Holiday week is here! My goal is to eat lower carb and/or calorie controlled Mon through Wed. Sometimes I get that ‘holiday mentality’ and start eating all kinds of stuff the days leading up to a holiday. Do any of you do that? I don’t want to do that this week.
Breakfast this morning was the banana bread pudding, but I didn’t want to wait 20 minutes for breakfast. Yeah, that sounds lame writing that I can’t wait 20 minutes. Anyway, I don’t care as much for this pudding in the microwave, so, I put the batter in the waffle iron instead of baking it.
Gluten-free and grain-free waffle!
Topped with almond butter. It’s actually pretty good this way. Not crispy, but still soft like it is when baked.
Mondays are always a weird day at work. I can either be overwhelmed with work because facilities didn’t upload stuff from last week or it can be cricket chirping because we are all caught up. Today was cricket chirping, so I did what work there was and then helped John out with his business. That gave me a chance to visit with Bill the Cat. He’s quite the talker all the time. Here he is with his mouth open talking to me while taking his picture.
It’s like “Hi, I like you” “Do you like me?” “What are you doing?” “What’s this?” “Do you like me?” “Look what I am doing”. My goodness it is endless.
He is really happy here. His face is still a bit messed up (as John put it), but he is looking better. Getting cleaner now as he stays inside and he has gotten flea meds. He is so, so friendly. He will be put up for adoption once I find out his FeLV status. The adoption center won’t list him without that test and I just need to find time to get him over to do that. He will be getting neutered a week from Friday.
I snagged a quick lunch of the corn and crab chowder (with a handful of Almond Thins) before heading out to tutoring.
I have to say, tutoring is really exhausting. For both me and my learner! It can be hard to find that balance between pushing for progress and not overwhelming him.
I got a latte to go when we finished, since we had met at the coffee shop for our lesson.
My brain food. Ahhhh….. I bet the Zombie apocalypse can be avoided by making sure there is enough caffeine for everyone every day.
Dinner break time was a quick one. My go-to quick dinner of a broccoli and cheese omelet.
Yay! These strawberries looked good, but a little watery tasting. Oh well.
I will be working tonight to catch up from the time spent at tutoring, but then I will get some football! Too bad I lost the picks already this week. My evening snack is dried pineapple with some almond milk. Keeping calories at 1500 today.
Dang, but Mondays are busy around here.
Such a funny, funny photo of Bill, the cat! Made me laugh. He’s a lucky, lucky kitty. Also, yes, I find tutoring very exhausting, too, and rewarding.
I know – he just does not shut up. It’s funny. He sounds a lot like Boo, too, only louder.
As you know, my plan is similar to your plan. This year should be easier for me (famous last words) in that Thanksgiving isn’t a BIG food holiday for me, and my “splurgey” Christmas events are compressed into a few days. We’ll see how this goes.
I like Bill the Cat and I haven’t even met him!
Your kitty commentary and the zombie apocalypse comment were so funny!
I think I have the same plan. I am trying very hard these days to stay on the straight and narrow. Even Thursday, I have a plan to keep it under control. We’ll see how it goes.
I know I will eat a lot on Thursday. I have come to realize that no matter how I plan, I just do. So, I work around that by trying control the days around Tday a little better (okay, a lot better).
Thanks for sharing the gluten free recipe, Lori. I’ve been cutting out the gluten and its a challenge
Kudos to you for the tutoring, that is great! I’m working with an autistic child teaching her sign language. It strengthens that part of the brain that deals with language so they are able to communicate better. I really love it.
Hey, thanks for this post! Bill is quite adorable! I was wondering for your banana bread pudding recipe, could one use almond flour instead of coconut flour?
I have not tried the almond flour. I can’t imagine why it wouldn’t work, but almond flour is not as absorbent as coconut flour, so the batter will be a lot looser.
I sometimes do a waffle like that, except add part peanut butter, part nutella and banana – so good! Especially if the peanut butter is melty like that.
You will do great keeping to your goals this week – just think – thanksgiving is just 1 day – not a whole week (or 6 weeks until the end of the year!)
Billy looks great, and really content – amazing what some loving care can do for an animal’s psyche.
Billy looks very happy, I hope you/they find a loving home for him. He deserves that.
I used to tutor the son of my best friend and was exhausted afterwards too so I totally understand you.
And yes, I can get into holiday mentality easily too. But my intention this year is not to give in, like you are.
About the crisis, I was referring to the economic crisis (recession) in my country. I wasn’t really clear about that, sorry for that. We have to pay so much more to taxes and health insurance next year that there’s less money to spent on other things.
So, Billy is a talkative cat! He must’ve felt lonely when no one was taking care of him.
I’m certainly open to eating anything at any time. I’m trying to wean myself from that habit now. I envy your almond butter… must get me some.
Bill looks like he could be Pixie’s super-slender brother! very similar coloring. Hope he is able to find a good home.
Way to go working on calorie awareness before all bets are off during Turkey day. I have no willpower.
Awww Billy the Kitty is so happy you rescued him!
I’m following the same plan you are. Even last night when I was tired and really hungry after Muay Thai class I made myself stick to my original eating plan and reminded myself that Thursday, I eat what I want!
I like your holiday week plan. And ditto about the caffeine.
Thought about you when I visited my brother…3 cats who wanted the attention I was giving to the newborn niece. In fact, after all went to bed those kitties jumped up to sleep with me on the couch. I didn’t mind..and always thought of you.
Tried to get a nighttime photo, but it was too dark. They were a hoot! 
Billy is one lucky (and chatty) kitty. He probably would agree with that today, but when he’s neutered, he may be telling a VERY different story! Have a wonderful Tuesday Lori!
Billy is so cute! As I said on your FB yesterday, you are the cat whisperer!!!! Such a sweetie – you & Billy!!!! I so wish you could keep BUT I know you make sue it is a safe home when you do this!
I admire you for the tutoring. I don’t think I have the patience OR the smarts for that!
Looks like you are doing good with your goals Lori!!!! I still have to make up for lack of my bday cookies due to sickness & I will!
how is it already wednesday?!
and I lost my PICK too
Dang Steelers!!!
I could have sworn on a stack of bibles I already commented on this post – I am losing it! Just wanted to wish you and John and wonderful Thanksgiving!! And glad the cats face is getting better – thank goodness he’s friendly!!
I’m catching up on my reading
been busy busy lately but I miss reading what’s going on in Loriland
Love that Bill is a chatty cat
When we got back from Thanksgiving (Kentucky) our kitties were chatty at us too
it’s always cute to hear a kitty holler
Should I confess I hope you keep Bill?