Waiting and Corn and Potato Chowder!

I feel like we are just waiting around here to see what happens with the storm. Being far enough upstate to feel less effects, but not knowing exactly how much we will feel it.  It’s scary seeing all the footage of down state. I think the worst part will be the days of wind since the storm will turn back east as it comes north – so we will have winds through Thursday or Friday at least.  When it is windy, it is really hard to sleep – do you all find that?

Anyway, today it has been breezy and a bit gusty at times.  The power flickered off, which makes me wonder if we will keep power tomorrow or not.  I can’t work with no power, even if the company that I work for has a generator – we do not.

While we are waiting for the storm to pass through, how about I post the recipe for the Corn and Potato Chowder?  My version is based a lot on this one.  This ends up being my 3rd crock pot recipe for the month, even though this was not going to be the planned one.  I wanted something easy to serve for the pumpkin carving party yesterday and this fit the bill!


  • 1 pound 12 ounces of russet potatoes diced (the most time consuming part of this recipe)
  • 1/2 an onion diced
  • 1 teaspoon minced garlic
  • 16 ounces of frozen kernel corn
  • 3 cups of vegetable broth
  • 5 ounces of bacon, cooked and crumbled
  • 4 ounces of half and half
  • 2 ounces of low fat milk
  • salt and pepper to taste
Place all ingredients in the crock pot except for the half and half and milk.
Cook on high for 4 hours or low for 8 hours. After cooking, either remove half of the mixture and blend in a blender or use an immersion blender to blend the soup partially.  You still want lots of chunks.  Return all mixture to the crockpot, put the heat on low and stir in the half and half and milk.  (You can add more milk if you want a thinner chowder.)  Leave this uncovered to heat through.  It won’t need long as you aren’t adding much liquid.
This was so good!  Especially with a little sprinkle of cheese. I love a thick chowder like this and it wasn’t really a calorie-laden soup.  You could sub the half and half with all milk if you want.  This fed 8 people and was all gone.  I would say it probably made about 12+ cups of chowder.  I was bummed there wasn’t any left because I would have liked to hunker down with some chowder to wait out Sandy!
We are going to settle in tonight and watch football.


Today’s pink picture. One of my favorite t-shirts!  I have heard you can get wrinkles out of clothes if you iron them, whatever that means!  :mrgreen:

The Breast Cancer Site

23 thoughts on “Waiting and Corn and Potato Chowder!

  1. Joanne

    I’ve never made corn chowder but every time I’ve had, absolutely loved it. I’ll have to try your recipe less the bacon but I won’t deprive TEd. I’ll sprinkle his with bacon on serving 😉
    Stay safe. It should get pretty windy although nothing going on here yet. Maybe we’ll get luck.

  2. Cammy@TippyToeDiet

    What’s this “iron” thing of which you speak? 🙂 (Seriously? I have no idea where mine is, even. But my ironing board is i the pantry!)

    thinking of you whenever my channel surfing lands on the weather channel.

  3. debby

    Yum yum yum!! I didn’t realized it was a crockpot recipe. what a great recipe to take to a party. I’ll have to make a smaller amount for just me.

    Hope you keep your power!

    1. Lori Post author

      You could certainly make this on the stove top very easily. It’s just nice in the slow cooker to turn it on and forget about it.

  4. Sandy

    You stay safe Lori. Keeping an eye on your weather here with TV giving full coverage. HUGE storm. The chowder looks yummy. Lori, in colder climates, how do you keep warm enough when you have situations like this that cause prolonged power outages? I’ve often wondered. Our cyclones hit in summer and our winter is quite warm so it’s a puzzle to me. I would think that simply rugging up wouldn’t be enough when it’s really cold.

    1. Lori Post author

      You don’t keep warm unless you have some sort of backup heat source like a propane heater or fireplace. If you don’t have those, you go to a shelter. Right now, the weather isn’t as cold because this is tropical and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 60s with the storm! That’s very warm for this time of year.

  5. Sandy

    Thanks for that answer Lori. I’m having a giggle here because I feel like an ice cube one the temperature drops below 20’celcius (68f). Our winter temps range between your high 60’s to mid 70’s. Hard to deal with I must say! :)I do love watching your winter’s pass by though and my mind boggles when I see you shovelling the drive or riding in all those layers. Have a good day.

  6. Fran

    When I woke up this morning (it’s almost 9 am when I write this), first thing I did was check Facebook to see if there was news of you and Helen. I’ve seen photo’s of the damage by Sandy and it looks terrible for some parts of your country. Hope it passes soon and you and John are safe without much damage on your property.

    I have my best sleeps when there’s a very hard wind outside. I love hearing the wind blowing outside while I am in my warm bed.

  7. Jody - Fit at 54

    I don’t have a crock pot – need to get one. I have been watching all the news footage on this storm – craziness!!! Hope you stay safe & not too much trouble where you are Lori!

  8. Helen

    I hope you guys weathered ok and continue to do so today. As I type this the sun keeps peeping through the cloud cover. It’s a welcome sight. We never lost power for which I am very grateful. My little city did OK with most of the damage a few miles from my house right on the water. So grateful!

    1. Lori Post author

      We are fine. It wasn’t as bad up here. It sure is nice to see the sun today. I guess more rain is coming in later, but it sure is nice to have the sun for a bit!

  9. Tami @Nutmeg Notebook

    Looks like a great slow cooker recipe. I have two slow cookers and often times have both going! Hope you guys didn’t lose power and are safe and sound. I hate it when the wind is howling in the night – it keeps me awake.

  10. Biz

    I love thick soups like that – winning! Glad you didn’t get hit too bad with the storm – so crazy! And FYI, ironing is one of my least favorite things to do!

  11. Shelley B

    YUM on that soup! Sounds easy enough, too…which is exactly my cooking style.

    If I can’t dewrinkle something on the “tumble press” setting in the dryer, well, it pretty much stays wrinkled. Ironing just isn’t in my vocabulary, lol!

  12. Tish

    Thanks for the recipe. I made a big pot of veggie soup yesterday to see us through Sandy, but am thinking Corn chowder sounds good for tomorrow. We came through pretty well except for the 14 inches of water in the crawl space under our house. We’re siphoning it out and it will be okay. We don’t keep anything down there.
    Iron? I keep one somewhere, but my houseguests use it more than I do. Gotta love that $1.75 cleaner that does DH’s work shirts.

  13. Linda Kuil

    LOVE Houlihan’s baked potato soup, served with crumbled bacon, shredded cheddar and scallions on top. I’ll have to try this (along with the other potato soup recipes I’ve Pinned!).

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