The randomness of Tuesday

I just had some random thoughts for today.

** New sandals!  I bought a new dress and wanted a pair of casual sandals to go with.  I found these at K-mart and they are very comfy.  Of course, I have to wear them with socks, although  I won’t do that with the dress 😀


I be stylin’!!

** My Altoids yelled at me today.  I just replenished my stash and opened up the new tin:



Damn! What is that all about??

** I feel like I have balloon friends.  Every night that I have done an evening ride lately, there has been at least one hot air balloon.  This was tonight’s ride. Usually I am closer to them than this.


It’s funny, they have no idea I exist, but I always say “Hi Balloon!” when I see them.

** Lastly, the kittens, oh the kittens!  They were on the neighbor’s back stoop, which is sheltered and protected (and only can be seen from our house and no one else’s.  I zoomed in for this pic. The house currently is vacant and I think these guys might be living in the garage, but I am not sure.  Look at how young the momma is.



After while, Pixie got all antsy and I saw little Cheddar bopping around the bushes at our driveway.  I took this from inside the house. He is very scared of people.



This is killing me.  I really, really don’t want to get on the stray bandwagon again.  Really  I don’t. It’s expensive and emotionally draining.  I am really hoping that someone else takes care of these guys.  I haven’t seen them since Saturday, so maybe someone has taken them in.  However, if they are around when the weather gets cold, number 1 sucker will be out there with the food and shelter.

Pixie just wanted to stress that she is the queen of the manor.



No kittehs allowed!

22 thoughts on “The randomness of Tuesday

  1. debby

    I want Cheddar!!! I guess there’s not a “feral cat association” there in town? We have one here.

    I got some sandals once at Walmart, and they were very comfy. They had a weird surface on the sole though. I should have worn them with socks!

    UNCLE!! What IS that all about?

    1. Lori Post author

      No feral cat association. A few rescue groups and I have worked with them before to rehome the other strays, but they are maxed out for space and funds.

      Socks and sandals- dorky looking, but comfie!

  2. Pubsgal

    Uh oh….you named him, Lori! 😉 I want all of them! Lucky for me I live way out here…and already have a kitty.

    I’m guessing the idea is that Altoids are so strong, they make you plead for mercy (that is, say “Uncle!” as the expression goes). Although with the printing inside the box, doesn’t it seem like the other way around, like the Altoids are the ones crying “Uncle!”?

  3. Helen


    Oh boy I soooo understand about the kitties. Mr. Helen has to practically threaten to leave me when I seem them, I want one so bad. But it wouldn’t be fair to the cat between where we live and how much we are not home. But I love them so much!

  4. Kim

    I love random posts like this because they capture what a true day is really like!!! We have hot air balloons that fly over us quite a bit – I take a picture almost every time just because!!

  5. Joanne

    I used to be so addicted to the chocolate covered Altoids. Can’t imagine why they stopped making them.
    As for the kittens, I would just melt if I saw them and knew they were homeless. Just hope they stay away from traffic. Too cute!

    1. Lori Post author

      You would think she would be a little grateful, right? I have heard that calicos can tend to be aggressive to other cats and I find this to be fairly true with Pixie.

  6. Elizabeth

    Cute shoes! I love when I see hot air balloons. I haven’t seen one in a while. Those kitties are so cute! It kills me to see stray cats. I wish people would keep their cats in or spay/neuter them. It’s sad how many cats have no one to take care of them. We got our cat last summer when she was a kitten. Her siblings had been run over by a car in a parking lot. 🙁 I am so glad we got her, because she’s such a sweetheart.

  7. Satu

    I bow to Queen Pixie (she looks happily ignorant of what is happening in her realm)but I LOVE the young family (esp Cheddar. Did you name the black kitten?). And I’m glad you’re there if they are still homeless when the weather turns really cold… 🙂

  8. Jody - Fit at 55

    LOVE the randomness!!!!! I love Altoids too – mine did not say that – must buy a new one & see – I like the cinnamon! 🙂

    The kitty whisperer – OH NO!!!!! So sad too – Is John worried… 🙂

    I have missed Pixie pics!!! 🙂

  9. Fran

    You probably expect this from me but Lori: socks in sandals is a definite NO NO!
    You are breaking my fashion heart 🙂

    The kittens are so cute and I totally understand how hard it is not to take care of them.

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