It was a pretty quiet weekend.
Lots of football!
I forgot to show you my new shower head. If you want to upgrade your bath experience, get a rain shower head.
They are super easy to install. You just need a wrench and that’s pretty much it!
This was our old one.
And yes, that is the ceiling in our shower. Old home and rooms get built into attic dormers. This is a problem with the shower curtain and creates quite a design challenge. But I digress…
Anyhoo, you don’t even have to turn the water off to do this because it is just the shower head. Remove the head by using a wrench with a cloth wrapped around the head to keep from scratching.
Then clean the threads from any plumber’s tape and you are ready to install. This particular model says *not* to use plumber’s tape around the threads, so I did not (although we have some). Screw the moveable ball onto the stem:
Hand tighten this on, then use your wrench to tighten a little more. It won’t go all the way up the threads. Don’t over tighten. This is where you will get leaks if you have any, so you might have to fiddle a bit. Then it was time to install the head itself. It just screws on. You only want to hand tighten this. This top ring I am pointing to goes on the rod first. Then you place the shower head on and screw this onto the head. I wish I could have taken a different shot of this, but I needed both hands to actually put this on.
Then test the shower head. I had a bit of leakage, so I had to go back and tighten the ball. Then it was perfect!
This arm is fully adjustable up and down and the head swivels from side to side so you can get it just perfect.
Look at the happy handy M’am! This took all of 15 minutes.
Can I tell you how much I love this shower head? I told John is was like getting a nice warm hug from the shower. Go do this now, people.
Even if we never get any more work done on the bathroom this year, I am happy with this.
I did some bread baking. Mostly for John, but I will eat some of this.
I used a recipe from King Arthur Flours website
Some news – On the Billy front, we have a potential adopter for him. (yay and sad). He will be going for a home visit this week and see how well they hit it off. That is good, good news, so everyone keep your fingers crossed!
I LOVE THE RAINFALL SHOWERHEAD! I need to install a new one for our space and this totally inspires me to nudge my boyfriend to do it HAHA
Happy New Year! Thanks for the walk through. Hope you have a wonderful 2013 now that the world isn’t ending this time.
I’ve gotten into No Knead bread, but I’ve turned into bread rolls and sweet buns. I love it. Happy showering!
We’ve had a rainfall shower head for years and I was thrilled to find they had installed one at the place I am in staying in Florida. That was a nicer surprise than the newly remodeled kitchen! We are headed to EPCOT tomorrow. I thought of your trip down here last year.
Hug Pooh and Tigger for me!
I’ve never tried a rainfall shower head but now feel I MUST.
Wow, that shower head looks awesome. I like how you made it look very doable. I need to figure out how to do some easy home improvements. Fingers crossed for Billy and a forever home.
Ben’s dying for a good shower head. We’ll have to look into that kind due to your glowing rainfall recommendation! Here’s hoping Billy’s potential family love him – he seems so sweet that I can’t imagine why they wouldn’t!
BTW – feel free to mail me some bread anytime
PPS – Packers and Broncos in the Super Bowl, I can feel it!!!
Super Bowl rematch – I remember who won the last one
*cough* does that mean it’s our turn to win then???
You had me at the no plumbers’ tape. For the last faucet I installed, I spent more time trying to get the tape on than I did on the showerhead.
The house in which I was house-sitting last week had the rain shower, and it was heavenly.
I’ve had a head like that for years and I love it. When I go someplace else I feel cheated!
Nothing beats a great shower and by the looks of it, I’m sure you will have some great ones from now on.
That’s good news for Billy, I definitely keep my fingers crossed for him.
You could come and do some home improvement projects in my place
I wish Billy luck in his first placement!
Favorite shower I’ve ever had in my life was in a Caribbean-style shower (no shower curtain!) with a rainfall shower head. Sigh. It IS like a hug.
Hurray for Billy’s home visit – fingers crossed!
I have a similar faucet head…. even though we lease we replaced the old one.. I think yours is better so I may check that out too!
OK – I want bread!!!!!
I hope the new home for Billy works out. I think he loves you so much though!
will you skype me and help me fix the drippysadness of my shower at my new domicile??
I LOVE those rainforest shower heads! Fingers, toes and anything I can cross is crossed for Billy! Keep us posted.
We have a rainfall shower and it’s LOVELY! It was the first bit of DIY we did when we moved in.
Hubby just installed a new showerhead in our master and I love it! It has different settings and feels so good on my back.
Hope things pan out for Billy – he deserves a good home! I bet you will miss him.
Oh my, that bread is calling my name.
I was at that Raven’s game! What a game. I cried for Ray Lewis. A couple times.