Heat wave! This northern girl doesn’t like such heat and humidity. Not to mention what it does to my hair! One nice thing about really hot weather? The gym is empty. Not sure why because going into the air conditioned gym this morning was like a little slice of heaven.
Today was lower reps and higher weights for this set.
Exercise | Set/rep/weight |
1. Crunches on stability ball | 2 sets of 15 |
2. Complex: High Pull, Front Squat/Push Press, Back Squat, Good Morning | 4 sets of 8 each exercise with 20# bar |
3A. Deadlift | 4 sets of 5 with 95# bar |
3B. Dumbbell Overhead Press with rotation | 4 sets of 5 with 20# DBs |
3C. Single Leg Squat | 4 sets of 5 |
3D. Bent Over Row | 4 sets of 5 with 55# bar |
I would have set off the lunk alarm at Planet Fitness with the deadlifts by the 4th set. Good thing I don’t go there
It was already quite warm when I got back. I made up cold-brewed coffee for today. It takes a little forethought, but soooooooo much better than brewing coffee and putting ice in it or saving old coffee in the fridge. The night before, take 1 cup of ground coffee and put it in a container with 4 cups of water.
Stir well.
Stick in the fridge overnight and then filter it the next day. A french press would be faster. This is the most time consuming part because you have to wait for coffee to filter through. This is just the basket from our Bunn on top of the carafe. It works pretty well.
Voila – beautiful and flavorful cold-brewed coffee (with milk)!
I had made up some banana custard oats as well and let them sit out to get to room temp. I know it sounds gross, but I didn’t want hot oats and overnight refrigerator oats aren’t my thing.
Pixie is hiding from the heat.
Poor girl. I almost have a mind to take her to the groomer and get her shaved for the summer, but I don’t know how she would handle it. Our AC downstairs does okay, but it really only gets down to about 77 degrees since we just have the one for the whole downstairs. I don’t know how you Gulf states people can handle it.
Lunch time:
Loving the ground turkey again.
The day went pretty fast with work today. This whole week went fast. I took a break for an iced latte.
Hot or cold. Is there any way coffee is bad??
With the heat, I wanted a nice cool dinner. I had made up some blueberry topping and put it in a bowl with some Cascadian Farm Oh’s and greek yogurt.
This was awesome! Almost like a dessert
We need to wait until the sun goes down before walking for a little ice cream tonight. First up will be a movie. Anyone remember the old Hobbit cartoon from the late 1970s?
Memories. It’s not a 70’s feature without the guitar playing folk singer!
Hope you all are staying cool.
It has been really HH&H here too. The triple H is always deadly. Right now we are having a wicked storm though…if there wasn’t lightning I might be inclined to go out and let the water rain down on me.
The heat wave will be a little less tomorrow and hopefully broken by the weekend.
I like all your food today! Now I gotta decide if I want the turkey burger or the yogurt for dinner! And I love your instructions for cold brewed coffee. Cause I have an old cup of coffee over there that I am going to make iced coffee. But yours sounds so much better. I will try it tomorrow!
Not pictured is my pumpkin workout shake. That was good, too
The cold-brewed really is good. It’s easy, too, if you actually remember the night before.
I’m in one of my ‘cold foods’ phases, too. In fact, my dinner is GY with bananas and some sort of granola-y sprinkles on top.
I hear you on the deadlifts. One day last month I went over to the straight bar and found that someone had kindly left it set up with two 20# weights. I managed the first two sets but that last one was a killer. I didn’t too much about it because it was the end of the workout, but I probably would have set off the lunk alarm too! When I was unloading the bar, I discovered that those were 25# plates, not 20s. Oops. (Who knew there was so much difference b/t 85# and 95#?! LOL)
Happy Friday!
Took me about 5 minutes to figure out GY meant greek yogurt. I was thinking granola, GU gel, etc. LOL.
Two words: Central Air. And, you get used to it. Plus there’s that whole “no snow” thing. But I think just about everywhere has a trade off (except Maui – that is perfection!).
