FBB Stage 2 Workout A wrap up

Just a quick post here. Finished up stage 2! Actually, I did 2 extra workouts. Not sure how that happened, but I guess I didn’t notice I was finished. Oopsie!

The goal for this month was 2 to 3 sets of each exercise with 6 to 8 reps per set. I ended up doing this workout 7 times instead of 6.  Here is my progress from Week 1 to Week 4. 

Exercise Set/rep/weight Week 1 Set/rep/weight Week 4
1a. Cable Wood Chop (high to low) 3 sets of 8 each side at 20# 3 sets of 8 each side at 30#
1b. Plank 3 sets of 65 second holds 3 sets of 75 second holds
2a. Dumbbell squat with offset load 3 sets of 8 with 15# DB 3 sets of 8 with 25# DB
2b. Alternating dumbbell overhead press 3 sets of 8 each arm with 10# DBs 3 sets of 6 each arm with 20# DBs!!
3a. Single-leg deadlifts 3 sets of 8 with 15# DBs 3 sets of 8 with 15# DBs
3b. Assisted Chin Ups 3 sets of 8 3 sets of 8 with less resistance
4a. Alternating Lateral Lunge 3 sets of 8 each with 10# 3 sets of 8 with 10# DBs
4b. Two-point dumbbell row 3 sets of 8 each arm with 20# DB 3 sets of 7 each arm with 30# DB!!

I made some good gains here, especially with my upper body. With the chin ups, I was trying to do them with a band, but I struggled so much that I thought it would be better to use the assisted machine and make the exercise more efficient to do. This stage is definitely hard and I pushed myself.

My goal by the end of the program is doing overhead presses with a 25# dumbbell for 4 reps and I think I can get there. 😀

Thursday I will wrap up Workout B of stage 2.

I know that I haven’t posted a kitty picture in a while. Here is Pixie enjoying the new bed I bought her.  🙄



Can you believe her?

27 thoughts on “FBB Stage 2 Workout A wrap up

    1. Lori Post author

      She is a lucky girl and I think she knew when she came to our door that she found the biggest sucker in the neighborhood.

  1. Kitty

    Great progress on your workout!!!!

    Love the pic. My husband just got a new desk chair and temporarily put his old chair in the foyer. Now, we can’t move it out because his cat and taken it for her own…

  2. Satu

    Thank God, I was getting severe Pixie withdrawal symptoms. Am now enjoying my Pixie fix. She looks sooo adorable lolling in her new bed. And I totally believe her.

    I had a short break in my workouts because of Easter, so I will probably do a couple of phase 2 workouts and then switch to phase 3.

  3. Ali @ Peaches and Football

    Wait – I thought you bought that chair FOR Pixie? The nice blue color goes very well with her white underbelly fur. 🙂

    I’m glad you showed your week 1 vs week 4 progression. It’s nice to see how much someone has improved over time. You always will be the poster child (woman) for weight lifting for me!

  4. Jody - Fit at 55

    Congrats on the lifting!!!! Rocking it!!!

    Of course I missed Pixie & LOVED this pic – hilarious! Already passed on to my Pixie loving friend that I share pics of her with.. 🙂

  5. Cammy@TippyToeDiet

    Wow, you’ve made great gains in this phase! **applause**

    I seem to have reached a breaking point at 22.5# on the overhead press with dumbbells. It seems as though every time I start to nudge past, some life upheaval comes up to cause me to miss a few gym workouts.

    1. Lori Post author

      I do find the the overhead press that I have to keep doing it to lift heavy. Once I get there, if I stop doing it, I have to start again.

  6. Fran

    Yes I can believe Pixie, that’s what they do; they take over everything that is pretty and claim it 🙂

    Well done on phase 1, you are so back with your lifting, impressive as always.

  7. Lisa

    Your progress sounds great! Love hearing that you are stronger and it’s noticeable. That’s a great feeling, huh?

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