I am hitting all the muscle groups – I do full body workouts – and how many sets and reps I want to do.  That saves me time at the gym and is much more effective.

On the flip side, I do think you have to be careful not to become so organized that you let it rule your life. When a friend calls for a last minute get together and you decline because you had a workout scheduled or it wouldn’t fit into your eating plan, not so good.  Organization is great, but you also have to let life happen.  It seems like it always comes down to balance – in all aspects of life.


Make sure you read more at my fellow AIMers’ blogs for their thoughts on this topic!

Lynn @ Lynn’s Weigh

Debby @ Debby Weighs in

Shelley @ My Journey to Fit

Cammy @ The Tippy Toe Diet

AIM: Adventures in Maintenance is Lynn, Lori, Debby, Shelley, and Cammy, former weight-loss bloggers who now write about life in maintenance. We formed AIM to work together to turn up the volume on the issues facing people in weight maintenance. We publish a post on the same topic on the first Monday of each month. Let us know if there is a topic you would like us to address!


17 thoughts on “AIM – The Organized (Or Not) Approach

  1. Helen

    I’m a lot like you – excellent organization in some areas and complete disarray in others lol.

    But balance is totally what I’ve been working on in just about every area of my life. I’ve live too many all or nothing years and I’m tired of feeling like I’m in a vicious cycle going no where.

    1. Lori Post author

      That all-or-nothing mentality is so, so hard to get rid of, isn’t it? I do pretty well with that now, but it took years.

  2. Lynn

    My sock drawer is immaculate, but my workout schedule is a disaster. You are so right, without a plan, I aimlessly bounce up and down on the elliptical. (and is it a coincidence that we both mention pizza in our blogs?)

  3. Cammy@TippyToeDiet

    I used to have a bunch of written workouts in my gym bag, but I lost them at some point. 🙂 But I’m pretty good at assembling a plan on my way to the gym, because I’d rather do almost anything than the gym cardio.

    1. Lori Post author

      I only do cardio at the gym when I actually go with that intention, like a day where it is pouring and I want to hit the treadmill.

  4. Shelley B

    Your gym plan and my lack of is why I’m enjoying the 30 minute circuit at PF so much – someone else did the planning for me, lol! Love that both you and Cammy acknowledge being able to let go of eating plans when the good things in life intervene. 🙂

    1. Lori Post author

      It does take time to make up a workout, more time than you think to get it balanced. Sometimes it is just easier to do a plan someone else lays out!

  5. Pam

    Years ago, I stated that “Getting organized was my goal in life.” I’m still working on it. I got a file cabinet, many years ago, and thought that would be KEY to my organization goal–didn’t happen. Now I’m retired (almost a year and a half ago), and have lots of time and still I am NOT organized. This summer, my goal is to get my kitchen organized, I have a very well-stocked pantry and fridge, but consistently run out of storage room, which leads to clutter. It’s a challenge, but like my weight loss maintenance, it’s something I try to work on everyday!

    1. Lori Post author

      I always want to be more organized and I am better, but it sure is hard to fight against your nature 😀

  6. Lisa

    I use Google Calenders to track my workouts and plan them out. I use myfitnesspal app on my phone for tracking my food. It helps to be organized!

  7. Jody - Fit at 55

    I like your approach Lori! I plan ahead in my mind for the next day workout along with contingencies just in case. 🙂 I also know that sometimes it does not feel right & I just change right there on the spot – so many years of the gym stuff & food helps me there. I so wish I was more organized at home & other stuff – I was when I was younger & burned out – time to get back to it! 🙂

  8. Biz

    “Organization is great, but you also have to let life happen.” I loved this quote – so true. Maybe because I am going out of town, but I normally would have panicked if Tony suggested going out to eat AND a movie on Sunday because that’s my only day off I feel like I have to get so much done.

    But you know what? I went with it! We came home, sat outside for a couple hours – it was glorious! And no guilt too! 😀

  9. Fran

    I’m totally organized but agree you have to let life happen. Friends or family or do fun things with people are more important than a scheduled workout or a planned cleaning. If not, life would be pretty boring.

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