John is back and it’s nice to be back in the normal routine again! Although, we ended up biking for bagels on a Thursday morning instead of bagel Wednesday. I never did get out yesterday morning for breakfast, although I did ride a bit.
The happy breakfast!
Another 12 miles in the books. Total for the month of August so far is 174 miles. I should be around 213. Not too far off, actually, and I will be getting a lot of miles in this weekend. We have cooler weather coming in and should make for some awesome biking, although John suggested a very hilly route on Saturday… ugh?
Lunch time and I am still on the poultry wagon. I have been eating chicken and turkey all week to use it up. By myself. I should have had people over, but how do you invite someone for leftovers?
Turkey burger with hot sauce and laughing cow!
John was really busy catching up with his business with being gone, so I went out and helped him pack up orders since my work was slow after lunch. Maybe things aren’t so routine after all.
Afternoon latte and some chocolate that John brought home with him.
Good stuff. I had a few squares of it.
Chocolate and coffee make such a great combo, don’t you think?
Work has been really sporadic. I do like things to be on a schedule and it is hard to force a transcription job into a set schedule – although most days I am able to do this. For whatever reason, the last couple of weeks I have had to flex my hours all over the place, which is unsettling.
Someone who is hardly ever unsettled?
Maybe I should start taking some afternoon naps.
Since it was turkey for lunch, guess what dinner would be? If you said chicken, you get a gold star.
Next week John and I are doing the pescetarian week – aka the no ‘land meat’ week. I think I will be glad with my poultry overload this week. Shrimp was on sale, so I stocked up our freezer in preparation
I’ll leave you with a picture of some of my dwarf snapdragons. These are different colors each year because they are the seed drops from last year’s flowers and are usually different than the ‘parent’ plant. They come up wherever in the garden the seeds fell and I let them be most times.
I love the dual color.
I would have to check, but I think the snapdragons in this part of the garden last year were either bright yellow or white (or both).
I’d be happy to come over for leftovers! Love the snapdragons!
I eat chicken almost every day, especially when traveling. I think I’m going to sprout feathers before this road trip is over. (Although tonight’s “smokehouse chicken salad” was especially tasty! :))
I’m still struggling with this intermittent work schedule. Too many years of regular workdays, I think. How much notice do you have when there’s not going to be any work? Is it a case of there suddenly not being any assignments available?
There really is no notice. Too many factors go in to how much work there is, like how busy the clinics are, how efficient the doctors are with getting in their dictations, the clinics getting us the information and how many people are working. There can be a lot of work, but we can burn through it fast if a lot of us are working. Then it is just a waiting game for more work to come in. Or – I can be the only one working and can work all day (perfectly happy).
Your kitty makes me want to cuddle with her.
I just told Michael yesterday that I needed a break from chicken. I feel like we’ve been eating it too much lately and I just need a break! Lots of fish in my near future…
She is a cuddler. Especially in the winter.
Iced latte, a hot bagel and self-sown yellow snapdragons. What more could you want–except maybe a cuddly fur friend?
I’d eat your leftover any day
Bagels, chicken, turkey and chocolate that’s my kind of day!
Don’t you just love volunteer plants?! Glad John is back and things are getting back to normal!
I’ve been having a Dove dark chocolate Promise with my iced latte – you are right, it’s the perfect pairing!
What type of business does John have?
John runs an online soap and candle supply business. We have done that for over 10 years.
I love love love the color of those snapdragons. I’ve never had volunteers come up. Maybe I’ll try next year.
Chocolate &orange is a favorite combo of mine.
Hi! Have been reading your blog for a while now and really enjoy it- especially all the food pics. Thanks to you, I’ve started eating fruit as part of my meals sometimes instead of as a snack between meals. Just curious, what kind of business does your husband have?
I do like fruit with my meals. I often have it in place of something starchy. I always eat it last, too LOL!
My husband runs an online soap and candle supply business.
YAY for routine and for John.
As much as I LOVE when mine travels—Im always glad when he returns
I easily get into poultry ruts as it’s pretty much my preferred protein. I always think it makes the occasional steak or fish taste that much more delicious.
Chocolate and orange together is soooooo good. I’ll even take one of those cheap Terry’s Dark Chocolate Oranges. Mmmmmmmmm.
Chocolate and/or coffee go with everything! I think that’s sweet that John brought you a treat back. Nice to know you were thought of while he was away.
Yay for John being home! With chocolate in hand!!!!! I can so relate to unsettling work, hang in there Lori! LOVE the pic of snoozing Pixie, and LOVE the dual colored snapdragon. GORGEOUS. Have a wonderful weekend.
I love left overs – did as a kid – I think the flavors taste better!
Glad John is home again & you can have your special time!!!
OK – Pixie love – you know I have it!
Th snapdragon is beautiful!!!!
Those snapdragons are gorgeous! And good luck with all fish, all the time, next week ;).