Your iced coffee/latte drinks look wonderful! And I have a dinner similar to yours quite often – it works quite nicely in hotter times.
Hope you do get back to your normal temps soon, though!
I don’t think I could get used to it. I hated the humidity when we lived in Illinois. I could do without most of the snow, but I don’t think I could give up fall. My favorite season!
Our heat wave was broken today, so it’s probably moving east–your way. It has been ghastly here, and I had five grandchildren at our house during the heat and humidity and storms! Hang in there–cooler weather is coming!
I love iced coffee. It is always amazing to me how different hot vs cold coffee tastes to me. They have the same ingredients- just different temps. Do you find this to be true too???
It is a different taste for sure.
I guess I’m the outcast when it comes to yogurt dinners. That does not sound appetizing to me in any way, shape, or form. I think I just don’t love yogurt that much but rather make myself eat it because it’s good for me.
I’m also a heat lover. LOVE. But of course I live near the ocean so maybe it doesn’t always get as hot as inland, though we’re in a 90+ degree heatwave right now. I will cop to wanting an air conditioner in the bedroom, which we have.
So now I need to know: what is the difference between an iced coffee with milk and and iced latte?
Iced Coffee and milk = coffee and milk
Iced Latte = espresso and milk. Has a more intense flavor since the brewing process is different for espresso.
Is there any way coffee is bad??
Try the decaf at any given truckstop, about 11:30 am. Then you will have an answer to your question.
The real question is… what are you doing at a truckstop at 11:30 am?
I think you got the NASTY heat/humidity we had here a few days ago. Yesterday it finally broke and dropped from 95 to 82. What a relief!
Curious – the ratio of coffee grounds to water is really high on iced coffee. Is that because the water doesn’t absorb the coffee as well when it’s cold?
Finally, do you have a list of what #s you were lifting when you first started New Rules? If so, do you ever go back and compare where you were when you started to now? I bet it would be really impressive!
Well, I do have that NROLW list. I had already been lifting before that, but just not so much with the barbell. Or at all with the barbell LOL. I should find those logs and check it out.
Coffee should always be done strong. Especially iced if you are going to put ice cubes in it. Most people don’t brew coffee strong enough. 1.5 to 2 tablespoons of grounds per cup of water.
I too hate heat with humidity. And that’s what we have here in Holland when it’s hot. In Italy it was hot but no humidity and I could handle it much better. Now that we’re back, it’s “cold” again with rain every now and then. Doesn’t look like it’s getting much better soon either.
I never make ice coffee myself but I do like it when I order it when I’m out.
Hang in there and hopefully temperatures drop a bit soon.
What is a heat wave?
We haven’t had hot in Finland yet. Today we celebrate the Midsummer Night’s Eve in Finland. At least it’s sunny and warm at the moment, not pouring rain or someting.
UG…I feel your pain Lori. When it gets hot and humid like that, its hard not to ‘wilt’. And poor little Pixie!!! I agree that hot or cold, coffee is always good! Hope the wave breaks for you VERY soon!!! (sending waves so it feels like a fan!
Everyone around here feels pretty guilty complaining about the heat given the winters we endure. But I’m with you – hate extremes!
I don’t remember the Hobbit cartoon? But I did read the first book and loved it!
PIXIE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Her sleep too!
That iced coffee looks divine! We have been lucky hear in southern CA & have had really mild & pleasant temps although not sure the tourists like since they want the beach to be warmer!
Always love your workouts! I love dead lifts & well – just love the weights!
Was there a Hobbit cartoon??? I read all the books & so loved them! I was always looking back to the map! Mt memory was bad back then too!
I like iced coffee, but I really loved your garden pix. Our day lilies are just about done and the deer are “harvesting” all the buds from the hosta. Loved the glimpse of your butterfly weed (orange, asclelpia?). I have a similar one, but only 2 of the normal 11 sprigs came up this year.
Interesting on cold brewing coffee. I’ll have to try that. Thanks for sharing! We still like our hot coffee in the morning, no matter the temp outside!
The iced coffee sounds yummy! We had a hot muggy weekend here…whew!