It was a good weekend. We didn’t get in as much biking as we would have liked, but we did get in a nice ride. I also took more butterfly pictures. As if you didn’t see enough from Friday’s post! Today the monarch was sunning on the sedum.
My little Olympus does a good job. This was taken on super macro setting and I was about 4 inches away from him. Some day I want a DSLR, but with the other projects going on, that will have to wait.
Saturday ended up with rain and quite humid. after getting in a 4 mile walk before the rain came, we took the opportunity to do some window shopping and home improvement planning over coffee. John is in the market for new desk and I am looking for some type of storage cabinet for the bathroom. I am hoping to find something and reclaim it or refinish it. We stopped at a couple antique and new furniture stores.
This store has some fun stuff. Look at all these old prams!
They had some bikes, too, which would be fun to stick in the garden, but I need to find a beat up one for next to no money and not one sold in a store if I am going to shove it in the dirt
I didn’t find anything I wanted, but John has a list of several different desks to think about from a couple different stores.
We are going to be putting laminate in the downstairs of our house. We did the upstairs after we moved in and now we are ready to do the downstairs. John paid for the driveway and I am going to shell out the funds for the flooring. We have it down to 2:
The cherry one is nice, but the color doesn’t go as well with all of our stuff, so I think we we go with the lighter oak. I’ll be glad to get rid of this berber carpet! Hopefully we will get this started by the end of August. We have 3 rooms to do (and a piano to move… eeek!! ). Hopefully we can have it finished by the time we do our holiday dinner. I really have the home improvement bug again.
Sunday we decided to squeak in our ride in the morning. There was forecast for rain showers in the afternoon (which never happened), so we wanted to get it in early. It was a cloudy morning. First stop Coffee Planet.
This is about 6 miles from home.
I guess they were all decked out for the Olympics. They also had free little pins for everybody. Not sure what that was about, but they were little butterflies, so I had to have one and put it on my bike bag.
After breakfast, we decided to swing up to the lake. I was feeling slow. I have reduced the pressure in my tires and I think that was just making me too slow. I am going to go back to the 28 mm tires so I can pump them up more. Here was a stop along the way at about mile 11 or so. We just came down a hill after some climbs and my tummy was complaining about doing that when full.
Don’t you like how the telephone poles are right in the middle of the bike path? Not sure who designed that or what they were thinking.
Mile 15 and Lake George!
This sign is of a photo from 1912 when a train used to come right up next to the lake and drop off the wealthy people for their vacations Now it is just a road.
I have ridden on at least 3 of the tour boats on Lake George. That one in this picture is the Lac du Saint Sacrement and the one we had our anniversary brunch on last year.
The lake was not super busy because it was somewhat early.
It was a little hazy from humidity today. We didn’t stay long at the lake, just a bit of rest and then we headed back. Now the path was getting busy with a lot of people. Tons of bikers. When you leave the lake, there is a 2 mile climb back up. Right near the top, my chain fell off. Ugh. At least I didn’t fall over, but I was all ramped up to get to the top!
At the top, you end up by Magic Forest, which is a kid’s amusement park. Sorta cheesy.
That’s just in the parking lot, too.
I never knew Mighty Mouse rode an elephant, but there you go!
It was a fairly uneventful ride home and we didn’t stop the rest of the way home.
I spy a new driveway in the background!!!!
Almost 31 miles done by noon Short ride, but lots of hills.
No yogurt during the ride, but we did go out for it later
Coconut lime yogurt with toasted coconut! One of my faves.
Oh wow, this post’s pics brought back lots and lots of memories. We have some hilarious pictures taken with Uncle Sam and Santa in that parking lot. Next time we are there, maybe the four of us can take one of those boat rides.
That yogurt looks delicious! I love coconut even though my sister hates it.
Your photos are lovely as usual.
Love thecoffeecup planters atCoffee Planet! Nice ride.
I hope you find an old bike for your garden – that would look so cool!
That yogurt sounds so refreshing. I’ve never seen it offered out here. It sounds like a really nice weekend. Just the right amount of activities!
Great ride Lori, beautiful pics as usual.
I would go for the lighter laminate too, easier color to combine other things with.
ok so all that great post and Im wondering WAIT, BUTTERFLY PINS FOR THE OLYMPICS. I DONT GET IT?!
Hurray for home improvement projects! That light oak looks beautiful and I bet it will really brighten up the rooms to have such a light color.
Your camera does do a really nice job on pics. I keep thinking at some point I’ll need to upgrade mine…
Remembered something: as a biker you must have watched the men and women on the road race for the Olympics. We are so proud of our Marianne who won gold at the ladies yesterday. Can that girl bike or not
I always love seeing pics of your quaint area since it is nothing like that where I live – although I grew up back east in some smaller towns like this.. I miss this part of it but not the weather!
Lori – you & John amaze me with your home skills! I can barely do the laundry!
I have a friend in Florida who is all into the shabby chic look and she spent several Saturdays driving around to garage sales and ended up getting an old bike for $5 for her garden. If I can find the photo of it on her Facebook page I’ll email it to you.
Seems like you had halfway decent weather Sunday. We had both days of off and on thunderstorms and at times rain pouring so hard you couldn’t see across the street! I ended up reading and watching Downton Abbey.
I hope to get to where I can ride a bike for trips like this! Beautiful! (Of course, it won’t look like this in Texas.)
You certainly live in a gorgeous part of the world!!! EVEN with the giant Uncle Sam and the Santa. Guess Santa is a “snowbird” and spends his summers down in your neck of the woods when he’s not at the North Pole. Yes, that WAS silly…
Have a great day Lori!!!
Great job on getting the biking done before noon! I wish I was good at home improvement projects – when we bought our house 11 years ago my daughters room was just dark green – the walls, ceiling, baseboards – even her closet!
I tried painting it, thinking I could skip the bottom coat of paint, and ended up with a pea green puke color – um, let’s just say a professional had to step in to finish it. And I’ve never been allowed to paint another room since then!
You have such a gorgeous area to ride in. Here in central Florida it is too hot to be even outside! Any activities outdoors must be completed befor 10 am ! Love your photos, Lori.
Thank you!