I can’t believe July is almost over. Dog days of summer coming up. Since we didn’t ride a lot over the weekend, I decided to go for an early ride before breakfast.
You knew I had to sneak a peek of the driveway in there, didn’t you??
9 solo miles of road riding. It was feeling a bit sticky out, but at least it wasn’t super hot. I feel like I didn’t get a lot of riding done in July and I need to tally up my miles for tomorrow.
I made up some protein waffles and blueberries when I got home.
Broncos cup – preseason is almost here, yippee!!!
Trying to be back to 90/10 eating again. July was quite a wide pendulum swing for me. It seems like it was that way for a lot of people in blog land. What is it about summer that does that? It’s like the warm weather version of Thanksgiving through Christmas
Lunch was BBQ turkey on a potato. With berries.
I ended up eating a lot of fruit today. We bought a lot of fruit this weekend.
With my snack –
I actually had 3 clementines, but one was later on.
While I was busy working today, John did some crockpot cooking for dinner. My sister and niece had gone pheasant hunting and got a bunch, so they gave us a couple. Pheasants are small and pretty lean, so they require cooking in liquid like a braise. John used a marinade packet for this pheasant.
I think it cooked too long, as it was quite dry, I have to say. My sister warned us of that and she was right. Have any of you cooked pheasant? We have one more bird to go and could maybe use some more tips. I suppose wrapping it in bacon would work…
Quiet night tonight. Snack for later waiting and ready.
I’ll rinse and eat these right from the container so I don’t have to dirty a bowl. That means I need to eat all of them. Tough job, but someone has to do it.
I do have a bit more work to do and then need to start on Operation Clean Up on the house. We have been neglecterinos and things are piling up. That’s the exciting life we have here at Casa Radiance on a Monday!
The summer is flying by, it just doesn’t feel like it here in GA.
I don’t believe I’ve ever eaten pheasant, but I’ve eaten quail before. A friend told me that quail has to be cooked quickly so that the juices don’t evaporate. I wonder if that’s also true for pheasant?
I’ve lost track–are you parking on the shiny new driveway yet?
Maybe we will try something quicker for the other bird.
We had to stay off the driveway for 3 days. Now we can park on it, but we aren’t supposed to park in the same spot for a long time. I guess that is for the cure time of 6 months?? We don’t use the car every day, so we will have to remember to move it around.
My brother is a pheasant hunter and I know one of his tricks is to cook it in a wine sauce. Another is to cook it in cream of mushroom soup – kind of makes a mushroom gravy. He does use a slow cooker sometimes, but only for a couple of hours with the soup or wine sauce. Wrapping in bacon sounds good too! I think I could eat cardboard wrapped in bacon
Ive never eaten pheasant.
BUT any kind of bird meat fowl ANYTHING Ill try once.
I have never eaten pheasant so no help here.
The Clementines remind me of Autumn, here they are at there best in Winter and I don’t want to think about that yet
Pheasant is not a usual find in WI – never have I seen it anywhere. You could always throw it in the crockpot along with some veggies, herbs, and veggie broth or something? Good luck and let us know what you do with it.
I always feel a bit of melancholy at the end of July. At least in recent years, August weather has been so finicky that I’ve begun to feel that July is our ‘real’ summer month. I think too starting to see the Back to School sale signs in the stores reminds me that it’s slipping away.
I generally do really well with eating and exercise from March to November but this year I did not. Since that is unusual for me, I have no idea why it happened that way.
No pheasant eating here & don’t think I will try.
Yes, the summer has flown by – what happened! I am getting older too fast! Help!!!
Don’t think I’ve ever eaten pheasant. Taste like chicken?
Yes – it pretty much tastes like chicken. Just like very other meat out there LOL!
I’ve never eaten pheasant. I’d sure give it a go though! I love trying new things. Does it taste like chicken?
Yep, like chicken.
I am always kind of glad to see the Summer go. It is so hot here! Except for the traffic. I love Summer traffic in Dallas.
Can I get a recipe for the protein waffles?
Oops! Found the recipe on your site! Sorry!