Back to work again. I worked most of a full day on NYE and just had yesterday off. I actually forgot what day it was and got up to get a pot of coffee going when I realized that it was Wednesday and that meant Bagel Day! It was really cold out, too.
Here is the view from the coffee shop.
That thermometer reads 14 degrees (and that ain’t Celsius!), which actually was warmer than when we first got up. This snow isn’t melting any time soon.
Bagel for breakfast and calories accounted for
Now that I am back in weight loss mode, it really takes some getting used to and really paying attention to those habits which have become less than stellar. :nutsnacking:
I worked pretty steady to lunch and wasn’t hungry at all. The bagel and coffee really is the most filling breakfast I eat all week, surprisingly. I think it is the fat in the cream cheese that does it because it isn’t really that much more calorie wise than my normal breakfasts.
Anyhoo – I needed protein for lunch, so I just made up a smoothie with almond milk, pumpkin, plain whey, cinnamon and a bit o’ honey.
The clems? I am not really impressed this season with them. Jury still out.
I bought a couple things at the mall yesterday when we ventured out on New Year’s. Bath and Body Works was having their semi annual sale, so I stocked up!
The total for these was only $18.99 with tax. I was proclaiming my bargain skills to John and his reply was “It just shows how overpriced they regularly are”. Good point. That’s why I only buy them for myself on sale. If gift purchasing, I do pay the full price because birthdays and such don’t coincide with sales a lot of times – how inconvenient!
Anyway, I digress from the other purchase I made. I had fun with the gold polish on my nails, so I found another fun color.
This is Mint Sorbet from Sally Hansen. It seems maybe a bit more minty than this picture shows.
This is also my fleece blanket, which I was working with today – which also meant I had something else glued to me as well:
Can I tell you how hard it is to get work done around here? Good thing I have a netbook or the cat wound’t fit. Note the dumbbells on the floor for me to periodically do some lifting moves to take a break from work. That works out really well, I have to say.
I had plans to make a good chicken dish for dinner, but then time got away from me while working and I was just ready to eat. So quick cooking of the chicken (with extra for other meals). The standard chicken and potato:
After all that ham we have been consuming (finally gone), it is really good to eat the chicken again
Snack tonight will be some nuts to round out the serving I was nibbling on. No TV or internet tonight until I get my exercise and guitar practice in – so I had better hop to it!
Brrrrr! Did you bike to coffee and bagels? I didn’t see if you did, or maybe I’m spaced out.
It was 21 degrees up on Mt. Hood yesterday when we snowshoed. Yet this morning when it was 30 degrees, dry and windy in Portland I was COLDER!
Oh my gosh, no! We are done outside biking until spring. Too cold, even for me
Cool nail polish! I love polishes in the wintertime, they help to keep my nails intact during the harsh dry winters.
As usual, I love the kitty picture
I painted my fingernails gold after seeing your Christmas nails, and I thoroughly enjoyed them. Time to take it off now, and I can’t find my polish remover!
The snow is so pretty…from this distance!
I tried your pumpkin shake recipe the other day. It was pretty good. Kinda thick though, just like you said. Maybe a little less pumpkin next time.
I love having my pre-cooked chicken all ready for the nights I don’t want to cook. That’s what I’m having tonight, if the beets ever get done roasting!
I had to buy polish remover LOL!
I get annoyed at not cooking because I work from home and it is just a matter of remembering to start dinner before I am finished working. But then, we both get busy and forget.
Brrrrr! That temperature falls into the “bitter” range for me – hard to imagine getting out in it, even for a bagel!
Your nails look pretty. I get too distracted by mine when I paint them…I don’t know, maybe I have a touch of ADD. Toe color doesn’t bother me at all, though. Weird, I am.
Our clementines have been really good this year – maybe Texas got the good ones?
The nails are more distracting to me when I play guitar because the color flashes out of the corner of my eye. The practicing is also a bit hard on the polish itself from hitting the strings.
It’s 14 here too but that is Celcius
It’s very mild for the time of year here and I’m not complaining.
Love your nails. I have plans to paint them more often but usually don’t take the time to do it and wait till it’s dry.
The nail painting is an evening thing for me. What I do is put on a coat and then go back an hour or so later for the 2nd coat so that it dries faster since the first coat is really dry.
I’ll refrain from saying it was 79 here yesterday….that would be rubbing it in!! Good luck being back in weight loss mode. Hope you get the results you want – keep us posted. Love that mug!
I love Bath & Body Works body wash and hand soaps too but agree, they are SO expensive. Sometimes I can’t believe it! When the sales are going on, it’s a fantastic time to buy!
It’s chilly here now too – I’m wondering if I should do some kind of countdown till Spring?
I think it would be too depressing to do a countdown to spring LOL How about a countdown to the Super Bowl?? Go Broncos!!
BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! Here I am complaining about the cold weather in CA & it has been pretty dang cold for here… 30’s to low 40’s in the morn & some days never out of the 50’s. We are supposed to get a bit better for the weekend – I hope! This is CA!
That bagel pic makes me want one! So rare for me these days.
Pixie looks like she wants your coffee too!
I need to go to Bath and Body to get shower gels that match the lotions Mr. Helen gave me in my Christmas stocking. Maybe this weekend and hopefully the sale is still on.
We’re having your cold weather all the way down here. I just told Mr. Helen last night that it makes me want to come straight home from work, put on my pajamas and eat something like macaroni and cheese. But I didn’t I made myself get dressed and go back out to my Muay Thai class. Go me!
You’ve reminded me that I need to bring some light weights to work and stash them in my office. I love the idea of getting up and doing some quick moves.
I just want to snuggle up under my fleece in this weather. It is just so cold. I don’t mind winter too much, but really don’t like when it is so cold that your eyes water when you go outside and are constantly wincing.
Isn’t it hard to get back into dieting after Christmas? I’m doing a form of intermittent fasting called 5:2 and even that is hard work. Best thing is some nice treats like the fab bath stuff you bought…just makes things seem a whole load better
Hooray for bagel Wednesday! I think its also the protein in the cream cheese that sticks with you too. I gave my boss a slice of my breakfast casserole yesterday – she couldn’t get over that a generous portion was only 215 calories – with real cheese!
I am just stunned that as of January 3, I have yet to bring our shovel out – so weird for Chicagoland!
“Good thing I have a netbook or the cat wouldn’t fit in my lap”. HILARIOUS Lori!!! Love the polish color! Have a good Thursday.
In regards to the BBW products, something I do is buy things ahead of time for gifts (when there are sales and save them
Also, I am a retired transcriptionist and I do not see how you can work with your kitty on you LOL So cute.
I had to deal with kitties-on-lap (and on keyboard and, one time, on my head) over the past few days, and it would be annoying if it weren’t so darned cute. What wasn’t cute was that the two of them decided my clean laundry was a fantastic bed.
Brrr, 14 is bitter cold. I’m barely tolerating the 20s here.
That is unbearable cold! Here in Central Florida if the temps go below 60 I am freezing.
That is a good idea Lori to use the weights off and on during the day at least you get some kind of workout in.
Darn that is some cold weather! I was complaining that it was 35 degrees here this morning – well its all relative – that is cold for us.
I do stock up on my favorite brands of specialty items when they go on sale – it makes me feel so much better about using them knowing that I didn’t pay full price.
Great idea to have the weights handy for a quick work out mixed through out the day.