Sounds like a lot of you had nice weekends! We actually were going to go to a free orchestra concert yesterday, but when we got there, the only way we could be seated would be to sit apart, which is not what we wanted. So, we went out for coffee instead. I said to John that the next time, we need to go bowling. Or start putting in new flooring…
I can’t believe a new week is here already.
The day started with a 1-minute muffin/waffle with blueberries.
Funny how I noticed how clean the cupboards were after I scrubbed them down yesterday. I have to say that I like my Scrub and No Chub diet. I think I might get the house extra clean now. Not that it is a sty or anything, but there are things that get put off, like cleaning the baseboards and wiping down picture frames and knickknacks. That really boring stuff that nobody notices (or I hope they don’t! )
Speaking of noticing things, I do note that one of my old habits had come back pretty hard, which is the snacking while preparing meals. I really noticed that a year or so ago when I was reading the book Savor and it talked about habit energy. Well, that snacking while preparing food became a habit again sucking up a lot of energy! The urge to snack was very noticeable while I was making lunch.
I have been using my crutch again:
No, it’s not your eyes – blurry photo, sorry!
As I said before, I would rather pop 10 calories of mints than 200 calories of chips/nuts. Good thing I bought a case of 6 of these, too!
I had a mid morning planned snack of a protein drink, but I was still quite ready for lunch.
That is a mix of green and yellow beans plus carrots that I sauteed before tucking them in this omelet (which laughing cow on top). In retrospect, I should have just left the veggies on the side because I picked them all out and ate them, then ate the egg and cheese part. I don’t think beans and carrots really go well in an omelet. Live and learn.
Work was surprisingly steady for a Monday. I was ready for the afternoon break. I had half of a Zone bar with my latte today.
I’ve been trying to cut down on sweet stuff and doing pretty well at that, but I needed a few more calories with this latte and didn’t want more fruit. The Zone bar does give some protein with it.
It was 45 degrees today, so I took a power walk before dinner. I checked the ground to see if tulips were sprouting, but they aren’t. Good thing because it is too early.
Dinner was a simple affair. Chicken thigh!
With fresh pineapple. I never thought I liked pineapple because I had only ever had canned or in one of those sickly fruit cocktails with the nasty maraschino cherry in them (I hate cherries, my apologies if anyone likes the fruit cocktail!). It wasn’t until I was older and had the fresh stuff that I realized how really, really good it is!
So, if it takes 21 days to break a habit, I have about 16 more to go since I had my last snack fest. It’s getting easier every day.
I have my evening snack portioned out for later:
I got these because the mix is fun and also because I can sometimes have what I will call issues with cashews. Decided not to have that road available to even travel and got these instead.
Now to listen to John while he is playing the piano – one of my favorites: Sunken Cathedral by Debussy!
10 calories of mints is way better than 200 on snacks…I agree with that.
Got my book today…NROLFW! Whhhheeeeee!!! Look out weights, I am coming for you.
The nuts look great…tasty snack…plus you have free entertainment…what a great night!
You’ll be doing chins in no time!
I’m with you on the Debussy piece!!! Go John!!!
I have ‘issues’ with almost all nuts except almonds. Your latte looks extra foamy today. You know, I have not had Luna bars forever, and a week or so ago I let myself have one. I swear it was like a candy bar, only better! I am going to let myself have one once in a while for a treat. Better than indulging in the candy or cookies.
I love fresh pineapple too. Haven’t been able to get one at a decent price around here lately.
Good job on the snack elimination. Those snacks can add up to a lot of calories.
The latte did get extra foamy. We switched back to 1% milk from 2%. The less fat, the more foamy they get. Skim milk foams like nobody’s business!
What a great idea to pop a mint rather than snack!
your nuts remins me that I should get some in too… have not been able to lay my hands on them yet!!!
the snacking habit once won will eliminate a lot of unnecessary and unintended calories…and oh boy!! Snacking while cooking!!! I even snack when measuring out my portions…..
GMTA – I sliced up a fresh pineapple today, and I haven’t had one in a long time. So tasty!
Good reminder about the mints during food prep. Anything that helps, right?
I’ll take fresh pineapple always over the canned ones. I have one in my kitchen right now because I need it at our dinner tonight. It’s a bit of work to clean it but it’s definitely worth it.
Smart to use the mints instead of snacking on other things. I do have problems with snacking every now and then but strangely enough I never do it when I’m cooking.
Fran, you should go through Shelley’s archives and watch her video on how to prepare a pineapple. I swear she makes it look so easy!
I hadn’t realized it until you posted about it earlier, but meal prep is the one time I don’t snack. Perhaps I should get a job as a chef! LOL
I’ve promised myself fresh pineapple for next weekend, when I’ll have three days at home. Just like candy!
I have “issues” with the dark chocolate covered cashews in the bulk bins. I’ve stopped walking down that aisle to help with temptation.
You do such a good job with your veggies. I need to work on getting more in. Somedays I won’t even have a single serving! Need to get back on that.
I can have issues with nuts too. I swear I could eat a 10oz. can at a time, no problem!
When I looked at your omelette my first thought was that I would have put those veggies on the side
My house is also in desperate need of a deep cleaning. I think what happens is that by the time I finish with the regular housework I am just tired of cleaning and don’t want to do those extras.
Way to go with the no snacking. I find if I don’t have the sugary stuff I’m not as snacky. But I can’t say I think I could go without something every now and then forever. I find myself having to many nuts at times myself, can’t say there’s a particular one though that is worse than others. Way to go on the kitchen deep clean.
It is amazing how quick calories can add up. People don’t realize – I know you know it Lori but others are very surprised. I did a post along time ago on how many calories just picking at food adds up to & then converted that into pounds – a rude awakening for many!
Love to hear John play with you!
I resort to gum-chewing to keep me from putting food in my mouth! And I bought Laughing Cow (light garlic and herb, I think) because of you today! I’ve never had it before, but I figured it would be great on some Wasa Crisp for a snack. I also bought a parsnip and some yellow squash. I’m broadening my horizons! That’ll help off-set the Nutella!
ooooh Id forgotten how I used to love dipping my Zone Bar in hothot coffee!