Thanks for reading the AIM posts and leaving feedback. It’s always nice to hear the different opinions on what we write. I loved this comment from Kathy that says
Maintenance does not equal stasis!
I think that nails it pretty much, don’t you?
I can’t believe the week is half over already. Being busy helps with that, but sometimes I am thinking a day behind. Part of that is from work because I am almost always dating files from the day previous, so I start to think it is that day. The other part of that is just me
I did remember it was Wednesday when I woke up, which is Bagel Day! It’s embarrassing that the person behind the counter had sliced a wheat bagel and put it in the toaster when she saw us walk in. Guess I had better not ever change it up.
Today turned out to be quite a nice day weather wise. At this time of year, a nice day usually precedes cold weather or rain, so we will have to see what tomorrow brings. I knew I could get out for a ride today, though!
First was lunch. We are stocked up on food prep this week. I did crockpot red beans on Monday, which we have been eating the last couple days. John made a wonderful clam chowder on Sunday which we finished up at lunch.
I worked a bit more and headed out for my ride. First time I was able to get out since Saturday. It was 58, which is a nice temp. Not too cold, all though it was pretty breezy out. The first part of the ride was very fast with a tail wind. The second part was a bit tougher. I have my usual routes I ride depending on how many miles I want around the neighborhoods and today I wanted about 9 miles. That means road/path/road/path/road.
Loving the ride!
And yay for Pixie hairs on my gloves.
Check out my mileage.
Shade under 45 miles to go. Too bad I couldn’t get a really nice Saturday and I would have that done in one fell swoop. I think I am just going to have to nibble it out for the next couple of weeks. With shorter days, work and cold weather – it really makes it hard to keep riding. Looking at temps in the 30s next week. Brrr….
John made my latte after I got home. He had made a pumpkin spice syrup that he drizzled on top. I am a lucky lady. Another thumb’s up!
I needed that latte to keep working the rest of the day.
My brain was fried after work. Some days of work are easy and some days make my brain tired. Today was one of those days. So, I just made a PB &J sandwich for dinner.
Striking out today on the 2 different veggies a day today. Unless you want to count the celery and onion in my soup, which I won’t (even though I want to).
I hope to get semi caught up on blog reading tonight. I am behind! But, first going out for coffee with my hubby because you just can’t have enough coffee in a day (it will be decaf, don’t worry). We love to do lots of talking and planning when we have coffee, too.
Honestly, sometimes the best thing about a super hard, tiring day at work is having some quiet time with your loved one. I hope it was as good as you wanted it to be.
I think it’s cool that your bagel person recognizes you and has your food ready! Kinda like Cheers: NORM!!
I love going along on your bike rides! And for some reason, that PB&J sandwich sounds wonderful to me, especially on what looks like some homemade bread! I”ve been putting some pumpkin pie spice in my coffee grounds when I make my coffee sometimes. Gives it just a bit of pumpkin flavor!
And love the saying “maintenance is not stasis!” You won’t believe it, but I wrote something along those lines this morning. Just haven’t published yet! GMTA?
We didn’t make the bread, but it is from a local baker and really yummy. We splurged at the store for it.
So close to that goal – you will definitely get it!!!
And – I think I need to do something similar to your Wednesday bagel day just as a way to break up the week and have a little treat of some sort to look forward to – better think about that!!!
I love coffee/talking/planning with my hubby!
It’s so nice that you and your hubby enjoy spending time together doing just everyday things. It speaks well of your relationship. You are both lucky.
You are so close to your goal!
We are having lots of rain. This fall is heading towards the top 5 of wettest falls ever. I want to take a long walk tomorrow but won’t decide till tonight. I don’t do long walks in the rain. We (Team FAB-W) don’t like that.
I love just a sandwich for dinner every now and then, especially on extremely busy days.
Yeah, I don’t like riding in the rain either. It makes no sense because I get sweaty anyway LOL!
Love the thinking,planning,talking time with John. Those “dates” are the best, aren’t they? Beautiful shot of the bike path. Raining here this morning and yes, it’s bringing in a cold front with a significant change in temps. Our fronts usually slide your way in a day or so.
You’ll make those last miles I’m sure. Today is bagel day for me and it’s been ages so I can’t wait to get to work. I too love going out with hubby and talking and planning, mike and i did that last night too. To bad we don’t live closer we could have all went together
ooh your dinner plus BRAVO TV looks like BRAIN DEAD ME HEAVEN, too.
Um, I have to ask- in your bagel pic, what is that yummy-looking pastry on John’s plate? It looks so good!
Haha – it’s a cinnamon roll! He usually gets coffeecake, but thought the rolls looked good
Would you be able to email me. I would like to discuss med. transcription privately. Thank you.
Will do.
That bagel & soup look FA-BU-LOUS! I need both of them in my life. Like right now…
I love those restaurants/cafes where they know my routines and customs. It is a bit of a nuisance when I had intended to mix things up, but I always appreciate that they tried and then mention that next time, I’m going to do something different.
LOVE the coffee one!! You definitely need down time Lori!Keep the rides as long as you can!
I wish I could find a local joint that made bagels the way they are supposed to be made. I would love to get one that bubbled when toasted, as seen in your picture. Maybe someday I will have to start my own coffee shop. I would love that!