This was one of those weekends I got a lot of things done. The weather wasn’t great, so biking just wasn’t in the cards. It was raining on Saturday, so I worked out at the gym. Of course, it cleared up in the afternoon after I toasted my legs On Sunday, it seemed like it was getting clear and I went out on the bike and it started raining on me. So, I turned around and figured since it was cold and windy to boot, I just would exercise inside.
Here was my workout on Saturday. This is one of the workouts from stage 3 of Female Body Breakthrough.
Workout B
Exercise | Set/rep/weight Week 1 |
Prone Cobra | 3 sets of 60 second holds |
Front Squat | 3 sets of 6 with 20# bar |
Chinups | 3 sets of 6 with assistance |
Stiff-legged deadlift | 3 sets of 15 with 55# bar |
Dumbbell Push Press | 3 sets of 13 with 15# DBs |
Barbell Split Squat | 3 sets of 10 with 45# bar |
Split Stance Single-arm cable row | 3 sets of 15 each arm at 20# |
This is actually workout B. I will post workout A on Tuesday. I overestimated the weights on this workout. When you do higher reps, you need lower weights and the push press was really hard to get 15 reps (which I didn’t quite get). So, I probably won’t be increasing weights much in this series as I need to make sure all 3 sets are good and clean.
This stage also includes a finisher after each strength workout. It’s called a finisher because it is supposed to finish you off, which it does. For workout B, you do a leg matrix. Also know as 2 Minutes of Hell.
- 20 bodyweight squats
- 20 alternating lunges
- 20 jump lunges
- 20 jump squats
Now I can’t do the plyometrics ones, so I just repeat the lunges and squats. My legs were on FIRE! Oh my gosh. I forgot how hard this matrix is.
I took my sweaty self to the coffee shop after that to relax and read.
I *finally* have my first blooms in the garden! The early tulips are blooming, which are actually late LOL.
I also bought some pansies and put them in one of my freshly painted containers.
I cleaned up the ‘new’ china cabinet with some Method wood polish and put my great grandmother’s china in it.
The plants are on top temporarily since someone decided to start eating them after we moved the bookcase that was in this spot with the plant on it. You can see her ear in this shot at the bottom. She was quite upset that I put the plants up that high.
John came back a little earlier on Sunday to take me out to dinner. I miss him when he goes away (pretty much every other weekend) so I was really glad he came back early!
Hmmm. that plate doesn’t look all that good, but it was tasty. John ordered haystack fries with his sandwich not know that meant with buffalo sauce on them, which he doesn’t like (I know!!). So, I swapped them out and ate them.
I can’t believe the weekend is done already. We need to make 2 day work weeks and 5 day weekends!
You were super productive this weekend!!
Love the finisher after you have already done a tough workout!
And – your new china cabinet looks awesome!!!
That finisher is hard. The other finisher includes burpees and squats. Ick LOL!
Your eats look super tasty. I wanted french fries really bad after seeing that pic. I stuck with what I had planned though : )
I hate squats. I hate lunges. I do believe that any exercise that includes the word jump is something that might have happened in a former life–not happening now.
Yahoo for the tulips!
I liked the fries, I have to say.
One of my cats has decided to eat a houseplant…it irks me to see the plant get chewed up. If I could put it high like what you did, I would. Haha Pixie, your mama foiled your dastardly plans!
The china cabinet looks so nice, and your special dishes look really pretty on display like that.
These 2 plants are frayed. It’s so annoying. Pets – these are why we can’t have nice things!
Love the purple pansies!
I second that motion for a longer weekend!
Looks like you had a good weekend, too bad the weather wasn’t cooperating. I had no idea John is away at the weekend that often. It was a nice surprise he came back early and the 2 of you could go out for dinner.
Yes, he is away a lot. Too much!
That finisher would certainly finish me! Fortunately, I wouldn’t find out since I can’t do much in the way of lunges. thanks to my knee.
Lunges have never been a favorite of mine. Thankfully they don’t bother my back – unless they are the jumping ones. Nice excuse not to do those
((whispers)) sometimes I love the workweek as the child and husband are gone and it’s me and the dog
Oooh those tulips are so beautiful. Mine are still a ways away from blooming – that is if the rabbits stay away. I’m already seeing chew marks.
Anything involving squats and lunges right now makes me grimace. How come there isn’t any easier way??
The mid to late tulips have a while before they bloom. They are a couple weeks behind from where they were last year.
I have to say the only strength training I do is squats and lunges, push ups and sit ups. Oh well. I am making a goal starting this week to do those 3x, maybe MWF. I don’t like the sore feeling the next day. We shall see.
That tulip is beautiful. I have lots of Cala Lily bulbs if you want some. We(David) dug them all up and put them in brown bags over the winter and they seem to multiply even in there. We left 4 in the ground to see what would happen, and those are mush. Now we definatley know to dig them up.
Looking forward to Spring!!!
After a week or two of consistent strength training, you won’t be sore any more unless you change the routine pretty hard.